Daddy Wanted. Renee Andrews
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Название: Daddy Wanted

Автор: Renee Andrews

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474013864


СКАЧАТЬ keep them from holding Dylan back. And she had to get over the knowledge that she wasn’t the only wild child who had returned home.

      Brodie hit the brakes to keep from plowing into the back of Savvy’s truck when she screeched to a stop at the intersection of Main and Maple. His mind reeled. He needed a moment to sort through the tornado of information he’d received, but he didn’t have time to stop and process. He had to follow her, couldn’t let her get away without telling him what had happened to Willow.

      Willow. Dead.

      After all this time, he was finally going to make things right, and she was dead?

       God, why? And how?

      That letter had been mailed less than a month ago. A month ago, she was alive. A month ago, he could have talked to her, helped her son the way she’d asked and apologized for treating her so badly.

      Now that chance was gone.

      He set his jaw and accelerated as Savvy continued out of town. She’d said she had to take care of Willow’s kids. Brodie had known Willow had a son from that letter. How many more children did she have? Had she been married? And if she was, where was her husband?

      And why was Savvy taking care of them now?

      So many questions. And unfortunately, Savvy, who could undoubtedly provide answers, didn’t want anything to do with him.

      Brodie had been prepared to see Willow, but he hadn’t anticipated running into Savvy.

      Savvy, still as stunning as ever, even in ratty blue jeans, an old T-shirt and a baseball cap. She’d been pretty in school, but she was downright gorgeous now. Hard to believe this was his old friend. One of the two females he’d opened up to in high school. In spite of the string of girls he’d had physical relationships with back then, Willow and Savvy were the only two that he’d truly known. They’d been so close.

      And he’d blown it.

      Today, Savvy’s dark eyes said it all. She hadn’t forgiven him for what he’d done to Willow. And Brodie didn’t blame her. He’d never said he was sorry. He’d never asked for forgiveness. He’d planned to do both today, but now that would never be possible.

       God, please, help me out here.

      He’d only recently found a relationship with God, but he’d been talking to Him continually ever since he thought he might lose his daughter.

      “I didn’t get the chance to ask for Willow’s forgiveness, but let Savvy forgive me, Lord. I know You sent me here for a reason, and if that’s it, help me figure out how to make that happen.”

      * * *

      Savvy couldn’t stop thinking of Brodie as she drove her old truck down the once-familiar dirt road between Claremont and Stockville toward Willow’s trailer. Gripping the steering wheel tighter, she forced herself to remember that day when Willow finally told her what Brodie had done. If she and Brodie were still friends, he could help her now. Comfort her in her loss. Tell her what to do about her new role as guardian of Willow’s children.

      But they weren’t friends, not anymore. And Savvy had never felt the pain of that loss more than now.

      What was she supposed to do with a teenager and six-year-old twins? She’d always adored Willow’s kids, when they visited sporadically to take advantage of her proximity to the beach. But raising them? Savvy knew nothing about bringing up children, and she sure couldn’t pull from her own childhood to know what to do. Her own mom had abandoned ship as soon as Savvy was born. What if Savvy inherited her motherly instincts?

      Checking the mirror as she started up Willow’s driveway, she saw that Brodie hadn’t given up on his pursuit. Not that she had expected him to. Brodie Evans never backed down from a challenge.

      As if knowing Savvy was near, Mandy walked around the side of Willow’s ancient trailer. She had her brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail and wore a black sleeveless sweater, jeans and boots. Savvy thought of the clothes she’d brought from Florida. Not one sweater in the lot. She was as prepared for north Alabama weather as she was to take care of Dylan, Rose and Daisy.

      Or as she was to take on the all-encompassing male bearing down on her truck.

      “God, help me,” she muttered, parking next to Willow’s old baby-blue minivan and, frankly, feeling a bit surprised that she’d asked Him for help. She hadn’t had anything to do with God since she’d left this town; why would He help her now?

      He’d certainly never done anything to support her before.

      Mandy neared the truck and gave Savvy a soft smile as she climbed out. Savvy hadn’t been overly close to Mandy when they were in school, but she was the kind of girl everyone knew and liked. And Mandy hadn’t dated anyone in high school, so Savvy had never gone after her boyfriend and attempted to break up their relationship.

      The way she had for most every other girl at Claremont High.

      She’d earned her reputation, that was for sure. And from the looks she received at the square today, the town hadn’t forgotten. But thankfully, Mandy didn’t let that stop her from offering friendship. Then again, her husband was the youth minister at the church, so maybe offering friendship to the wild child was a requirement.

      In any case, Mandy and Willow had apparently become close, and Savvy was glad for that. Willow, like Savvy, didn’t have many friends.

      “Rose and Daisy are playing on the swing set with Kaden out back. I heard your truck,” Mandy said, explaining why she’d walked to the front of the trailer and left the kids. Her son, Kaden, had been with her last night, too. He was eight, only two years older than the twins, but Rose and Daisy obviously looked up to the boy. Kaden had brought several books and read them stories before bed. It would have been nice if Dylan had wanted to read to his sisters, but he’d been in his room and had only come out to eat and shower.

      “I appreciate you watching them until I could get here.”

      The slamming of another door and then heavy footsteps behind her indicated Brodie had also exited his truck and now stood close enough that Savvy could feel solid, masculine warmth against her side.

      “Brodie,” Mandy said, directing her voice to that very spot and affirming Savvy’s suspicion that he stood near, close enough to sense, and close enough to touch.

      Savvy stuffed her hands in her pockets to keep from even accidentally touching the man who’d shattered her friend’s heart.

      “I tried to reach you last week to tell you about Willow,” Mandy continued. “I called your office at the college, but I didn’t get an answer, and I didn’t feel it was the kind of message I should leave on your machine.”

      * * *

      Brodie had undoubtedly been at the hospital in Knoxville when Mandy had called. “I appreciate you trying,” he said, still shocked by the news of Willow’s death.

      “I remember how close the three of you were,” Mandy remarked. “Y’all were practically inseparable when we СКАЧАТЬ