Hot Docs On Call: Surgeon's Seduction. Carol Marinelli
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СКАЧАТЬ ladies.”

      “You told me that we were going to see traditional tourist attractions. I don’t want to visit one of your girlfriends on some obscure island.”

      He looked at her like she was crazy. “I was talking about the Statue of Liberty, you daft hen.”

      She glared at him.

      “What’s that look for?” he asked.

      “For calling me a daft hen!”

      “I’m sorry.”

      “Oh, well, that’s okay.”

      Sam chuckled as they walked toward the subway station. “You were a wee bit jealous when you thought I was going to drag you to meet a girlfriend.”


      “Aye, you were.” His eyes were twinkling. “Admit it.”

      “I’m not going to admit to anything and you can’t make me. So how are we going to get to the Statue of Liberty?” she asked, changing the subject of jealously and girlfriends, because he was right, the thought of him with another woman drove her a bit bonkers. It made her see green, though it shouldn’t. She didn’t have a claim on him.

      “We’re going to take the Number One train down to the South Ferry Station.”

      Mindy dug in her heels. “We’re taking the subway?”

      “What’re you worrying about? There’s nothing wrong with taking the subway.”

      “I’ve never taken public transportation before.”


      She shook her head. “In Los Angeles it wasn’t safe.”

      “Well, it would take you all day in this kind of traffic to get down to the South Ferry Station and even then it would be almost impossible and probably expensive to find parking. I also don’t have a car. Do you?”

      “No. I’ve been meaning to go and look…”

      Sam tsked under his breath. “Trust me. Don’t waste your money. If you want to leave the city for some reason, rent a car. Trust me, the subway train will not bite you.”

      He took her gloved hand and squeezed it. “Do you trust me?” he asked.

      “I have no choice.”

      Sam laughed. “Aye, that’s true. Come on. I swear it will be fun.”

      Mindy let him lead her down the steps of the Eighty-Sixth Street Station into the underground of New York City. The first thing she noticed was that it was warm but the air was dank and smelled stale. She wrinkled her nose but followed him through the turnstiles as he paid their fare and he led her to the platform.

      She gripped his arm, holding on to him for dear life, and he teased her.

      “Do you think I’m going to push you off to meet your maker?”

      “If you do, I’m taking you with me,” she said.

      He laughed again. She liked the way he laughed, it always made her smile.

      “Deal,” he said. “But I promise you I won’t be throwing you over the edge. It would be a waste of a beautiful woman.”

      Heat bloomed in Mindy’s cheeks. She wanted to chastise him for saying that, but they were alone. They weren’t on duty. They were just two friends exploring the city and she didn’t have a problem with him telling her she was beautiful.

      There was a rumbling sound and she peeked down the dark tunnel to see two headlights in the distance.

      “Come on, we have to move to the front of the train and get one of the first five compartments.”

      “Why?” Mindy asked, as Sam guided her down to the other end of the platform.

      “They only allow the first five compartments of the train to exit at the South Ferry Station. I don’t know why, but that’s just the way it is.”

      The train slowed and stopped, the breeze blowing her loose hair into her face as it pulled into the station. The doors opened and a few people got off. Once the way was clear Sam pushed his way on, dragging her with him.

      Surprisingly, there was a seat and he sat her down and stood in front of her. The doors dinged shut and the train pulled out of the station and down the dark tunnel.

      “I feel bad with you standing there.”

      “Don’t feel bad. I don’t think you should be standing on your first ride on the subway. Maybe when we head back up to the Upper West Side.” He winked at her, holding tight to the handhold above him, his body swaying back and forth with the train.

      They chatted the best they could during their subway ride to the South Street Ferry. It was hard, with the constant jolting coupled with the loading and unloading of people.

      “Come on. Up you get.” He held out his free hand and helped her to her feet.

      “Why?” she asked, as she held on for dear life.

      “The next stop is ours and we have to get off as quickly as we can before people start pushing to get on.”

      Sam gripped her hand tight as the train came to a stop and the doors opened. He led her through the throng of people and out onto the platform. He guided her through the crowd and up to street level, where they headed to the Battery to catch the ferry to take them to Liberty Park.

      Mindy shivered in the cold wind. “Do they operate on bitter days like today?”

      “The only day they don’t run is December twenty-fifth and this is not bitter, you big wimp.”

      She punched him in the arm but didn’t let go of his hand as they walked to the ferries. As they approached the depot she could see signs about pre-booking to enter the pedestal and the crown of the Statue of Liberty.

      “You have to reserve your tickets in advance.”

      “Don’t worry. I booked them last night. Got the last two tickets for this morning.” He glanced at her briefly as they waited in line. “You’re trying to figure out a way out of this. Why?”

      “Why? Because it’s freaking cold. What if the boat sinks and we’re eaten by sharks?”

      Sam cocked an eyebrow. “Are you afraid of the water?”

      “I’m not afraid of water. I’m afraid of sharks and drowning. Oh, and hypothermia.”

      He laughed. “You’re a strange duck, Mindy Walker.”

      “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

      “As you should.” Sam winked and they boarded the ferry, which would take them on a short ride out on said frigid waters toward Lady Liberty, who faced southeast, СКАЧАТЬ