Rags To Riches Collection. Rebecca Winters
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СКАЧАТЬ sang that he should go back to bed.

      He should. He needed to be up early in the morning—as usual—but he found he didn’t want to. He found the sight of Nicola in her nightie, rocking his child to sleep, amazingly comforting...and undeniably erotic. It struck him as unbelievably tantalising when he realised how thin her nightdress was, and how he could almost make out her entire shape beneath it.

      His nanny was all woman and pure temptation. When she leant over the cot his breath caught at the free sway of her breasts. He could imagine the weight of them in his hands, he could imagine burying his face in them and the way she would arch against him and—

      ‘Cade, go to bed. Holly is sleeping now. I’m sorry we woke you.’

      She’d settled Holly with a minimum of fuss. She was great with her. She was great with both his daughters.

      ‘Can we talk?’ The question shot out of him before he realised he’d meant to ask it. But after a moment’s thought he didn’t regret it. Not one little bit. He pushed his shoulders back.

      ‘Cade, it’s one o’clock in the morning.’


      ‘This is not a good time for us to talk.’ She swallowed. ‘It’s not a good time for us to be alone.’

      When she went to ease past him, he used his body to trap her against the doorframe. His chest touched her chest and he could feel the way her breath caught and her nipples peaked. His groin hardened in instant response. He prayed she’d stay.

      With a shuddering breath, she pushed him away. ‘In the morning, Cade. We’ll talk then,’ she choked out, and then she fled down the hallway to her own room.

      His hand curled to a fist. He rested his forehead against the doorframe and bit back a curse. That hadn’t been the smartest move he’d ever made. He’d promised he would just be a good friend, but...

      But the moment he saw her all good intentions flew out of his head. He’d better get his damn hormones back under control by morning, though, because he and Nicola were going to have a talk. And he meant to keep it completely professional.

      He pushed away from the door and headed for his en suite bathroom. He needed a cold shower.

      * * *

      Breakfast the next morning was hell. Every time Nicola’s mouth closed about her toast or touched the rim of her mug, his body reacted with the memory of those lips on his flesh and the fire they could send shooting through his veins.

      When she reached for the strawberry jam, he shot to his feet. ‘When you’re done here, could you come to my study?’

      She blinked at his abruptness. ‘Yes, of course.’

      Professional, level-headed, he schooled himself as he strode away. He wanted Nicola to stay at Waminda Downs permanently and he had to outline to her in as attractive a way as possible all the reasons why that was a good idea. Hormones would not help him there.

      Less than ten minutes later she appeared in his study doorway. He motioned for her to take the seat across the desk from him. He did his best not to notice the soft plumpness of her lips and to close his mind to the scent of strawberry jam. It wasn’t easy, especially as some time during the last few weeks she’d started wearing clothes that accentuated her stunning figure rather than hide it, clothes that highlighted the colour of her hair and eyes and made her skin glow. He gritted his teeth.

      ‘You wanted to talk to me?’ she prompted.

      He kicked himself into gear. ‘Nicola, I want you to consider taking on the role of Ella and Holly’s nanny full-time. Both of them adore you and you’ve fitted in so well at Waminda Downs. Having you here has made me realise that we do, in fact, need a full-time nanny.’

      It wasn’t fair to ask Harry to take on so much of the child-minding duties on top of all her other chores. Having Nicola here had freed up both him and Harry. He couldn’t deny he’d enjoyed the opportunity to work around the station more these last few weeks—had rediscovered his love for a good day’s work.

      ‘I believe you’re right and you do need a full-time nanny, but, Cade, although I’m touched you asked me first, the answer is no.’

      His head snapped back. For a moment he couldn’t speak. ‘But...but you haven’t even taken the time to consider it yet.’ His mouth opened and closed. He fought a scowl. ‘I thought you liked it here. I thought you loved Holly and Ella.’

      ‘I adore them!’ She leaned forward. ‘And I have enjoyed it here, but I made it clear from the first that this was a time-out for me and not a permanent venture.’

      His hands clenched. ‘Why can’t you reconsider all that now—?’

      ‘I love my job as a schoolteacher.’ She sat back. ‘I’ve worked hard to get where I am. Becoming a nanny would not be making the best use of my skills. It would, in fact, be a demotion.’

      ‘I can afford to pay you your current salary.’ Plus more.

      ‘It’s not about the money, Cade!’ Her eyes suddenly spat fire. ‘Look, I have no intention of burying myself out here as if I’m afraid to return home, as if I can’t hold my head up and meet anyone’s eyes square-on.’

      She wouldn’t even take a few days to think about his offer? He slashed a hand through the air. She was perfect for his daughters. And they were perfect for her. If only she’d see it. ‘That’s just misplaced pride!’

      ‘No, it’s not.’ Her eyes didn’t flash fire any more. She looked cool. Too cool. ‘Besides, it’s sensible. Down the track, I want to marry and have children of my own. Who am I going to meet out here?’

      The thought of another man kissing those luscious lips fired him with an anger he knew he had no right to feel. An unreasonable, unholy anger. He bit back the torrent that clawed at his throat. Think. Think! It would be in everyone’s best interests if she stayed.

      She wanted to be a mother.

      He wanted a mother for his children.

      He shot to his feet. ‘Then marry me, Nicola. That way we can both have what we want.’

      * * *

      Nicola recoiled from Cade and his outrageous suggestion.

      He strode around the desk. She shot to her feet but he caught her hand before she could back away.

      ‘Think about it,’ he urged in that silky voice that could tempt a saint.

      She had thought about it! The life here—her soul craved it. It seemed perfect.


      He didn’t love her. And she wasn’t sure if she loved him. Lust wasn’t love. Nor was a desire for a family. She would not be weak and stupid, as she had been with Brad. She meant to be very sure of her reasons the next time she decided to marry.

      If there is a next time, Nicola Ann. At your age there certainly aren’t any guarantees.

      She swallowed.