By Request Collection April-June 2016. Оливия Гейтс
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СКАЧАТЬ would be the Kandahar Riviera,” Chase said, his dimples flashing.

      Tenley turned to him in surprise. “They have a Riviera over here?”

      “No, Tenley, they don’t,” Kate said patiently. “What you’re smelling is the waste-treatment facility.”

      Her sister made a gagging noise. “It smells like rotten onions. Do the poor soldiers who live here have to breathe that? I know this isn’t the States, but surely we can provide them with clean air?”

      “You get used to it,” Chase said blandly. “Why don’t I grab your luggage?”

      “Okay, let’s just go back to the housing unit so you can shower and eat and get some rest before tonight.”

      “What do you mean, tonight?” Tenley squeaked, a look of panic flitting across her face. “Please tell me I am not required to perform tonight. There’s no way I can be ready to give a performance so soon!”

      “Shh,” Kate said soothingly, taking Tenley’s guitar case from her and leading her toward the Humvee. “It’s just one or two songs, not even a full set. Every group is performing tonight, just to get the troops in the mood.”

      “Are you sure they want me to?” Tenley asked, her voice anxious. “I think I heard a few soldiers booing me as I came off the plane. Why would they boo me?”

      “Why do you think?” Kate asked calmly, putting her arm around Tenley’s shoulders. “You insulted them. But that’s why you’re here—to show them that you didn’t really mean what you said. Right?”

      Tenley made a sound of distress. “I did mean what I said, just not toward all military. Just the ones who shipped Doug off.”

      Kate knew that if her sister ever discovered that she had been the one responsible for having Doug shipped overseas after their forced annulment, Tenley would never forgive her. She glanced over her shoulder to see Chase easily dismantling a pile of luggage in his search for Tenley’s pink duffel bag. “So, listen … I told Major Rawlins that we’re sisters …” She let her voice trail off.

      Tenley pulled back to look at her. “You did?” Her voice registered her surprise. “I mean, that’s great! If it were up to me, I’d tell everyone we’re sisters, but I know you think it’s better for my career if nobody knows we’re related.”

      Kate nodded. “Right. But I’m not worried that Major Rawlins is going to alert the media.”

      Chase caught up with them, carrying an enormous pink duffel in one hand. He put it into the back of the Humvee and opened the door for Tenley and Kate.

      “Wait,” Tenley said, and glanced back toward the flight line. “What about the band members?”

      “The USO is taking care of them,” Kate assured her. “See? If you look over there, you’ll see them getting on a USO bus. We’ll have dinner with them later today.”

      Tenley looked in the direction Kate pointed, and a slight shudder ran through her slender frame. “Is that bus safe?”

      “Don’t worry,” Kate said soothingly. “They’re perfectly safe, and they only have a few miles to travel. In fact, we won’t be too far from where they are. We have our own little trailer, just the two of us. Nice, right?”

      “Absolutely,” Tenley agreed, dragging her attention away from the bus and sliding into the Humvee. “I’m looking forward to it.”

      Chase held the door for Kate, and when their eyes met, he gave her a meaningful look. She wanted to kiss him for being so patient, but could only mouth the words thank you as she climbed in beside Tenley. He gave a philosophical shrug and a wink, and then closed the door firmly behind her before sliding into the front passenger seat.

      “Oh, my God,” Tenley moaned when they were underway. “I am so tired. How long before we’re at our trailer?”

      “We’ll be there in less than fifteen minutes,” Chase said over his shoulder.

      But Tenley wasn’t listening. She had pulled an iPhone out of her bag and was holding it at different angles, trying to get a signal.

      “Don’t even bother,” Kate said drily. “There’s no cell phone reception over here. Just put it away.”

      Tenley stared at Kate in disbelief. “Really?”

      “Why don’t you think of this as a little technology vacation?” Kate suggested, smiling. “You don’t need to worry about any of that while you’re here.”

      “Mmm, you’re probably right. You always are. Ooh, my feet hurt.” Tenley turned sideways on the seat, lifted her legs and plunked her feet in Kate’s lap. “Take my boots off, Katie. I need a foot rub.”

      Giving Tenley foot massages was something that Kate had always done, but usually only after a performance, when her sister had been on her feet for several hours. She laughed. “Really? You want me to give you a foot rub right now?”

      “Please?” Tenley stuck out her lower lip and gave Kate her sad-puppy face. “Pretty please?”

      Kate sighed, acutely aware of Chase in the front seat, listening to everything. What must he think of Tenley, and of her for that matter?

      “Fine,” she relented. Grasping one boot by the toe and heel, she gave it a firm tug. “Pull, Tenley.”

      The boot came free, and Tenley wiggled her toes in bliss.

      “Oh, that feels so good. Now the other one.”

      Kate dropped the boots on the floor and waved a hand under her nose. “Oh, man, are you sure about this? Your feet are …” She lowered her voice. “… sweaty.”

      “Sorry,” Tenley said, sounding anything but. She waggled her toes in anticipation.

      Taking a deep breath, Kate grasped her sister’s foot and began to massage it, digging her thumbs into the arch until Tenley moaned with pleasure. “Oh, that feels so good! Oh, yes, harder. Deeper!”

      In the rearview mirror, Kate saw the driver watching them, his eyes alight with masculine interest.

      “Tenley,” Kate admonished with an embarrassed laugh. “Keep it down.” Glancing at the two men in the front seat, she dropped her voice to a whisper. “You sound like you’re having an orgasm!”

      “Right now, I’ll take this over any orgasm,” Tenley moaned, making no effort to lower her voice. “Any man would be lucky to have you, Kate, just for your foot massages.”

      Chase twisted in his seat until he met Kate’s eyes, and she could see the amusement lurking in the green depths.

      “Okay,” she said firmly, pushing Tenley’s feet aside. “We’re done.”

      “Kate,” she wailed. “You didn’t even do my other foot!”

      “And I won’t if you continue to embarrass me,” Kate hissed. “Honestly, Tenley, you’re behaving like a child.”

      “Sorry,” СКАЧАТЬ