Her Secret Texas Valentine. Helen Lacey
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Название: Her Secret Texas Valentine

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon True Love

isbn: 9781474090681


СКАЧАТЬ Maddie asked bluntly.

      Val shrugged. “I didn’t ask to see his bank statements. He was nice, very charming and funny.”

      Maddie, always the most serious of the trio, looked skeptical. “I can’t believe you got matched up with a ranch hand. Didn’t you say you specifically wanted an educated, white-collar kind of guy?”

      She shrugged again. “I don’t know. Perhaps he fudged the questionnaire.”

      “It’s possible,” Schuyler said and frowned.

      “What a jerk,” Maddie added.

      But the more Val thought about it, the less likely Maddie’s opinion seemed. There was something refreshingly candid and honest about Jake. Of course, it could be that she was still gaga over his broad shoulders and blue eyes and didn’t want to see the truth right in front of her. But she was convinced that he was exactly as he appeared—a workingman, honest and down to earth. And as hot as Hades.

      “We could google him,” Schuyler suggested.

      Val waved a hand. “Absolutely not. I’m not going to go stalker and start checking out social media profiles and that sort of thing. I want to be a grown-up about this. And I know this might sound silly, but I don’t want to jinx it, okay?”

      “What do you mean?” Schuyler asked.

      “It means,” Val said, a little impatiently, “that he was nice, and we had a good time over coffee, like I said. And we’re going out for dinner tomorrow night.”

      “Do you think that’s a good idea?” Maddie asked soberly. “I mean, if he’s not the kind of guy you think you could get serious about, why bother getting to know him?”

      Schuyler laughed. “You’re such a snob, Maddie.”

      “I’m a realist,” her sister defended. “And you’ve said it yourself, you want a man who ticks certain boxes. Sounds like he only ticks the ‘looks good in a pair of jeans’ box.”

      Both her sisters laughed, but Val wasn’t amused. They were making fun, and for some reason, that bothered her. “We’ll just see what happens.”

      “Well,” Schuyler said dramatically, “I think it’s great that you’re getting out. And if this one doesn’t work out, you can try again. But maybe redefine your criteria a little.”

      Maddie had a serious look on her face. “I’m not trying to be a party pooper, but you need to tread carefully and slowly when it comes to romance.”

      “Like you did?” Val shot back, brows up. “Weren’t you the one who took you and Zach out of the colleague and friend zone when you planted that kiss on him at the Thirsty Ox? How long did it take you to jump into Zach’s bed after that?”

      Schuyler started wagging a few fingers and counting before Maddie shushed them both. “Okay...don’t take my lead. All I’m saying is, don’t be hasty. If he’s right for you, then he’ll wait. You’re my baby sister and I’ll always worry about you.”

      “I know,” Val obliged. “And I appreciate your concern. But believe me, I’m not about to rush into anything. I know how everyone thinks I’m impulsive, but in this instance, I’m going to take my time and get to know someone before I make any big moves. Besides, I’m too busy with work to spend too much time on romance. If I don’t start closing more deals,” she said and glanced toward Maddie, who along with her überhandsome husband, Zach McCarter, had become joint CEO of Fortunado Real Estate since their father had retired, “Dad’s going to insist you fire me.”

      “Ha,” Schuyler said with mock horror. “No chance. You’re Daddy’s girl. He’ll never allow Maddie or Zach to fire you. You are the golden girl and his number two protégée.”

      Val laughed, because they all knew Maddie had been their father’s number one protégée.

      “That’s true,” Val said and grinned. “I am Dad’s favorite.”

      Maddie tossed a piece of lettuce in her direction. “And modest. Speaking of which, do our parents know you’re on the hunt for a man?” Maddie asked.

      Val rolled her eyes. “I’d hardly call it a hunt. I met Jake for coffee, not a commitment ceremony. And Dad and Mom generally stay out of my love life.”

      “Except for Hugh,” Schuyler reminded her. “He was handpicked.”

      “Dad worries about gold diggers,” Maddie said on a sigh. “And since you’re so easily influenced and like to party, they probably thought they were doing the right thing.”

      “Gosh, I have a terrible reputation,” she said tartly, trying to remember the last time she actually did go to a party. “Young and impulsive and likely to get into all kinds of trouble. Oh, hang on,” she said and smiled. “That was you, Schuyler, getting cozy with the Mendozas so you could wrangle an introduction to our newly discovered Fortune relatives. And then falling in love with one of the sexy Mendoza men.”

      Of course, every word was true. Schuyler had integrated herself into the Mendoza family, specifically by getting a job working at the Mendoza Winery, and then by falling in love with Carlo Mendoza. It was a series of events, jump-started by discovering that the Fortunados were related to the infamous Fortune family. The very idea that they were connected to the Fortunes had sent a curious Schuyler on a mission to find out the whole truth. They discovered that their grandfather was actually Julius Fortune, and that their dad, Kenneth Fortunado, was one of his many illegitimate children dotted around the state and even the country. Their grandmother had signed a confidentiality agreement with Julius, but also being something of a free spirit, had changed Kenneth’s name to Fortunado as a way of not completely complying to Julius’s demands. Learning that, Schuyler had been determined to get acquainted with the Fortune branch of the family. That’s how she ended up at the Mendoza Winery, pretending to be a waitress. The Mendozas and the Fortunes were interlaced by marriage. Turned out Julius’s son Jerome Fortune, who was known as tech billionaire Gerald Robinson—their uncle—had a daughter who was married to one of the Mendoza cousins. The link was enough to get Schuyler’s crazy mind into thinking she could somehow bring the families together.

      Valene hadn’t taken much interest at the time, since she’d been neck-deep in work and wanted to prove she could be as ambitious and successful at Fortunado Real Estate as her sister Maddie. But now the truth was out. They were really Fortunes—as their free-spirited grandmother had enjoyed an affair with the philandering Julius. Valene had learned to accept the fact that she had an incredibly complicated family tree. It wasn’t unusual to see an article on the internet or in the paper about the family. In fact, it wasn’t that long ago that a journalist named Ariana Lamonte had done an exposé on all of Gerald Robinson’s children, including the ones he’d sired out of wedlock. Yeah, complicated didn’t really cover it. Particularly now that Gerald Robinson, aka Jerome Fortune, had left his embittered wife, Charlotte, and had sought refuge in the arms of the first and only love of his life, Deborah—who had borne him three illegitimate sons decades earlier.

      Yes, the Fortunado/Fortune/Mendoza connection was about as complicated as it got.

      “Okay,” Schuyler said and grinned. “I’ll admit that I’m the flake in the family.”

      “What does that make me?” Maddie queried.

      “The СКАЧАТЬ