Dreaming Of... Greece. Rebecca Winters
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Название: Dreaming Of... Greece

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474083577


СКАЧАТЬ choice didn’t disappoint her. The waiter brought mezes made of octopus, salad, sardines, calamari, shrimp and clams. They feasted until they couldn’t eat another bite. He taught her how to say the names of the fish in Greek. It was hilarious because her pronunciation needed help with gareedes, the name for shrimp, causing them both to laugh.

      “I’m humbled when I realize you picked up English and are fluent in it. You’re brilliant, Akis.”

      “We had to learn it out of necessity, no other reason.”

      “Those who know your story would call it genius. I lived with Chloe for nine months, but I didn’t pick up her language. I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t really try. Your genius is that you knew what you had to do and you did it against all odds.”

      “But my pronunciation needs help.”

      “No, it doesn’t.” She put a hand on his arm without realizing it. “I love the way you speak English. It’s so sweet.”

      His black brows met together. “Sweet?”

      “It’s part of your unique charisma. There’s nothing artificial about you. Never change.”

      He reached for her hand and kissed the palm. Full of food and so happy, she felt delicious sensations run through her body at the touch of his lips against her skin. She wanted, needed to be close to him.

      “Vasso?” a female voice called out, causing Raina to lift her head in the direction of the lovely woman who’d come over to their table. She was probably Raina’s age.

      Still grasping her hand, Akis turned around to the person who’d interrupted them.

      “Akis!” She looked shocked before her gaze strayed to Raina.

      At that point he had to let go of her hand and stood up. “Sofia Peri,” he said in English, “meet Raina Maywood.”

      The other woman nodded to Raina.

      “Sofia grew up here at the same time with Vasso and me,” he explained.

      From the other woman’s troubled expression, Raina suspected there’d been an uneasy history. “Akis and his brother must look a great deal alike for you to mistake him.”

      “Yes and no. How is he?”

      “Busy running the office while I’m on vacation. How are you and Drako?” His gaze flicked to Raina. “Her husband owns the best fishing business on Paxos.”

      Sofia averted her eyes. “This has been a good year for us.”

      “I’m glad to hear it. Nice to see you, Sofia. Give my best to Drako.”

      “It was nice to meet you, Sofia,” Raina chimed in.

      Clearly Sofia wanted to prolong the conversation, but Akis had sat down, effectively bringing their meeting to a close. When they were alone once more Raina said, “She’s a very pretty woman.”

      “A very unhappy one,” Akis responded. “When Vasso got out of the military he asked her to marry him, but she turned him down because she was looking for a man who could give her all the things she wanted.”

      Raina read between the lines. “Now that you and your brother have prospered, she’s wishing she hadn’t turned him down?”

      He sat back in the chair and nodded. “From his early teens, Vasso was crazy about her and she him, but she wanted more from life. There was a period when I feared he’d never get over the rejection. But he did.”

      She let out a sigh. “Thank goodness time has a healing effect.”

      His eyes searched hers. “You say that like someone who has been hurt.”

      The subject had come up. Better to get it out of the way now. “I married at twenty when I was young and naive. A writer ten years older than I came to the house to get details about a book he was writing on my grandmother’s father, Edwin Moss. My great-grandfather was a seascape artist who’s been gaining in popularity.

      “Because Byron was older and brilliant, I was too blinded by his attention to realize he only wanted me for what my money could do to support his research and career. He told me he wanted to put off having children for a while.”

      “You wanted children?”

      “More than anything. I didn’t understand why he wanted to postpone it until he was trapped in a scandal with a grade-B film starlet from Hollywood and the director with whom she was having an affair. As you can imagine I thanked providence there was no child born to us who would be torn apart.”

      Akis’s striking Greek features hardened.

      “In court I learned Byron had been having relations with her before and during my marriage to him. It got ugly before it was over. My grandparents helped me through the ordeal. Without them I don’t think I would have made it. Your brother was fortunate enough to be passed over. In the long run he’s the winner.”

      “I couldn’t agree more.” Akis put some bills on the table. “Let’s get out of here. Back along the shoreline near the dock is an outdoor club for dancing. We’ll see how your ankle holds up without the crutches, but the second it starts to hurt, we’ll leave.”

      Twilight had turned the island into a thing of incredible beauty. Between the water and the lights, Raina was caught in its spell. But for the crutches, she would have hung on to him, unable to help herself.

      Many of the shops had closed for the night. “Look—your store is full of people. I’m so proud of what you’ve done I could burst.”

      “I’m afraid I’m going to burst if I don’t get you in my arms soon.”

      He didn’t know the half of it. Soon she could hear live music coming from the club. They played everything from bouzouki to modern, jazz and rock. Some of the people sat around watching the lights of the harbor and the incoming ferry while they enjoyed a cocktail. Other couples had taken to the dance floor.

      Akis put her crutches next to her chair and ordered them a local drink. “Come on.” He reached for her hand and pulled her onto the floor. “I’ve waited as long as I can.”

      So had she. Today she’d been transported to another world and melted in his arms, dying for the legitimate excuse to get as close to him as possible. Her heart thudded so hard, she was certain he could feel it. Their bodies fit and moved as one flesh.

      When he wrapped both arms around her to bring her even closer, she linked her arms around his neck and clung to him. The male scent of him combined with the soap he’d used in the shower acted as an aphrodisiac. Raina had no idea how long they’d been fused together when his lips brushed against her hot cheek. “How’s your ankle?”

      “What ankle?” she murmured back.

      She felt his deep sigh. “When I was a young boy, we’d walk past this club on our way home from work every night. For years and years I used to watch the people sitting around drinking and dancing, unable to relate to their lives.

      “It took money and leisure time, СКАЧАТЬ