Gina's Little Secret. Jennifer Taylor
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Название: Gina's Little Secret

Автор: Jennifer Taylor

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408973189


СКАЧАТЬ to his notes, Mr Jackson had surgery to repair a hernia almost three months ago,’ Gina pointed out levelly. ‘Could that have any bearing on what’s been happening recently?’

      ‘Certainly not.’ Miles’s tone was scathing. ‘If there was a problem following surgery, it would have shown up before now. I suggest you stick to nursing the patients, Sister, and leave the diagnoses to those of us who are qualified to make them.’

      Gina’s face flamed. It was galling to be spoken to that way. The visitors at the next bed had obviously heard what Miles had said because she could see the sympathy on their faces. However, before she could say anything another voice cut in.

      ‘Sister has raised a valid point. It is an established fact that a pulmonary embolism can occur up to three months following surgery.’

      Gina swung round, her eyes widening when she saw the grim expression on Marco’s face. He wasn’t looking at her, however; he was staring at Miles. His deeply accented tones were icy as he continued.

      ‘I suggest you send the patient for a scan to rule out that possibility.’

      A rush of heat ran up Miles’s neck. ‘I assure you that there is no need for you to get involved, Mr … um …’ Miles stopped, obviously at a disadvantage because he didn’t know Marco’s name.

      ‘Andretti. Dr Andretti,’ Gina told him, placing just enough emphasis on Marco’s title that Miles couldn’t fail to notice it. ‘Dr Andretti is an expert on trauma care,’ she added sweetly.

      ‘Oh, I see.’ If anything, Miles went even redder. ‘Thank you, Dr Andretti. Rest assured that I shall bear your advice in mind,’ he blustered.

      Marco’s expression didn’t soften. ‘You would be better off sending the patient to Radiology rather than waste time thinking about it. If it is a pulmonary embolism then time is of the essence.’

      ‘I … ahem … yes, of course.’ Miles hurriedly scribbled an instruction to that effect and thrust it into Gina’s hands. ‘See that Mr Jackson is sent for a scan immediately, Sister.’

      ‘Of course,’ Gina murmured as Miles hurried away. She told Philip Jackson that she would arrange for a porter to take him and moved away from the bed, pausing as she drew level with Marco. She wasn’t sure why he had stood up for her, but she had to admit that it felt good to know that he had. She forced that foolish thought aside as she smiled politely at him. ‘Thank you, Dr Andretti. I appreciated your help just now.’

      ‘Prego!’ He shrugged, drawing her attention to the solid width of his shoulders beneath the thin hospital gown. Although there wasn’t an ounce of spare flesh on him, he had a leanly muscular physique that looked impressive in or out of clothes.

      The thought was more than she could deal with and she started to move away, only to stop when he caught hold of her hand. Gina could feel the light pressure of his fingers on her skin and a wave of longing suddenly shot through her. It had been three years since she had felt his touch, three years since any man had touched her, because she’d not had another relationship since. Maybe that explained why it felt as though there was fire, not blood, running through her veins.

      ‘I was happy to help … Gina.’ His gaze held hers fast and she felt her heart rate increase when she saw the question in his eyes. In that second she knew that he had recognised her and panic rose up inside her.

      ‘Look, Marco, this really isn’t the time or the place to discuss what happened between us,’ she said urgently.

      ‘No? Then when would be a good time?’

      His tone was even so it was impossible to guess what he was thinking. Gina struggled to regain her control. She still hadn’t made up her mind if she intended to tell him about Lily. When she had first found out that she was pregnant, she had decided to contact him. After all, he’d had a right to know that he was to be a father, although she’d planned to make it clear that she didn’t expect anything from him. However, when she had failed to contact him by phone and the letter she had sent to his home had been returned, unopened, she had changed her mind.

      Marco had made it abundantly clear that he wasn’t interested in anything she had to tell him. To her mind, he had forfeited any rights he’d had and she wouldn’t contact him again. However, that had been before he had reappeared in her life. Even though she loathed the idea, it made a difference. It was hard to know what to do, although one thing was certain: until she had made up her mind, she needed to stay calm.

      ‘I don’t know. The last thing I want is people talking, so maybe it would be better if we left things as they are until you’re discharged.’ She gave a sharp little laugh, hearing the strain it held and praying that Marco couldn’t hear it. ‘That’s assuming we have anything to talk about. After all, it’s not as though we parted the best of friends.’


       1 a.m. 12 December

      MARCO couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t just the fact that he wasn’t used to being surrounded by so many people that had kept him awake, but what Gina had said: It’s not as though we parted the best of friends.

      It didn’t take a genius to work out that they must have had a relationship, but what sort exactly? The obvious answer was that they’d had an affair, but although there were gaps in his memory, he remembered enough to know that he didn’t normally indulge in affairs. The thought of moving from one woman to the next purely for sexual gratification was anathema to him, but if that were the case, it meant that Gina must have played a very different role in his life.

      He closed his eyes, wishing he could recall what had gone on between them. Oh, he could remember all sorts of things now: where he had worked for the past few years—six months in Australia followed by two years in the USA. He also remembered why he had come to England—he had been head-hunted by one of London’s top teaching hospitals. He should have been attending an interview for the post that very day, in fact. He would have to contact them and explain why he wasn’t able to make it, although that didn’t seem nearly as important as this. Why couldn’t he remember what Gina had meant to him? All he knew was what she had told him, that their parting had been less than amicable. Hell!

      Marco swore softly as he tossed back the bedclothes. Thankfully, his headache had gone and apart from the swelling above his right ear, there were few physical mementoes of the accident. If he could only fill in these gaps in his memory, he would be fine and definitely well enough to leave here. Quite frankly he’d had enough of being a patient!

      His mouth compressed as he made his way down the ward. He knew the two nurses had gone for their break because he had seen them leave. It meant that Gina was on her own, so it would be the ideal time to talk to her. He frowned as he stopped outside the office because he still didn’t understand why she had been so reluctant to admit that she knew him. Obviously something serious must have happened between them in the past and he wouldn’t rest until he found out what it was.

      The thought spurred him on. He didn’t bother knocking before he opened the door. Gina was sitting at the desk and he saw the surprise on her face when she glanced up.

      ‘You were quick,’ she began then trailed off when she saw him.

      Marco saw the colour drain from her face and the fact that he had no idea what he had done to cause her to react that way angered him. His tone was harsher than he had intended it to be. СКАЧАТЬ