Her Secret Texas Valentine. Helen Lacey
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Название: Her Secret Texas Valentine

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon True Love

isbn: 9781474090681



      “I take it one was dull and the other had an issue with personal hygiene?”

      She chuckled and he noticed that her brown eyes had flecks of gold in them. Damn, she really was pretty.

      “Exactly,” she said on a sigh.

      “And how am I comparing so far?”

      Her eyes widened, and she bit her lower lip for a moment. “Well, from here you look very much like flesh and blood. And you smell nice.”

      He laughed again and realized he’d done quite a lot of that since she’d arrived. “So, Valene, tell me about yourself.”

      She didn’t break their gaze. “I’m twenty-four. Single, obviously. I work for my family’s real estate business. My parents are wonderful and still happily in love after thirtysomething years of marriage. I’m the youngest of six children and am considered to be somewhat spoiled. I have my own condo in the city and a fiercely protective bulldog. I’m allergic to passion fruit and I love chocolate. You?”

      Jake drank some coffee and looked at her. “I’m thirty-two. Single, obviously,” he said, echoing her words. “I work on a ranch near Fulshear, outside Houston. My father died over a decade ago, and my mom still grieves him every day. I have a younger sister named Cassidy who is considered somewhat spoiled. I have a very unprotective collie mix called Sheba who tries to sleep on the end of my bed every night. I’m not allergic to anything I know of and I can take or leave chocolate.”

      It was a vague introduction, since he wasn’t about to start saying too much about himself to a stranger. But she seemed nice enough, and what harm could a little flirtation do?

      “It’s nice to meet you, Jake,” she said, still smiling.

      “Likewise, Valene.”

      “Do you like being a cowboy?” she asked.

      “It has its up and downs,” he said, mimicking her earlier words as he smiled. “It’s physically hard work, but rewarding. It’s all I’ve done since I left college.”

      “Where did you graduate?” She sipped her latte and looked at him over the rim of her mug. “The University of Houston?”


      “Rice University?”

      “I dropped out before the second semester.”

      Jake waited for her expression to change, for disappointment or censure to show on her pretty face. But to her credit, she didn’t appear fazed by what he’d described as his meager education. Or his occupation.

      “Oh, I see,” she said and continued to sip her coffee. “And you said you’ve been working on the ranch ever since?”

      Jake nodded. “We moved from San Antonio to the ranch when I was twelve. My father worked there for a long time.”

      “And when he died you took over his job?” she asked.

      Jake shrugged. “Someone had to fill his boots. So, Valene, why are you single?” he asked, abruptly changing the subject.

      “I’m high maintenance,” she said and grinned. “Scared?”

      “Not at all,” he replied, watching the way her mouth curled at the edges and thinking how sexy it was. It had been a long time since he’d been attracted to someone. But she was funny and flirtatious, and he was discovering that he enjoyed her company. “But I’m not sure I believe you.”

      She shrugged. “I work long hours, and that doesn’t leave me a lot of time for socializing. But lately...”

      Her words trailed off and he raised both brows questioningly. “Lately?”

      “Both my sisters and one of my brothers have recently gotten married, and another brother got engaged,” she explained and sighed. “I feel left out, I guess, as if romance and love have passed me by.”

      “And is that what you want?” he queried. “Romance and love?”

      She shrugged again. “Doesn’t everyone?” She turned back and then made a face. “To be honest, I’d settle for someone to share a pizza, watch a movie and snuggle with.”

      Jake smiled, trying to recall the last time he’d snuggled with anyone. His ex-wife, Patrice, hadn’t exactly been the snuggling type. But Valene Fortunado, with her lovely hair, soft brown eyes and subtle curves, made him think that it was time he got back to really living and reconnecting with the world.

      “What kind of movies do you like?” he asked and finished his coffee.

      She chuckled. “Ah...actually, I like a little zombie action.”

      Jake laughed. “No chick flicks?”

      She shook her head. “Not really. Just zombies and fright-night kinds of films.”

      Jake winced. “Then I guess we’re not going to do that pizza and a movie thing,” he said, smiling as he shrugged. “Pity.”

      Her lips curled. “You don’t like scary movies?”

      “I don’t like clowns,” he admitted. “And one always seems to turn up in that kind of movie.”

      She laughed again, so softly, so delightfully, that Jake’s belly rolled over.

      “You’re scared of clowns?”

      “Not scared,” he corrected quickly. “I just don’t like them all that much.”

      “Tough guy like you,” she shot back, still chuckling. “In the movies, cowboys aren’t afraid of anything.”

      “I’m not afraid,” he reiterated, enjoying her teasing. “Just...cautious. It’s those big feet and red noses...they’re kinda freaky.”

      She laughed again. “Well, if we ever go on a date to a carnival or circus, I promise to protect you from the clowns terrorizing the midway.”

      Jake stared at her, relaxed back in the booth seat and spoke. “Would you like to?”

      Her head tilted fractionally. “Would I like to what?”

      “Go on a date?”

      * * *

      Valene’s heart was beating like a jackhammer. Jake Brockton was utterly gorgeous. His eyes were clear blue, his face perfectly angled and proportioned, his blond hair the kind that begged for fingers to thread through it. And the rest of him was to-die-for hot. His shoulders were broad, his arms well muscled, and she was certain the rest of him would hold up to her and every other woman on the planet’s scrutiny. She couldn’t recall ever seeing a man fill out a chambray shirt the way he did. And he had nice hands—strong looking, with long blunt fingers, neat nails and a few calluses that signified hard work. Yes, Jake Brockton was about as masculine and attractive a man as she’d ever met.

      Plus, he seemed to like her.

      Unfortunately, СКАЧАТЬ