Hot Docs On Call: Healing His Heart. Alison Roberts
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Название: Hot Docs On Call: Healing His Heart

Автор: Alison Roberts

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9780008900946


СКАЧАТЬ entered her care. It didn’t have to be the zoo, or with Matt, but she wanted her future foster children to have at least one day of simply being a kid.

      ‘You wish you could get in there, don’t you?’

      ‘Sorry?’ Quinn panicked that Matt had caught her ogling his backside again.

      ‘The meerkat tunnels. I can see you’re busting to get in those with him.’ He nodded over towards Simon, who’d popped his head up in the plastic capsule overlooking the enclosure.

      ‘Yeah. This place is great, so interactive for the kids, but us adults might want to find out what it’s like to be a meerkat for the afternoon too.’ She covered herself quickly, happy to acknowledge her play envy before her relationship daydreams. After all, she didn’t know if Matt saw her as anything other than an acquaintance now. He’d certainly been in control of any more urges to kiss her. More’s the pity.

      Despite the flirting and the unnecessary touching, which she could have misconstrued entirely, he hadn’t made another move on her.

      ‘Poor Quinn. I hear they do some adult-only tours of the zoo at night. Perhaps we should sign up for one?’ He was teasing her but he painted an enticing picture of an intimate party of two having some fun together at night.

      ‘It seems to me that we both missed out on the whole childhood fun thing. It mightn’t be a bad idea for us to have some quality time in the dark.’ Her temperature rose with the bold proposal, as did Matt’s eyebrows.

      ‘Hold that thought,’ he growled into her ear as Simon came running back to greet them.

      ‘When are we getting something to eat?’

      ‘Soon.’ She was glad he was getting his appetite back and she would simply have to set aside her hunger for anything other than lunch until she and Matt were alone again.

      Matt thought he’d imagined the heat shimmering between them, a manifestation of his own frustration that he and Quinn hadn’t progressed to anything beyond that one sizzling kiss. He’d wanted more but when she’d given him his marching orders he’d done his best to ignore the temptation. That was until he’d seen the darkening of her eyes, the sapphire fire matching the one burning inside him.

      He wasn’t a man to disappoint anyone if he could help it but there was a time and place for everything and at this very moment they had a hungry boy to feed.

      He’d arranged a special child-sized lunch for them. Although the restaurant was crowded with most tables and chairs occupied, they were able to slip into a quiet side room where they served a more civilised afternoon tea.

      ‘This is amazing! You’re really spoiling us today.’ Quinn clapped her hands together as the arrangement of mini-rolls, sandwiches and bite-sized cakes and scones arrived, presented on a small picnic bench.

      ‘You’re worth it,’ he said, hoping he sounded more complimentary than cheesy.

      He meant it. She should have someone treating her every day and making her feel special. The delight on her face and her grateful smile puffed Matt’s chest out that he’d been the one to put it there and he didn’t want anyone else to have the privilege.

      When he’d planned this day he’d convinced himself he’d be glad when it was over, his responsibility to the pair outside the hospital over for good. Now that they were coming to the last stages, he was beginning to have second thoughts. He could honestly say this was one of the best days he’d had since moving to London and that was entirely down to the company. It would be stupid to end things here and now simply because there was a child involved. There’d always been children in his life. Children who weren’t his. If Quinn was willing to be brave about it, then so was he. A relationship didn’t have to mean a family and he was sure he could keep the two separate. Especially when the arrangements were all so fluid.

      When they’d eaten their fill they headed to the indoor exhibits they’d bypassed in favour of some of the more exotic creatures.

      ‘We are now entering the Rainforest Life,’ he said in the style of a nature documentary voiceover artist.

      Simon ran ahead into the tropical wilderness, hopped up on mini-desserts and fruit juice.

      ‘He’s going to have one hell of a crash when that sugar rush wears off.’ Quinn attempted to scold him but he knew she’d savoured every mouthful of that lunch. Each heavenly groan and lick of her lips attested to her pleasure as well as increasing his discomfort. He’d heard those sounds before and intended for her to make them again soon, somewhere more private.

      ‘Look at him!’ Simon was off again, following the path of a bright blue bird flitting through the plants and vines.

      ‘He’s pretty.’ Quinn was observing the exotic display from the balcony beside him, unaware she was adding to the beauty of it all.

      Never mind the rare birds flying overhead or the small monkeys swinging freely through the vines, this was all about Quinn for him. The pure delight she took in her surroundings was refreshing and contagious. He’d been so caught up in material possessions and showing he could cut it as a single man in the city, he’d forgotten what it was to just enjoy life. The barrier he’d erected to protect himself had become as much of a prison as that council flat in Dublin.

      Given the chance he’d swap his fancy car to travel on a barge anywhere if she was part of the deal. It was as if he was recapturing that lost childhood of his too, by being with her.

      He’d been forced to grow up too quickly. From his mother walking out on her family, through his father’s illness, and ultimately his death, Matt had never had time for the mischief and fun other kids had experienced. With Quinn he didn’t have to be embarrassed in his joy at a puppet show when she was here spinning around, letting the mist fall on her face and telling the sloth how sleepy he looked. Matt had had enough of being the adult and there was plenty of room for his inner child, not to mention the randy teenager.

      They stepped out of the light and moved into the nocturnal area. Faced with the creatures of the night, including giant rats and flitting bats, it wasn’t long before he found Quinn cuddled up next to him.

      ‘I don’t know how Simon is enjoying this.’

      ‘He’s a boy. We like gross stuff.’

      ‘I don’t want to stay in here,’ she whispered, fear pitching her voice until only the bats could probably hear.

      Matt felt her hand graze by his knuckles as she fumbled for his reassurance in the dark. He took hold of her and turned so she could make him out in the dimmed light.

      ‘I’ll keep you safe.’

      In that moment they were locked into their own world, staring into each other’s eyes and holding hands like lovers who’d just sworn their lives to one another. The rest of the group had moved on, leaving them alone so the only sounds he could hear now were scurrying animals and the frantic beat of his heart for Quinn.

      He cupped her face in his hands and found her mouth easily with his, honing in as if she was a beacon of light guiding him home. This time, instead of pushing him away, she wound her arm around his neck and pulled him closer. He dropped his hands to her waist as she sought him with her tongue and leaned her soft curves against him.

      ‘Have you seen this? He’s got СКАЧАТЬ