The Return Of David Mckay. Ann Evans
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Название: The Return Of David Mckay

Автор: Ann Evans

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Superromance

isbn: 9781408905296


СКАЧАТЬ with a dismissing wave of her hand. Turning to him, she added in a pained voice, “David, dear—”

      He’d finally had enough. “Don’t ‘David, dear’ me. It was one thing to think of you taking off in the company of some grizzled cowpoke, but there’s no way you’re trotting off into the Colorado wilderness just the two of you. I forbid it.”

      His grandmother stiffened. “David!” she snapped. “You’re being unforgivably rude. You can’t forbid me to do anything. We’re perfectly capable of—”

      “Excuse me, may I say something?” Addy interceded. She gave David a mild look of understanding that only made him suspicious. He watched her with bright, mistrustful eyes, like a caged hawk. Addy had always had her share of persuasive talents, too. “David, I doubt if we can communicate without it getting…unpleasant. But, really, this isn’t about you or me. It’s about what your grandmother wants to do.”

      “What she wants is unthinkable for a woman her age.”

      “I understand your concern. Initially I had some reservations myself. But your grandmother is perfectly aware of the demands of this trip.”

      “I certainly am,” Gran cut in. “David, I love camping out. Remember the safari your grandfather and I took to Africa the year before he died? This will be a walk in the park.”

      Addy turned toward him again. “According to her doctor, she’s in excellent health. And, frankly, her mind is made up. Unless you know of some mental impairment that would make her incapable….” She looked at him, all innocence. “Do you?”

      Gran sniffed indignantly. “He most certainly does not.”

      David’s patience had never been limitless and it was failing him miserably now. He glared at Addy. He couldn’t help noticing that she still had eyes like those in a Vermeer painting, untroubled and frank. At the moment there was just a touch of amused superiority in them. She had him. He couldn’t hurt Gran’s feelings with an insinuation that she might not be fully capable of making this decision.

      Sullenly he said, “It’s nothing like that and you know it.”

      Satisfied, Gran turned back to her carpetbag and tugged the two sides together. Wordlessly David pushed her hands gently aside to complete the task for her.

      He glanced back at Addy. “How many times have you made this trip?” he asked.

      “Not counting this one?”


      “None. But you know I’ve ridden all my life. We’ve recently added trail rides to the lodge’s list of amenities, so I’m getting more and more experience taking tours into back-country. Three just this month. I’ve never packed in as far as the Devil’s Smile before, but I think I can get us there and back without falling down a prairie-dog hole. Is that good enough for you?”

      “Of course it is, Addy,” Gran answered for David. “I think I’m all set, so we can just be on our way.” She patted David’s hand. “Now give me a kiss, dear, and scoot back to Hollywood. I promise to call you as soon as I return.”


      His grandmother clasped her hands to her face. “Oh, dear, I nearly forgot Herbert. Wouldn’t that have been silly?”

      She hurried to the mantel, then returned with the ornate box clutched tightly against her breast. In no time, Grampa Herb’s ashes were efficiently stowed in the same zippered compartment as Gran’s toiletries and sketchbook.

      David was aware of Addy waiting patiently with a casual remoteness. The sunlight pouring in the front window gave her features a pretty glow, and the fact that he’d noticed at all annoyed him even further.

      When his grandmother reached out to grab the handle of the carpetbag, he let his larger hand settle over hers. “Gran—”

      She straightened, her face flushed with determined irritation. Gran had a will no ax could break, and her tolerance was at an end. “David, I mean it now. There’s nothing left to say.”

      There was a moment’s pause in the struggle between them, like two combatants testing their weapons. Right now his armor felt pitifully inadequate. “I only have one thing to say,” he tossed out.

      Gran sighed wearily. “What’s that, dear?”

      “I’m going with you.”

      “What?” Both women spoke at once.

      “I’m going on this trip with you.”

      Gran shook her head. “You can’t do that.”

      “Why not? You said you don’t leave until tomorrow morning. I assume you’re staying up at Lightning River Lodge tonight. I’ll throw some things together and meet you up there.”

      “Sorry,” Addy said quickly. “We’re booked solid.”

      Her response came too quickly for him to believe it. Besides, he wasn’t going to let that weak attempt to outmaneuver him get in the way. He shrugged. “Then I’ll stay here tonight and come up tomorrow.”

      “But what about your work?” his grandmother asked. “Don’t you have—I don’t know—wheeling and dealing to do? Worlds to conquer?”

      “World conquering is slated for next month. In the meantime, I have enough capable people on my staff to take care of things while I’m away.” He turned toward Addy. “Can you provide an extra horse or do I have to bring my own?”

      He knew by the shifting of her eyes that she wasn’t pleased, but she managed to answer in a clear, indifferent tone. “I can fix you up with a mount and pack mule. Do you still know one end of a horse from the other?”

      “Mount from the left. Giddyap. Whoa.” He shrugged. “What more do I need to remember?”

      “I won’t have one of our animals ruined just so you can win this argument.”

      Now that the decision was made, David was beginning to warm to the idea. He grinned. “I’m kidding. Just like riding a bike. You don’t forget. And didn’t we ride all the time when I lived here before?”

      He knew instantly those words were a mistake. Any reminder of their shared past would be sticky.

      As though sensing that the sudden silence needed to be broken, his grandmother spoke up. “Dearest, it would please me immensely to have you come along, but you know how you get….”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      “Well, you like things…tidy. And you’re always complaining about hotels that don’t have decent room service or a health spa where you can work out. And don’t forget that unfortunate garter snake incident.”

      “For God’s sake, Gran,” David said in a tone full of stung pride. “I was just a kid. And I think I’m capable of putting up with a few inconveniences. Remember Sahara Sunset last year? We filmed for three straight months in the desert, and I did just fine.”

      Addy crossed her arms over СКАЧАТЬ