Fugitive Trail. Elizabeth Goddard
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Название: Fugitive Trail

Автор: Elizabeth Goddard

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9780008906368


СКАЧАТЬ back to the plane and tried to kill me.”

      She rubbed her arms and stared out the window to the woods. “As soon as I saw him, I tried to point him out to the sheriff, but Raul had disappeared. It was snowing hard so you could barely see anything. I wanted to go after him, but the sheriff wouldn’t let me. If the sheriff hadn’t seen the tracks in the snow before they were buried, I’m not sure he would have believed me about the presence of another man—and I’m still not sure he believes it was Raul.”

      “Why not?”

      “He might have thought I was seeing things. I failed to hide how shaken I was at seeing Damien.”

      “What did the sheriff do? I hope he took action.”

      “He sent a couple of deputies to search the area, but the storm and nightfall forced them to return before they found anything. They did retrieve the body of the unidentified deceased man though. My understanding is that a team will try to retrieve Damien’s body today. I hear they suspect the other man worked for the brothers on the outside and helped with their prison escape. I guess Raul and Damien escaped prison and thought they’d get revenge before they disappeared forever. But Raul… He’s out there somewhere, Bryce.”

      And Sierra was terrified. She wouldn’t say the words, but Bryce could see the truth she tried hard to hide. She was tough and trained to protect others as well as herself, but anytime you became a target, even as a member of law enforcement, there was nothing wrong with a little healthy fear.

      It was all Bryce could do to remain in his seat and not rush to her. Take her in his arms. He’d missed her since she’d walked out of his life. He’d been such a fool to let her so easily slip away.

      “Sierra. I’m so sorry.”

      “You didn’t have to come all this way to tell me that,” she said. “You could have called.”

      He continued to pet Samson, rubbing his neck and behind his ears. “I don’t have your number anymore.” She’d changed her number—and she hadn’t given him the new one. And besides, he’d wanted to do much more than say he was sorry.

      “Fair enough, but you knew where to find me. You could have called the toy store.”

      Bryce cleared his throat. “I did call.” And left a message that it was important and to please call him back.

      “Oh. Okay. I didn’t get that message. It’s just Dad, me and Jane, our part-time help, working the store. Whoever took the call must have forgotten.” She shrugged.

      When she’d first seen him, she’d hugged him as if glad to see an old friend—glad and yet edgy. Now she seemed downright irritated, like she didn’t want him here at all. He partly understood. He was a reminder about what happened. But then, Samson served as a daily reminder too, since the dog’s sole reason for being in her life was a result of the attack in Boulder.

      As a detective with the Boulder Police Department, Sierra had been instrumental in putting notorious killer Damien Novack in prison. Damien had headed up an arms and drug trafficking organization and had committed numerous heinous crimes and murders. After Damien’s conviction, his brother, Raul, had come to extact revenge on Sierra, and attacked her in her home. Bryce had barely made it in time to save her. Raul had tried to kill him as well, but Sierra had saved him too.

      Bryce wasn’t sure either of them had ever quite gotten over that violent night.

      “Doesn’t matter.” He could shrug too. “I’m here now.”

      “And so you are.” She arched a brow again.

      He resisted the need to shift away from her piercing gaze. Was he prepared to stay even if she didn’t want his help? He wasn’t entirely sure how to take her reaction to his presence, but the fear in her blue eyes over the news of Raul remained.

      And Bryce knew then that he would remain too—until the threat on her life was eliminated.


      Sierra rose from the table and moved to dump her drink so she could hide her trembling hands. She was still working to get over what had happened yesterday—the image of Damien’s dark eyes and his intimidating words still fresh in her mind. Yesterday’s experience would have been traumatic even if the man hadn’t been an escaped prisoner who had come for her. Trying to save a man and watching him die like that had felt like a fist squeezing her heart tighter and tighter, crushing her.

      And then to see Raul watching her from the trees…

      As if that wasn’t enough, Bryce apparently thought he could walk back into her world and she would welcome him to save her again—as if he was her knight in shining armor? On the one hand, that he would do such a thing warmed her through and through. But on the other hand, she didn’t want to feel that way about his sudden appearance. They’d been through enough already.

      Before Bryce, she’d cared deeply about someone on the Colorado State Patrol, but he’d been killed after he’d pulled a speeding driver over on the highway. His death had been senseless. It had been hard for her to get over it, but time had eased the pain enough for her to be ready to try. She had been close to letting Bryce in when Raul’s attack came. He’d almost died.

      Sierra wouldn’t let herself care deeply or love someone in law enforcement again. There was too much pain to be had, something she knew from experience.

      She sighed heavily. She truly had no idea how she really felt about Bryce’s appearance. The moment she’d seen him in the aisle next to the baby dolls, her heart had stumbled, then begun to beat erratically until she’d calmed herself and reminded herself why she had to guard against caring too much. But that had always been hard for her when it came to Bryce. His sturdy form, strong jaw and huge dimples when he smiled had always made her heart jump around, but adding to that, he could be tough as steel one moment, then instantly turn gentle and sensitive and caring the next. She was surprised someone hadn’t snagged and married him already.

      “Listen.” He remained at the table, toying with his mug. Samson lay at his feet, taking up half the space of the nook.

      It was a picturesque moment, one she wouldn’t easily forget.

      “I know my sudden appearance today is a surprise to you. But I couldn’t stay away. Not when I heard about Raul and Damien.”

      That news hadn’t filtered all the way to the small town of Crescent Springs—not until they’d found the crashed plane. That Bryce still thought of her, and that some part of him had remained committed to her, could melt the cold places in her heart. And that wasn’t a good thing. She’d tried to forget him and now he was here.

      She’d hurt him before. She’d hurt the both of them. Could she really turn around, face him and ask him to leave? Washing the mug off, she tried to figure out what to say.

      She continued to rinse the few remaining dishes in the sink. “So, what are you going to do?” she asked.

      “I’m staying in town for a few days.” His chair scraped the floor as he scooted it away from the table.

      Oh. Okay. Hmm.

      Facing СКАЧАТЬ