Hot Docs On Call: Healing His Heart. Alison Roberts
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Название: Hot Docs On Call: Healing His Heart

Автор: Alison Roberts

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9780008900946



      ‘I think that’s a bush baby.’ Matt’s breath was ragged as he fought to regain control so Simon wouldn’t think anything was amiss.

      ‘We should probably follow the rest on to the next exhibit.’ Quinn was already backing away from him.

      ‘We’ll talk about this later,’ he whispered, low enough so only she would hear.

      ‘I’m a mum. I have mum things to do.’ That uncertainty was back in her wavering voice and Matt fumbled for her hand again in the blackness. He didn’t want the guilt to start eating away at her for enjoying a moment of her own.

      ‘Don’t forget, the adult fun starts after the real dark.’ This wasn’t over and although she couldn’t see him wink, he was sure he sensed her smile.

      Somehow they’d find a way to be together without compromising their roles in Simon’s life.

      His peace of mind depended on it.

      Quinn stumbled back out towards Simon and the rest of the visitors tripping out of the exhibit. Her unsteadiness on her feet was more to do with Matt’s epic bone-melting prowess than the unfamiliar territory. He had a way of completely knocking her off balance when she was least expecting it.

      Yes, she’d encouraged him with a few flirtatious gestures, but phew, that had taken hot to a whole new level. Wrapped in his embrace she’d forgotten who she was, where she was or what day of the week it was, and let the chemistry consume her.

      Dangerous. Irresponsible. Intoxicating.

      It only made her crave more.

      If Simon hadn’t reminded them that they weren’t here alone, they could’ve created quite a scene. They were lucky he hadn’t seen anything of their passionate embrace or they would’ve had some explaining to do. Unfortunately, now as she made her way back into the light, the interruption had left her throbbing with unfulfilled need which only Matt could help relieve.

      As he’d pointed out, they had things to say, things to do, but they’d have to wait until Simon was safely tucked up in bed and her parental duties were over for the day. The anticipation of where and when they might get to explore this exciting new development uninterrupted was an aphrodisiac in itself. As if she needed it! Quinn was finally starting to believe there could be room in her life for more than foster children. If she dared risk her heart again.

      Simon’s pace began to slow up and it struck her for the first time about how much energy this day had taken out of him. Not that his enthusiasm had waned once.

      ‘Can we go to the shop now?’ His eyes were wide and it was no wonder. A building stuffed to the rafters with soft toys and souvenirs was probably one of the highlights for most of the children. For her, there’d been many others. With one in particular still lingering on her lips, and she wasn’t talking about the cakes.

      ‘Sure. What do you say about taking in the rest of the way from a giraffe’s point of view?’ Matt, obviously picking up on his sudden weariness too, stooped down and gently hoisted Simon up onto his shoulders. It was a balancing act to avoid jarring Simon’s right side but he managed it, holding on to make sure his passenger was comfortable and secure.

      Rather than make a fuss, he’d found a way to turn a potential meltdown into something fun. A tired and cranky tot was just as difficult to reason with as a frightened, injured one.

      Crisis averted, Simon perched happily on Matt’s broad shoulders for the remainder of their walk around the grounds with a hand resting on his head. If either of them were in any discomfort they made no mention of it. The smiling twosome blended into the crowd of other fathers and sons and Quinn had to remind herself it was an illusion. It wasn’t real. Matt wasn’t always going to be around, but for now, it was good for Simon to have someone other than her who actually wanted the best for him.

      ‘I wanna get down.’ He only became restless once they reached the shop entrance, so Quinn helped Matt lift him off his shoulders so they could let him loose.

      Matt cricked his neck from side to side and massaged his neck. ‘I’m getting too old for that.’

      ‘Never.’ She got the impression he’d done this sort of thing a lot for his kid sisters. It seemed a shame he was so set on making sure he never committed to fatherhood again. He’d have made a great dad for some lucky child.

      ‘My thirty-five-year-old aching muscles beg to differ. You, on the other hand, strike me as someone who’s young at heart and never too old to appreciate these.’ He lifted a cuddly bush baby, its big eyes begging Quinn to take him home.

      ‘It’s so cute.’ She hugged it close, unable to resist the aww factor.

      ‘And a souvenir from our time in the night life exhibit.’ His devilish arched eyebrow and wicked smirk immediately flicked her swoon switch.

      She’d never been a bad girl, always on her best behaviour, trying to please people so they wouldn’t have cause to reject her. Matt drew out that reckless side she’d suppressed for so long and she kind of liked it.

      She knew the score. Unlike Darryl, Matt had never said he’d stick around and raise foster kids with her. He was going to leave no matter what. She didn’t have to be a good girl where he was concerned, and based on previous experience he had a hell of a naughty side she wouldn’t mind getting to know better. Arousal rushed through her like a warm summer breeze, bringing promises of hot sweaty nights to follow.

      It would’ve been futile to try and stop him from taking the poignant reminder of their day together over to the cash register when he hadn’t let her pay for anything so far. She went to look for Simon, who’d disappeared behind the shelving at the front of the shop, probably lining up a selection of animal friends he’d talk Matt into buying for him.

      When she walked around the corner she was horrified to find him in tears, surrounded by a group of older boys.

      ‘What’s going on?’ She went straight into mama bear mode, defending her young and putting a barrier between Simon and whatever was upsetting him.

      The three backed off, still laughing, and tossed a plastic monkey face mask at her feet. ‘The freak might look better with one of those.’

      At that point Matt came striding over, a formidable figure with a thunderous look on his face which sent Simon’s tormentors scurrying out of the shop. ‘Are you two okay?’

      Quinn was winded from the cruelty she’d witnessed directed at Simon but she hugged him close, letting his tears soak through her dress.

      ‘He’s only a baby,’ she gasped to Matt, her own tears bubbling to the surface.

      They’d had a lovely day and now the actions of some stupid kids had set them back at square one, undoing all the progress they’d made by bringing him here.

      Matt crouched down so he was level with Simon’s bowed head. ‘Hey, wee man. Don’t you listen to them.’

      Every jerky sob broke her heart a little bit more as Simon clung to her with his one good arm. If she had her way she’d wrap him up in cotton wool so this kind of thing would never happen again. A child this young shouldn’t have had to go through so much in his short life.

      ‘No one’s ever going to want СКАЧАТЬ