Hot Docs On Call: Surgeon's Seduction. Carol Marinelli
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      MINDY PEERED THROUGH the binoculars on the top of the Empire State Building. Usually she wasn’t one for heights—she wasn’t afraid of them, but she didn’t go out of her way to visit tall buildings and ride an elevator to the top of one.

      At least the Statue of Liberty had stairs, but the Empire State Building had an elevator and she didn’t really like elevators or their enclosed spaces too much, but she just squeezed Sam’s hand tight.

      He gave her an encouraging smile and squeezed her hand back, but once they were at the top it was fine and she was glad she was able to have a nice vantage point of the city. It was truly beautiful.

      She could only imagine what it would be like to be at the top of the Empire State Building as the sun was setting. From her penthouse apartment, when she actually looked out her window at night, she would stare at this building all lit up. Another true icon of the city she was slowly growing to love.

      And she was.

      She may not be used to the winters yet, but she could see the appeal of living and making it in New York.

      Sam shivered beside her.

      “Now who’s cold?” she teased, as she focused the viewfinder on him. The money had run out so she couldn’t see anything anymore, but he didn’t know that.

      He tutted under his breath. “Well, it’s a bit windy up here. At least when we were at the top of the Statue of Liberty we were in an enclosed space. This is out in the open.”

      “Okay, well, how about we head down? I’m a bit hungry. Do you want to grab a slice of pizza? Isn’t that the traditional thing to do in New York City?”

      “We’re not going for a slice.”

      “We’re not?” She was a bit disappointed.

      “No, I have somewhere better we can go.”

      “But you’re not going to tell me, are you?”

      He shook his head and grinned in that annoying but sexy way of his.

      “Did anyone mention that you’re a pain, Dr. Napier?”

      “Aye, several times. Especially my roommates. Remember, most of them are female.”

      “Right. You did mention that. Oh, didn’t I see one of your former roommates on the OB/GYN list for an appointment? Uh, Dr. Camara?”

      Sam frowned. “Yes, she’s pregnant, but she’s seeing you? Is something wrong?” There was genuine concern in his voice.

      “No, nothing is wrong. I happened to be a licensed OB/GYN as well. I was covering for another doctor. There’s nothing wrong there.” She smiled. “It’s nice, you know?”

      “What is?” he asked, as they stood in line, waiting for the elevator to go down.

      “That you care about your friends so much, but I don’t think you show it much.”

      Sam snorted. “Of course I care. She’s pregnant. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her or the baby.”

      “Okay, now you’re putting the accent on thick, and as you’re not annoyed you’re doing it on purpose.”

      “Does that bother you?” he asked, a twinkle of devilment in his eyes.

      Yes. It turns me on.

      And Mindy could distinctly remember the last time his thick accent had turned her on. She’d jumped into his arms when he’d been a perfect stranger and had begged him to go home with her. When they’d been at her apartment his brogue had been thick the more aroused he’d become, and just thinking about it made her hot under the collar.

      “No, it doesn’t bother me in the least.”


      “Then why even bring it up?” Sam teased.

      “If you don’t shut it soon I’m going to…”

      Sam leaned over to whisper in her ear. “You’re going to what, Dr. Walker?”

      Mindy was going to retaliate but the doors to the elevator opened and they shuffled on and were surrounded by other people. So she kept her mouth shut, but she could see Sam smirking to himself, because he knew she wouldn’t continue the conversation on an elevator crammed full of people.

      He was such a pain in the butt.

      At least it was a fast ride down. Once they were out on the street and the crowd of people leaving the lobby of the Empire State Building dispersed she turned to him.

      “What now?”

      “Now I’m going to take you for lunch,” he said with a wink.

      “How do I even know I’m going to like this lunch? I mean, you won’t tell me where we’re going,” Mindy groused.

      “You’ll like it. Well, maybe you won’t. I don’t know what kind of food you like. Perhaps I should’ve asked you that before I made reservations.”

      “I like pizza.”

      Sam winced. “Sorry, no pizza where we’re going.”

      “Am I dressed okay, then? You said you made reservations.” She was dressed casually. She wasn’t dressed in her yoga attire, but still it wasn’t business casual. “Will jeans and a nice sweater do for wherever it is you’re taking me?”

      He stood back and rubbed his chin while she spun around. “Well, I don’t know. I guess you’ll do.”

      Mindy punched him playfully in the arm. “I’m so putting you on scut duty for a month.”

      He laughed out loud and grabbed her mittened hand. “You can’t do that, Dr. Walker. I’m not on your service.”

      “Oh, I can. I can have a few choice words with Dr. Chang…”

      “Blackmail. I see.”

      They both laughed and Mindy let Sam lead her wherever he was planning on taking her. Not that she was too impressed they were walking but, then, she found the wind wasn’t biting as much anymore.

      Maybe she was really getting acclimatized, which was a scary thought. She’d never thought she would ever get used to winter.

      “You’re frowning,” Sam remarked.

      “The cold isn’t bothering me.”

      He chuckled. “I knew you’d get used to it.”

      “Well, just because I’m used to it doesn’t mean I like it. Why couldn’t we have taken a cab?”

      “It’s not that far away.” Sam pointed. “See, it’s just across the street.”

      Mindy СКАЧАТЬ