Gina's Little Secret. Jennifer Taylor
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Название: Gina's Little Secret

Автор: Jennifer Taylor

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408973189


СКАЧАТЬ but you can’t help worrying, can you? I mean, they have to stop your heart and everything.’

      ‘Yes, they do, but they attach you to a special machine which takes over the jobs your heart and lungs would normally do,’ Gina explained, wishing, not for the first time, that Miles Humphreys had a better bedside manner. An operation such as this might be routine to him but it certainly wasn’t routine for the patient.

      ‘So you think it’s quite safe, do you, Sister?’ Frank said anxiously. ‘And that I should have it done?’

      ‘I do. Although it’s a major operation, it’s performed frequently. And I know for a fact that the cardio team here at St Saviour’s are highly skilled.’ She patted Frank’s hand. ‘You’ll be fine, I promise you.’

      ‘Thank you.’ Frank smiled at her. ‘I feel much happier now. Shame that young doctor didn’t take the time to reassure me like you’ve just done. You should give him a few tips on how to talk to his patients.’

      Gina smiled although she didn’t say anything. Talking to Miles was something she was trying to avoid. Ever since he’d asked her out on a date and she’d refused, there’d been an atmosphere when he came into the ward. If only he would accept that there was nothing personal about her refusing his invitation.

      She sighed as she went to phone the cardiology unit. The truth was she wasn’t interested in Miles or any other man. She’d had her heart broken once and there was no way that she was going to risk it happening again, especially when it could impact on Lily. Making sure that her two-year-old daughter was safe and happy was all that mattered. There was no room in her life for a relationship.

      Frank Walker had just been transferred to the cardiology unit when the porters arrived with their latest admission. Gina was in the office, making yet another attempt to get to grips with the paperwork, but she went out to meet them. Julie had already directed them to the end bay and they were manoeuvring the bed into place when Gina got there.

      ‘So, who have we got?’ she asked, unclipping the notes from the foot rail. She glanced at the patient’s details. Name: Marco Andretti. Age: thirty-seven. Address: Villa Rosa, Florence, Italy. Just for a moment the full impact of what she was reading didn’t hit her and then all of a sudden her heart began to pound. It had to be a mistake! It couldn’t be her Marco….

      Could it?

      Gina took a deep breath as she forced herself to look at the man lying on the bed. His eyes were shut and the right side of his head was swathed in a thick white dressing but neither of those things mattered. As her eyes drank in the olive-tanned skin, the elegant nose, the chiselled jaw and sensuous curve of his mouth she felt panic assail her. It was Marco. There was no mistake about that!

      ‘Gina? Hey, are you OK?’

      Gina jumped when Julie tapped her on the arm. She knew there was no point claiming that she was fine because her friend wouldn’t believe her. ‘I … urn … I feel a bit queasy, that’s all. I expect I’m hungry.’

      ‘Probably because you worked straight through your break.’ Julie made flapping movements with her hands. ‘Go on, scoot! You go and make yourself a cup of coffee. We can manage here, can’t we, Rosie?’

      ‘Well, if you’re sure.’ Gina turned away when the older woman nodded. Normally, she wouldn’t have dreamt of leaving the staff to settle in a new patient without her being present, but this wasn’t a normal situation, was it? A wave of hysterical laughter welled up inside her and she pressed her hand to her mouth as she made her way to the staffroom. Thankfully, there was nobody in there so she switched on the kettle then sank down on a chair as her legs suddenly gave way.

      What twist of fate had brought Marco here to the very hospital where she worked? she wondered dizzily. It would be three years this Christmas since she had seen him last, three whole years since he had told her bluntly that he didn’t envisage them ever having a future together. His expression had been so cold that any protests she might have made had remained unuttered. What would have been the point of trying to convince him that they’d had something special, something worth fighting for, when he obviously hadn’t believed that himself? She couldn’t have made him love her, definitely wouldn’t have begged him to, so she had done what he had wanted and walked away.

      Gina’s heart was heavy as she recalled that terrible period in her life. She had wondered in the beginning if once she had gone, he might realise that he missed her more than he had thought; however, as the weeks had passed, and he had made no attempt to contact her, she had accepted how foolish she’d been to hope for that. Marco may have enjoyed making love to her. He may even have enjoyed spending time with her for a short while, but he had never needed her as a permanent part of his life.

      It had been hard to face that fact but at least it had made it easier to decide what to do when Lily was born. But now Marco was here and Gina knew that his reappearance in her life would have repercussions. It was bound to. Marco was Lily’s father. He had a daughter he knew nothing about.


      ‘RIGHT, everything’s sorted. One of the neuro team will be here shortly … Hello! Earth to Gina—are you receiving me?’

      ‘What?’ Gina jumped when Julie appeared in front of her. She took a quick breath, forcing the feeling of panic to retreat if not to actually disappear. The situation was way too volatile to hope that would happen.

      ‘Sorry, I was miles away,’ she said, getting up to spoon instant coffee into a couple of mugs. She added boiling water then reached for the sugar jar, deriving comfort from the familiar routine. Maybe that was the answer, she thought suddenly. Behave normally and Marco wouldn’t suspect anything was wrong. After all, there was no reason to tell him about Lily, was there?

      ‘Here, let me do that. I know I like my coffee sweet but three spoons of sugar is too much even for me!’ Julie edged her aside, tipping the offending brew down the sink before starting again from scratch. She treated Gina to an old-fashioned look as she handed her a fresh mug of coffee. ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d say the sight of our dishy new patient has knocked you for six.’

      ‘Rubbish!’ Gina gave a sharp little laugh, anxious to stamp on that idea before it could take hold. The last thing she needed was people speculating. ‘I’m just hungry, as I said. I didn’t have time to eat anything before I came into work, so it’s my own fault.’

      ‘I’ve got some sandwiches left. Here you go.’ Julie handed her a plastic container then leant against the work top while she drank her coffee.

      ‘Thanks.’ Gina forced herself to bite into one of the thick ham sandwiches even though the last thing she felt like doing was eating. Could she pull it off, make sure that Marco remained unaware of Lily’s existence? After all, he would only be in AAU for a short while; he would either be moved to a ward or discharged depending on what treatment he required. There was no reason why she should bring up the subject of their daughter.

      Pain speared through her and she hurriedly took another bite of the sandwich. Their daughter, the child they had conceived together. She had truly believed that they had been making love when it must have happened, but that wasn’t how Marco had viewed it. It couldn’t have been. It had just been sex for him, pure and simple, and the fact that it had resulted in a beautiful, healthy little girl was incidental.

      ‘I’ve not dealt with a case like this before. It’s one of those things you read about but rarely experience.’

      Gina СКАЧАТЬ