Daddy Wanted. Renee Andrews
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Название: Daddy Wanted

Автор: Renee Andrews

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474013864


СКАЧАТЬ her about it last night.

      “I remember,” Mandy said, “but you’re only working until the kids get out of school, right? When I asked if you needed me to help you with them in the afternoons, you said you’d be home by the time they get off the bus each day.”

      Savvy took the phone from her ear and glanced at the time on the display. “Uh, what time do they get home, again?” She’d arrived in town late yesterday after they’d already gotten home from school, and Mandy had been there.

      “The bus drops them off at two forty-five.”

      The time on Savvy’s phone showed two-forty. “Oh, no! I’m not going to make it. I’ve got to get down there, Mandy!” She grabbed a baseball cap from a box nearby and put it on her head. It wasn’t a foolproof way to disguise her from the nosy folks in Claremont, but she wasn’t in the mood for more stares and whispers as she went about her business. Hurrying, she shuffled through the store aisles toward the entrance and knocked a fishing rod off the wall in the process. She picked it up and quickly returned it to the display hook.

      “How could I have forgotten about the kids already?” she asked.

      “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Savvy. These things happen,” Mandy answered.

      Savvy made it to the front of the store, pushed the door open and called to her grandmother, “I’ve got to go. It’s time for the bus!”

      She glanced down to press the end button on the phone, but halted when she ran face-first into a brick wall. Or rather, a hard-plated chest that felt like a brick wall. “Excuse me.” She looked up, and her heart lodged in her throat.

      The newspaper photo didn’t do him justice.

      Brodie Evans was taller—a couple of inches taller—than she remembered. His eyes an even more distinctive icy blue. And the five-o’clock shadow only intensified the strength of his jaw.

      “Savvy?” he questioned, and she realized he’d grabbed her forearm when she slammed into him and he’d yet to let go, the warmth of his hand seeping into her skin. “You’re back,” he said. “I had no idea.”

      “I’ve gotta go.” She pulled her arm away, a mix of panic and anger and disappointment flooding her as she remembered how close they’d been once upon a time, and how he’d thrown it all away.

      “But I was coming to your grandparents’ store to find...” he began.

      “They can help you with whatever you want.” She forced her feet to move away from the distraction of Brodie Evans and then prayed he got everything he needed from the store today. She didn’t want to talk to him again, didn’t want to see him again. Turning, she sprinted across the square toward her truck, but then heard Mandy yell, “Savvy, wait!”

      In the shock of seeing Brodie, she’d forgotten to disconnect the call. “What is it?” she asked breathlessly.

      “I’m here, at the trailer. I was bringing a couple more casseroles from the ladies at church, so I’ll wait for the kids to get off the bus, and then I’ll stay until you get here.”

      “You’re there?” she asked. But even if she didn’t have to race to the bus stop, she still wanted to leave the square. And the man from her past. “Okay, but I’ll be there soon.” Savvy blinked past the emotions spreading over her like wildfire.

      Brodie. After all these years...

      A large palm cupped her left shoulder as she reached her truck. She’d been running, her chest pulling in air from the effort, and he wasn’t even breaking a sweat. “Savvy, wait. I’m trying to find Willow.” Brodie turned her to face him. “I have to find her.”

      Savvy’s hand squeezed the phone still pressed against her ear. Mandy said something, but she couldn’t make out the words, the jolt from Brodie’s statement drowning out every sound except the thudding of her heart pulsing in her ears. “Willow?” she whispered as visions of her beautiful friend flooded her mind.

      Willow standing beneath Jasper Falls, her long dark hair framing a laughing face as she splashed Brodie and Savvy. Willow had died there, at the place they’d all loved. And Brodie had no idea.

      “Yes, Willow,” he said. “She wrote to me, said she needed to talk to me about helping...”

      Savvy shook her head, didn’t listen to anything else. “You can’t help.” The memory pushed tears forward, and they spilled onto her cheeks. Savvy brushed them away. “Willow’s gone.”

      “What do you mean, she’s gone?” He reached into his jacket and withdrew an envelope. “She wrote to me and said she still lived in Claremont and that she wanted to talk to me. She gave me her phone number, but her voice mail box is full. And she didn’t give an address. I thought maybe your grandparents could help me find her.”

      “Brodie, you don’t—”

      He held up a hand. “Listen, Savvy, I’m sure she told you what happened, and I know you’re probably still angry over what I did. But I know Willow is here, and I’m going to see her.”

      “’re not.” Disbelief and shock swirled together to make her light-headed. She grabbed the truck door and took a deep breath.

      “Savvy, you can’t keep me from seeing her.”

      “I am still angry,” she finally said, wanting to hit him for the way he had hurt Willow back then. She lifted her arm to do just that, but then dropped it to her side. What good would it do?

      “I need to talk to her. I need to apologize,” he said thickly, as though either of those things could actually happen.

      Savvy gawked at him. “You’re too late. It’s too late to apologize. Willow—” She couldn’t hold back the truth. “Willow’s dead, Brodie.” His eyes widened, the blow of the news evident, but Savvy had neither the time nor the inclination to explain. “And I’ve got to go take care of her kids.” She twisted away, hurriedly climbed into her truck and slammed the door. Then she drove away without looking in the rearview mirror.

      Mandy’s voice echoed through the line of the phone Savvy had tossed on the seat. “Savvy?” she asked. “Savvy, can you hear me?”

      She had obviously touched the speaker button at some point. Reaching for the phone, she nearly sped through the stop sign at Maple and Main before slamming on the brakes. They squealed in protest, and the phone slid toward the passenger door.

      Mandy yelled, “What happened?”

      Savvy held her foot firmly on the brake while she retrieved the phone. Then she answered, “It’s okay, Mandy. I’m on my way.”

      “I figured that part out,” she said. “That was Brodie, wasn’t it? Is he okay? And are you?”

      “No,” she said honestly. “And no.”

      “I know that was hard, talking to him and telling him about Willow, but please take a moment to calm down. Don’t speed when you drive out here. I’ll get the kids when they get off the bus and wait for you to get home. Take your time. Everything is fine.”

      “Okay,” СКАЧАТЬ