One Special Moment. Brenda Jackson
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Название: One Special Moment

Автор: Brenda Jackson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Madaris Family Saga

isbn: 9781472019028


СКАЧАТЬ is a top-notch player on the New York Stock Exchange. He handles most of my investments and is known to have inside information about a lot of things.”

      Shakily, Colby reached out to steady herself by grasping the arms of the huge chair she was sitting in. “But why? How?”

      Sterling watched her reaction to the information. “Correct me if I'm wrong but according to my sources, Morton Industries released your brother from their employment several years ago when he failed to divulge the ingredients of a certain perfume he had created. I gather they liked the fragrance and wanted him to sign over the rights to them.”

      Colby sighed. “Yes,” she replied softly. “He created it as a present for my eighteenth birthday and named it after me. It's called Colby. I'm the only woman who wears it.”

      He nodded and inhaled the tantalizing aroma of her. It was a subtle but extremely potent scent. There was something about it that was totally alluring. He was familiar with various feminine fragrances, but somehow the one Colby wore seemed unique and exclusively hers. He couldn't imagine the scent on any other woman.

      “What your brother may not have known is that he did exactly what they expected him to do by going into business for himself. They sat back and waited patiently for him to make it into a lucrative company. Now they're ready to take things over.”

      Colby gasped. “You can't mean that.”

      “Yes, I do. I doubt your brother is aware of it, but Morton's about ready to file with the SEC. It's only a matter of time before their intentions are made public. Then it will be virtually impossible for him to do anything about it. If they're successful, they will gain complete control of Wingate Cosmetics. If the perfume Colby is registered with the company, regardless of the fact it is not being publicly marketed for sale, it will become the property of Morton Industries. And I have a feeling nothing will please them more than to put it on the market. Also, this new creation of your brother's, the one you called Awesome, will fall into their hands.”

      “I can't let that happen.”

      Sterling met her gaze. “You can't stop them.”

      Colby stood quickly to face him. “But you don't understand. I have to do something. Everything James's ever owned is tied to that company, his life savings, his heart and his soul. He's worked so hard to make it a success. He and his wife are expecting their first child and the pregnancy is a risky one. It's not fair that Morton Industries can just come in and reap the benefits of his hard work.”

      Sterling witnessed her outburst. The anger she was feeling was openly expressed in her features.

      “It's not fair,” she said. “It's just not fair, and I won't let them do it.”

      “And just how do you plan to stop them?”

      Colby slumped back down in her seat knowing she didn't have a clue. “I don't know, but I'm going to call James immediately. He'll think of something.”

      “It's too late. The wheels are already in motion. There's nothing he can do.”

      Colby frowned. “How can you say that? It's his company.”

      “Not for long. Anytime a company goes public with stock options something like this can happen. Especially if the company is doing well financially. And according to this,” Sterling said, spreading out a financial report on the table in front of them, “Wingate Cosmetics is doing rather well. Your brother should be proud of what he's accomplished.”

      Colby appreciated his compliment of her brother's hard work. “It wasn't easy for him. He works hard and long hours,” she said softly, thinking back to how his marriage had nearly suffered because of it.

      Then she looked at Sterling for a long, taut moment before speaking again. “I would like to know how you got this?” she asked, indicating the financial statement spread out on the table.

      “The financial position of any company is a matter of public record.”

      “Are you saying James should have anticipated this takeover attempt by Morton Industries?”

      “No,” he said calmly. “It appears Morton Industries' planned acquisition of Wingate Cosmetics was a calculated move on their part. I believe their reasons for wanting it are both business and personal. Your brother didn't leave on the best of terms. He was their top chemist and had created quite a number of successful products for them. Homer Morton took it as an act of betrayal when he left to form his own company.”

      Colby lifted a brow as she sat curled up in the chair. “And just how do you know all of that?”

      A tiny corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I have ways of finding out anything I want to know.”

      She stood and began pacing the room. After a while, she turned toward Sterling. “And you're absolutely sure about all of this?”

      Sterling eased out of his seat and came to stand before her. “It's all there in the report. I suggest you read it for yourself. So far, Morton Industries has acquired the minimum amount of outstanding stock they need before filing with the SEC. Since it appears they'll be doing a filing relatively soon, I can only assume their plan is to start going after a vast quantity of shares of Wingate's stock available on the open market. All Morton needs is enough stock to give them control of your brother's company.”

      Colby turned and walked to the window. She stood there stunned for several minutes and felt moisture gathering in her eyes. This couldn't be happening, she thought. She closed her eyes briefly, hoping that when she reopened them, the events of today would have been a dream. She wanted to open her eyes and find herself back in Virginia, in her classroom taking care of her rowdy third-grade bunch. But when she reopened her eyes, that was not the case.

      Sterling sat down and watched Colby. He knew she was upset. The anger and hurt had been obvious in her expression before she had walked over to the window. And he was perceptive enough to know she was crying. For some reason that bothered him, and he was surprised by the protective feelings she'd awakened in him. They were feelings he wasn't used to. He wanted to go to her and comfort her.

      In one swift movement he stood and walked over to where she was standing. Turning her to face him, he gathered her into his arms, enfolding her in the firmness of his form to absorb her trembling body.

      “Your brother means a lot to you, doesn't he?” he asked her softly.

      She nodded, then tearfully told him why James meant so much to her and the sacrifices he had made throughout his life for her.

      “Shhh, Colby,” Sterling whispered in her ear. “Maybe there is a way you can help your brother.”

      Colby's body was stiff and unyielding for a moment, before she drew in a deep, unsteady breath. She raised tear-stained eyes to him. “How?” she asked brokenly.

      “Come sit down with me and we'll talk about it.”

      Colby allowed him to lead her to the sofa and sit her down close to him.

      “If you'll agree to have my baby, I'll provide your brother with whatever financial backing he needs to keep his company. And I'll do whatever endorsements are needed to ensure the success of his newest creation.”

      Colby stiffened and pulled herself out of the comfort of his arms. She СКАЧАТЬ