By Request Collection April-June 2016. Оливия Гейтс
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СКАЧАТЬ up at him, not hiding anything. “I’m more than okay,” she assured him, smiling. “I didn’t get any sleep last night. I just kept replaying what I’d seen over and over again in my head until I thought I was going to lose my mind.” She waved a hand dismissively. “I’m such an idiot, because it’s not like I have any claim on you, right? You made it clear that you couldn’t make any promises to me, and you’re free to do what you want.”

      Chase frowned and blew out a hard breath. “Look, Kate, I said a lot of stupid things. When I said I couldn’t do this, I only meant that it wouldn’t be fair to ask you to wait for me. I hope you don’t really believe that I’m capable of leaving your bed to climb in with another woman?”

       It wouldn’t be fair to ask you to wait for me.

      The words reverberated through Kate’s head. Had he really considered asking her to wait for him? Her heart lodged somewhere in her throat as she searched his eyes. “No,” she finally said. “I think you have more integrity and class than that.”

      He gave her a wry smile. “Thanks.” He hesitated, and when he finally spoke, his words were carefully measured, but Kate didn’t miss the intensity behind them. “Listen, I know this will probably seem crass, considering what you just went through, but Captain Larson is gone for the next few days and we’ve been offered a chance to use her housing unit. If you want to, that is. I could arrange for a security detail to watch over your sister, if that’s a concern. But it’s totally up to you, and I’ll understand if you can’t.”

      Just the thought of spending another night with Chase was enough to send her blood churning through her veins in anticipation. Did she want to be with him again? More than anything. Even the knowledge that they might not have any kind of relationship after she left Afghanistan wasn’t enough to deter her. She didn’t have the courage or the strength to refuse him. They only had these few remaining days together, and maybe she would never hear from Chase Rawlins again after that, but she was going to take whatever he had to offer and to hell with the consequences.

      “Tenley will be jet-lagged and exhausted when she arrives,” she finally said. “If I can get her to turn in early, then I’d like to take you up on that offer.”

      Chase grinned in relief, the dimples in his cheeks transforming his face so that Kate caught her breath, and she barely resisted reaching for him. “I’m glad,” he said simply.

      They both heard the roar of the jet at the same time, and turned to watch as an enormous plane approached the flight line, coming in on a steep spiral maneuver. Kate was certain the aircraft would slam into the ground. But at the last minute it leveled out and its wheels touched down on the runway, the engines throttling back as it screamed to a stop.

      “Wow, that was pretty impressive,” Kate said in admiration.

      “You bet,” Chase said. “Most flights make that combat landing. C’mon, let’s get over to the flight line.” He gave Kate a meaningful look. “Your sister is here.”


      KATE STOOD WITH Chase as the enormous aircraft taxied to a stop on the tarmac not far from them. Had it really been just three days ago that Kate had arrived at Bagram Air Base? She slid a sideways glance at the man standing beside her with his arms crossed over his chest, looking every inch the badass soldier that he was. She remembered how impressive he had seemed to her that first day, and how intimidated she had initially been by his don’t-mess-with-me attitude. How would Tenley react to him? She was extremely sensitive and easily intimidated. Kate should have warned Chase.

      “Listen,” she said as an aside. “Tenley is very sweet and very friendly, but she might find you a little overwhelming. Be nice to her, okay?”

      Chase slanted her an amused look. “Don’t worry, I’ll be on my best behavior. Relax, okay? Everything is going to be fine, you’ll see.”

      Inwardly, Kate had her doubts, but she gave Chase a grateful smile, and then watched as the airplane stairs were rolled over to the side of the aircraft, and passengers began to disembark. At first, only uniformed soldiers made their way down the steps, but then several civilians appeared, wearing blue jeans and Western-style shirts. Kate recognized two of them as country music’s biggest stars, and a cheer went up from the soldiers on the flight line. The musicians waved at the troops, and only the military police kept them from getting mobbed as they stepped off the stairs.

      Kate stood straighter, hardly aware that she clutched Chase’s sleeve. “Here they come,” she said unnecessarily.

      And then they saw her. Tenley’s face appeared in the jet-way, and she made her way carefully down the stairs. She wore her signature blue jeans and cowboy boots, and a white top with sparkling jewels around the neckline. Her blond hair hung in tousled waves around her face, and she carried her bubble-gum-pink guitar case in one hand. Hearing the cheers of the soldiers, she smiled brightly and raised a hand in greeting. The wind blew her hair around her face, and as she reached the bottom step, she tripped and fell, sprawling face-first on the tarmac with her hobo bag and guitar case in disarray around her.

      Kate gasped and jumped forward, but Chase was already there, picking her up and crouching down to examine her knees and then her hands, before he scooped up her guitar and belongings. Tenley’s face had turned a blotchy red, but she smiled and waved at the soldiers, and Kate could hear her telling Chase that she wasn’t hurt. Seeing Kate, she smiled hugely and ran toward her.

      “Oh, Tenley,” cried Kate, reaching out and pulling the younger woman into an embrace. “Are you okay?”

      “I’m fine,” Tenley said, her voice muffled against Kate’s shoulder. “Just embarrassed.”

      “Well, I’m so glad you made it here. I tried calling you to make sure you had the correct flight times, but you didn’t answer.” She pulled back and frowned at her sister. “Why didn’t you answer?”

      Tenley pulled free from Kate’s arms, laughing. “I can’t remember! Maybe I was over at the shelter. I’ve been trying to spend more time there, especially since they got a new shipment of dogs in.”

      Tenley loved animals, but believed her own hectic schedule didn’t permit her to own a dog. Instead, she volunteered her spare time at a local rescue shelter. “Don’t worry, Russell took good care of me.”

      “Well, you’re here now,” Kate said. She put an arm around the younger woman’s shoulders and drew her toward Chase. “Tenley, you’ve already met Major Chase Rawlins. He’s been my escort these past few days. He’s going to look after us while we’re here. We’ve been to three different bases, looking at the concert sites, and guess what?”

      Tenley gave her an expectant look. “What?”

      “I flew in a Black Hawk helicopter.”

      “Wow, that’s amazing!” Tenley smiled, and then frowned. “What’s a Black Hawk?”

      “It’s a military helicopter,” Kate said, grinning at Chase over her sister’s head. “Very cool.”

      Tenley turned to Chase. “Thank you for helping me back there. I’m sort of a klutz, so you’ll have your work cut out for you in keeping me safe.”

      Chase inclined his head. “I’m up for the СКАЧАТЬ