Fugitive Trail. Elizabeth Goddard
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Название: Fugitive Trail

Автор: Elizabeth Goddard

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9780008906368


СКАЧАТЬ good.” He left her standing in the kitchen petting the gentle giant he’d given her four years ago. She’d remained in Boulder for three years. When Samson had been old enough she’d trained him for K-9 work. Just before Samson had become an official part of BPD, Sierra had moved to Crescent Springs. Bryce got the feeling that the timing wasn’t a coincidence. Sierra hadn’t wanted to put Samson in harm’s way or lethal situations.

      He headed out through the toy store and gave a small wave to her father and the young woman Bryce assumed was Jane. She didn’t look a day over twenty. As he exited the toy store, he realized the anticipation he felt about tonight’s dinner with Sierra felt so much like a date when it shouldn’t. She’d hurt him before, and he knew Sierra well enough…she would hurt him again if given the chance. Regardless, Bryce was only here to keep her safe. Sierra was in danger. That he found himself wrapped up in protecting her against a Novack brother again seemed surreal. But he would see it through until the end.

      If only he could shake the feeling that it wouldn’t end well. They had survived the last time. Could they survive this time?

      He hesitated before crossing the street and leaving the toy store. But he reassured himself that while Sierra was at the toy store and surrounded by people, she should be safe. He walked the growing crowds to see if he spotted any familiar or unwanted faces and called his old boss from the Boulder PD on his cell.

      “Bryce.” The man was breathless. Traffic resounded in the background. “Good to hear from you. Since the Novack brothers’ escape, we’ve been trying to find out everything we can. Where are you?”

      Three steps ahead of you. Bryce leaned against a storefront and watched the toy store across the street while he talked. “Crescent Springs, Colorado.”

      “Oh, you’re staying close to Sierra then. You obviously know about the plane crash.”

      “Yes. And I’m here with her until this is over.”

      “Don’t forget that you sent them to the penitentiary too. You could be in as much danger.”

      “I’m well aware of that, don’t worry. But I don’t think that I was their primary target since they headed straight for Crescent Springs.”

      “But now that you’re there, it’s easier for Raul to get at both of you. That said, I don’t blame you for being concerned about her.” A car door opened and shut. “You’re a good man to make sure she’s all right. I’ll stay in close communication with Sheriff Locke there in Crescent Springs as the state and NTSB work through this so we’re all on the same page. I don’t need to tell you to watch Sierra’s back, but please watch your own.”

      “I will, don’t worry. I’m sure someone will spot Raul soon. He couldn’t have lasted long in the elements so my guess is that he would have made the closest town.”

      “Crescent Springs.”

      “Which is hopping right now for a local ice festival. If he’s hanging around, someone’s going to see him.”

      “On the other hand,” his old boss said, “he’s smart enough to know that, with the plane crash, we’re onto him. He might get as far away as he can rather than trying to get to Sierra.”

      “Whatever the case, let’s hope he doesn’t get to Sierra.” The state was searching and local law had been called in, as well. Sierra wasn’t out there searching for the criminal for obvious reasons. Bryce was glad that Sheriff Locke hadn’t involved her.

      “I’m with you. And Bryce? It’s good to be working with you again. I wish you would have stayed with the BPD. You’re always welcome to come back. We could always use another good detective.”

      “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Captain. I’ll keep that in mind.” At the very back of his mind. He ended the call.

      Bryce leaned against the wall to watch the tourists entering the shops or merely window shopping.

      Across the street, next to the toy store, he spotted a big man, his hood covering his face. The guy’s build was the right size. He could be Raul.

      Sierra appeared in the glass doorway of the store, stepped out onto the sidewalk and turned left to walk up the street. Where was she going?

      His gut tensed. Bryce started across the street. The big man turned and walked away from the store as if to follow Sierra.

      Bryce trailed him, picking up his pace. If this was Raul gunning for her, Bryce couldn’t let him hurt Sierra. Nor could he let him get away.

      The man increased his pace and headed directly for Sierra.

      “Sierra! Watch out!” Bryce shouted but he wasn’t sure if she could hear him over the bustling crowd and the traffic.

      Sierra jerked around at the same moment the man was on her. He grabbed her, then threw her against the wall. He wielded a knife, but Sierra dodged his strike.

      “Hey!” Bryce called out as he weaved through pedestrians and sprinted toward Sierra and her attacker.

      The man jerked his attention to Bryce then threw Sierra down hard as if she was nothing but a rag doll. He pushed his way through the tourists to escape, bumping shoulders with people as he passed, and knocking a man and his child over.

      Bryce caught up to Sierra and tried to help her to her feet.

      “Go, get him!” She pointed. “I’ll radio the sheriff.”

      Bryce ran after the man, but the attacker climbed onto a motorcycle and sped away. The chase wasn’t over yet though. The traffic and tourists would slow the motorcycle and that would be Bryce’s only chance of catching him. Bryce pushed himself, dashing between cars and people, shouting that he was coming through. The motorcycle turned right at the corner, away from the heavy traffic in the town’s center. When Bryce made it to the corner, his legs slowed. He was good for a marathon but not for a sprint. Up ahead, he spotted the motorcycle speeding out of town.

      There was only one main highway out of town, but there were numerous forest service roads. Bryce would never catch up to the man he suspected had to be Raul, but once notified, the Colorado State Patrol would ramp up their search. Bryce wanted to believe that Raul would be captured. The fact that the convict had stayed around the area this long knowing that law enforcement was searching for him didn’t reassure Bryce about Sierra’s safety.

      Catching his breath, Bryce turned to make his way back to Sierra.

      What would have happened if Bryce hadn’t been there, watching the toy store when she was attacked? Would Raul have gotten the best of her despite her defensive efforts?

      He couldn’t bear it if something happened to her. Bryce would camp out at her place if that’s what protecting her required. He had the feeling the hotel across the street might not be close enough.


      That night Bryce had dinner with Sierra as planned, in spite of the events of the afternoon. In spite of Raul’s attack on her in broad daylight. The guy had no fear.

      That СКАЧАТЬ