One Special Moment. Brenda Jackson
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Название: One Special Moment

Автор: Brenda Jackson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Madaris Family Saga

isbn: 9781472019028


СКАЧАТЬ enough to rush into marriage.”

      “The reason I'll be courting the media is because I don't want my child growing up with the circumstances surrounding his birth an issue. Neither do I want there to be any speculation about why you and I got married. As far as your brother is concerned, it'll be up to you to convince him our marriage is a match made in heaven,” Sterling said calmly.

      Colby got out of her seat and began pacing again. Moments later she turned to Sterling. “I can't do it.”

      He came from the window to stand before her. “Yes, you can. You love your brother too much to let him lose everything he's worked hard for. You will make the ultimate sacrifice to help him.”

      “James would turn the company over to Morton Industries on a silver platter before he'd let me do what you're suggesting.”

      “Are you willing to let him do that? I really don't think you are.”

      Colby's head began spinning. Things were moving too fast. “I need time to think.”

      Sterling shrugged. “I wish I could tell you to take all the time you need, but I can't. I want your decision as soon as possible, preferably in the morning over breakfast. If you decide to go along with this, you should make plans to stay in California a few more days so Edward can modify the contract.”

      He pointed to the papers he had left on the sofa. “I'm leaving those for you to take a look at. Maybe then you'll understand the seriousness of the possibility of your brother losing his company.”

      He eyed Colby closely, seeing her look of anger and frustration. “Giving up your child won't be the end of the world. No doubt you'll remarry one day and have other children.”

      Colby didn't make a reply to his statement. What was the need? He actually believed what he was saying. How could anyone think one child could possibly replace another?

      She took a deep breath. “I'll give you my decision in the morning. How can I reach you?”

      “Didn't you know?” he asked as his mouth curved in a lazy grin. “I'm in the adjoining suite.” He walked over to the connecting door. “Although I have a home in Malibu, I prefer staying at this hotel whenever I'm in town and have important business to take care of.”

      His smile widened. “And you are important business. I'll see in the morning, Colby.”

      She watched as the door closed behind him. Then she walked to the door and locked it. Feeling monumentally drained, Colby went over to the sofa, curled up in the corner and began reading the documents Sterling had left. A few hours later, she was still curled on the sofa. The impact of everything was seeping through her mind and her heart.

      Then she went into the bedroom and began getting ready for bed. She drifted off to sleep still uncertain as to what she would do.

      Chapter 4

      Colby dragged herself out of bed the next morning after having endured a sleepless night. The report Sterling had left clearly indicated Morton Industries was strategically planning a hostile takeover attempt of Wingate Cosmetics. And with Cynthia's at-risk pregnancy, a potential loss of the company was the last thing that her brother needed to deal with.

      She felt the need for a hot shower to relax her. After checking to make sure the lock on the connecting door was still securely in place, she went into the bathroom.

      During her shower she decided to go downstairs to the dining room for something to eat. Sterling had indicated he wanted the two of them to get together for breakfast, but he was the last person she wanted to see. Hopefully, he was still in his room sleeping.

      Moving quickly, she got dressed in record time. Grabbing her purse, she was about to leave the room when there was a knock at her door.

      “Please don't let it be him,” she said under her breath. She slowly walked to the door. “Yes?”

      “Ms. Wingate, it's Edward Stewart.”

      A quick glance through the peephole confirmed Mr. Stewart's identity. She was relieved it wasn't Sterling, but curious as to why his attorney would be paying her a visit before eight in the morning. She opened the door with a quizzical expression on her face.

      “Mr. Stewart, this is a surprise. I hadn't expected to—”

      “Ever see me again,” he interrupted. He managed a smile as he looked at her. “I can understand your surprise but it's no greater than my own.”

      Colby raised a brow, but before she could respond, Edward Stewart continued. “Sterling had an unexpected appointment this morning. He called and asked me to be your escort to breakfast.”

      Colby couldn't help but grin at something so absurd. “My escort?”

      Edward Stewart nodded and grinned back. “Yes, and it appears I'm just in time. You were about to leave.”

      She shook her head. “I don't need an escort, and I don't know why Mr. Hamilton would think I would.”

      “Neither do I, but let's just humor him, shall we?”

      Colby frowned. “I'm in no mood to humor Sterling Hamilton. The man is despicable.”

      Edward Stewart's laugher was not what Colby had expected. She allowed time for his amusement to subside before asking, “Did I say something funny?”

      A rueful smile touched his lips. “I apologize for my outburst, Ms. Wingate, but you're so unlike the women who're usually around Sterling. I find your candidness refreshing. I don't know too many women who think Sterling Hamilton is despicable. Most of them think he's the best thing since the banana split.”

      Colby raised her eyes toward the ceiling. She knew that, unfortunately, Cynthia was one of those women. “Then that explains why Sterling and I can't get along.”

      At Edward Stewart's confused expression she added, “I'm allergic to bananas.”

      Colby shook her head when the man burst out laughing again. To her way of thinking, it didn't take much to amuse him.

      “My dear, you must join me for breakfast. If you don't do it to humor Sterling then do it to humor me. I'd love your company.”

      Colby hesitated for a second then said, “In that case, it will be my pleasure.”

      Moments later they entered the hotel's elegant dining room and were given a table near a window with a scenic view of Sunset Boulevard. After Colby accepted the menu from the waiter, she looked out the window and was amazed at the number of Mercedeses and Jaguars that went by.

      “Coffee, Ms. Wingate?” Edward Stewart asked.

      Colby turned to him. “Yes.”

      After the waiter poured their coffee and left to give them time to look over the menu, Edward Stewart shook his head, chuckling. “After you left my office yesterday, it took me a good twenty minutes to calm Sterling down.”

      “He was that mad, huh?” she asked, smiling, getting a little satisfaction in knowing she'd been the cause of Sterling Hamilton's anger.

      “No, СКАЧАТЬ