New Year, New Man. Natalie Anderson
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Название: New Year, New Man

Автор: Natalie Anderson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request

isbn: 9781474081344


СКАЧАТЬ followed Claire into the kitchen at the ranch three hours later. Three of the longest hours of her recent life. She was on edge down to her teeth after the tense ride back from Denver.

      Claire had spent the entire time with her earbuds shoved in her ears, heaving dramatic sighs from the backseat as she furiously texted on her phone. Josh had turned the music loud, not the lulling country tunes from the morning but a pounding heavy-metal station that had only served to intensify Sara’s headache.

      She’d leaned her head against the cool window glass and tried to tune out everything around her. It was a trick she’d learned as a girl on set, the ability to ignore the world and crawl into her own internal life.

      But with Josh’s hulking presence next to her, it felt like all her other senses became more attuned to him when she closed her eyes. His clean, male scent. The hot tension curling from him. She could even sense the pattern of his breathing and wasn’t surprised when she opened her eyes to see that his chest rose and fell at the same rate hers did.

      Although the words he’d spoken were the truth, he’d hurt her feelings. Still, she wanted to reach out and comfort him. He was a bumbling bull in a china shop when it came to Claire, but at least he cared. That was more than Sara had ever gotten from either of her parents, and she knew how much it mattered.

      She also knew, because April continually reminded her, that she was a sucker for lost causes. Maybe it was because her secret dream had always been that someone would care enough to rescue her. She gave the best parts of herself to people who couldn’t return the emotion. Part of her fresh start, her second chance, had been the opportunity to finally take care of herself. To make herself whole and right so she could move forward with her dreams. If she let herself get too involved with Josh and Claire, all her careful plans could slip through her fingers.

      She might, once again, be left with nothing.

      Regardless, she couldn’t stand to see either of them in this kind of pain.

      “He didn’t mean to hurt you,” she said to Claire’s back as the girl grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

      April walked in from the family room. “How was the shopping trip? Do I get a fashion show tonight?”

      Claire slammed shut the fridge door and whirled. “I’d like to burn every single piece of clothing my jerk of a dad bought today.” She swiped at her cheeks, her desperate gaze swinging between Sara and April. “He’s wrong, you know. My mom loves me. She’s busy, but she loves me.”

      “I know, honey,” Sara answered. “He knows it, too. You scared him in that dress.”

      “I looked scary?” Claire’s voice rose to a squeak.

      Sara pressed her palm to the girl’s face, smoothing away a tear. “You looked gorgeous and grown-up. That’s the scariest thing a father can face. It makes them a little crazy.”

      “A crazy jerk,” Claire mumbled.

      A door slammed at the front of the house. Claire looked around wildly. “I don’t want to see his friends tonight. I don’t want to see anyone.”

      Sara glanced at April. “Are you making dinner?”

      “Everyone is going into town. Ryan made reservations.”

      “Ryan is entertaining a group of cowboys?”

      April nodded. “He stopped by earlier, looking for you. He’s adamant that you be there, too. For moral support.”

      “I’m staying here if Claire wants company.”

      April stepped forward. “I’ll keep Claire company.” She smiled. “I made chicken soup and an apple crisp earlier. I happen to know there’s a Jane Austen marathon tonight. Emma and Sense and Sensibility, two of my favorites. Does that sound okay, Claire?”

      The girl nodded then gave a tiny hiccup. “I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be down when everyone else is gone.”

      She gave Sara a quick hug. “I had a good time with you. Sorry Dad ruined it for both of us.”

      “I enjoyed the day, no matter what.”

      “I’ll get fresh towels for you,” April said, and took Claire’s hand, leading her up the back stairs.

      Sara braced her hands on the counter and leaned forward, dropping her head to stretch out some of the tension in her neck.

      “Now I ruined the whole day?”

      She looked up as Josh filled the doorway leading to the front hall. His broad shoulders looked as tense as hers felt.

      “You need to apologize,” she answered.

      “To Claire or to you?” He crossed his arms over his chest, his dark eyes unreadable in the shadows of the soft evening light.

      “I’m not important here.” She straightened, wiping an imaginary crumb from the counter. “Your daughter is.”

      “You’re important to me,” he said quietly.

      “Don’t do that, Josh.”

      “Do what?”


      He took a step forward at the same moment the back door of the house burst open.

      “Come on, you two,” Ryan said. “I’ve got the masses corralled into the Suburban. We need to make it to town before the poor vehicle implodes from the force of all that testosterone.”

      Sara saw his eyebrows raise as he studied both Josh and her. “Whatever’s going on here can only be helped by a drink and some food. Let’s go.”

      Before she could argue, Ryan took her hand and pulled her out into the night.

      * * *

      Josh emptied his second beer and set it on the table. He looked down to where Sara sat, Manny and Noah on either side of her. He made eye contact with the waitress and lifted his finger to order another round.

      “Rough day with the girls?” Dave asked from his seat next to him.

      “I’d rather spend an hour in the ring with the orneriest bull you can find than another minute shopping.”

      “Amen to that,” his friend agreed. “But I sure do like the results.”

      Josh followed Dave’s gaze to where Brandy did a quick two-step with young Bryson on the dance floor. She wore a short skirt and a colorful blouse that flowed as she spun to the music. “How do you two make it look so easy?” he grumbled.

      “I’m smarter than you,” his friend told him sagely. “I keep my mouth shut unless I’m giving her a compliment.”

      Josh’s laugh turned into a coughing fit as Noah leaned in close to whisper in Sara’s ear.

      He started to stand but Dave cuffed him on the shoulder. “He’s doing it to get a rise out of you.”