Regency Surrender: Passionate Marriages. Sophia James
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СКАЧАТЬ to catch you before I went. I saw your candle still burnt in the gap beneath the door and took the chance to see if you were awake.’

      Lucien nodded and the small upwards pull of the newcomer’s lips changed a sullen lad into a more handsome one.

      ‘My name is Bartolomeu Diego y Betancourt, señor, and I am a friend of Alejandra’s.’ He waited after delivering this piece of news, eyes alert.

      ‘I recognise you. You are the one who got me on the canvas stretcher behind the horse the morning after I was hurt.’

      ‘I did not wish to. I thought you would have been better off dead. It was Alejandra who insisted we bring you here. If it had been left to me, I would have plunged my blade straight through your heart and finished it.’

      ‘I see.’

      ‘Do you, señor? Do you really understand how unsafe it is for Alejandra at the hacienda now that you are here and what your rescue might have cost her? El Vengador has his own demons and he is ruthless if anyone at all gets in his way.’

      ‘Even his daughter?’

      That brought forth a torrent of swearing in Spanish, a bawdy long-winded curse. ‘Enrique Fernandez will end his life here in bitterness and hate. And if Alejandra stays with him, so will she, for her stubbornness is as strong as his own. Fernandez has enemies who will pounce when he is least expecting it and a host of others who are jealous of his power.’

      ‘Like you?’

      The young man turned away.

      ‘She said you were clever and that you could see into thoughts that should remain private. She said you were more dangerous than even her father and that if you stay here much longer, El Vengador would know it to be such and have you murdered.’

      ‘Alejandra said this?’

      ‘Yes. She wants you gone.’

      ‘I know.’

      ‘But she wants you safe, too.’

      He stayed quiet as Tomeu went on.

      ‘She is like a sister to me. If you ever hurt her...’

      ‘I will not.’

      ‘I believe you, Capitán, and that is one of the reasons I am here. You, too, are powerful in your own right, powerful enough to protect her, perhaps?’

      ‘You think Alejandra would accept my protection?’ He might have laughed out loud if the other man had not looked both so very serious and so very young.

      ‘Her husband was killed less than one year ago, a matter of months after their marriage.’

      ‘I see.’ And Lucien did. It was the personal losses that made a man or a woman fervent and Alejandra was certainly that.

      ‘Are there other relatives?’

      ‘An uncle down south somewhere, but they are not close.’

      ‘Friends, then, apart from you?’

      ‘This is a fighting unit, ranging across this northern part of Spain with the express purpose of causing chaos and mayhem. Most of the women are gone either to safety or to God. It is a dangerous place to inhabit.’

      ‘Here today and gone tomorrow?’


      ‘Was it Alejandra who hurt your wrist?’

      ‘It was. I asked her to be my wife and she refused.’

      Lucien smiled. ‘A comprehensive no, then.’

      ‘The bruise on her face was an accident. I dragged her down the stairs with me after losing my footing. She said she would never marry anyone again and even the asking of it was an insult. To her. She never listens, you see, never takes the time to understand her own and ever-present danger.’

      ‘She loved her husband, then?’

      The other man laughed. ‘You will need to ask her that, señor.’

      ‘I will. So you think her father would harm her?’

      ‘El Vengador? Not intentionally. But your presence here is difficult for them both. Alejandra wants you well enough to travel, but Enrique only wants you gone. The title you hold has swung opinion in your favour a little, but with the slightest of pushes it could go the other way and split us all asunder. Better not to care too much about the health and welfare of others in this compound, I think. Better, too, to have you bundled up and heading for home.’

      A safer topic, this one. But every word that Tomeu had spoken told Lucien something of his authority. A man like El Vengador would not be generous in his fact sharing, yet this young man had a good knowledge of the conversation he had just had with Alejandra’s father. Lucien had seen him glance at the signet ring back on his finger and in the slight flare of his eyes he had understood just what Tomeu did not say.

      He was a lieutenant perhaps, or at least one who participated in the decision-making for the group. The young face full of smiles and politeness almost certainly masking danger, for the lifeblood of the guerrilla movement was brutality and menace.

      Had Alejandra’s father sent Tomeu to sound him out? Had Alejandra herself? Or was this simply a visit born from expediency and warning?

      Thirty-two years of living had made Lucien question everything and in doing so he was still alive.

      ‘What of her groom’s family? Could she go there to safety?’

      ‘My cousin, señor, and they want the blood of the Fernandez family more than anyone else in Spain. More than the French, even, and that is saying something.’

      This was what war did.

      It tore apart the fabric and bindings of society and replaced them with nothing. He thought of his own immediate family in England and then of his large extended one of aunts, uncles and cousins. Napoleon and the French had a lot to answer for the wreckage that was the new Europe. He suddenly wished he was home.

      ‘I am sorry...’ Lucien left the words dangling. Sorry for them all. It was no answer, he knew, but he could promise nothing else. As if the young man understood, he, too, turned for the door.

      ‘Do not trust anyone on your trip to the west.’

      ‘I won’t.’

      ‘And watch over Alejandra.’

      With that he was gone, out into the fading night of a new-coming dawn, for already Lucien could hear the first chorus of birdsong in the misty air.

       Chapter Four

      The anger in Alejandra was a red stream of wrath, filling her body from head to foot, making her hot and cold and sick.

      Tomeu had left, travelling south into СКАЧАТЬ