The Return Of David Mckay. Ann Evans
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Название: The Return Of David Mckay

Автор: Ann Evans

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Superromance

isbn: 9781408905296



      Whereas the party of the second part, Peterson Catering, has agreed to accept a payment in the amount of

      At the sound of a tiny sigh of relaxation, he glanced up again. She was still at it.

      —one hundred and eighty-seven thousand dollars, to be paid over a period not to exceed three months, the first monthly installment being due and payable on the twenty-first of August

      In his peripheral vision David caught a flicker of light. He tilted his head toward the tent. Elongated shadows on the tent surface indicated that Addy had risen. He could see the outlined thrust of her breasts as she stretched and lifted the heavy sweep of hair off her neck.

      Willing away that awareness, David lowered his eyes to the computer. The cursor blinked at him as if irritated. He backspaced and tried to pull concentration around him like a cloak. He red-lined the amount Legal had negotiated and began typing in the amount he intended to offer.

      One hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars

      He sat there, suspended, listening to the sudden mad knocking in his chest as he tried to remember what he’d intended to type next.

      One hundred and fifty-five thousand

      One hundred and

      With a small noise of self-disgust and a flick of his wrist, he closed the file and shut down the computer. How was a person supposed to concentrate here?

      Shoving the laptop back into its case, he rose. He hadn’t even gotten control of his frenzied breathing enough to think, but one thing David knew for sure—he needed to get away from the suffocating enclosure of the campsite for a while.

      “I’m going for a walk,” he called, setting out immediately.

      Every muscle seemed to ache with bow-strung tension as, impelled by the blind instinct of flight, he followed the course of the stream. It was fortunate the moon was so bright. The last thing he needed right now was to get lost and have to count on Addy to rescue him.

      He stopped to sit on a huge boulder, listening to the sounds of night creatures looking for a new darkness to call home.

      And trying to cool the fire in his blood.

      He didn’t need this kind of excitement. He had enough things to think about on this trip without indulging fantasies about Addy’s bare body silhouetted in lamplight. What he could use right now was a session with a very good bottle of booze or a punishing workout at the gym. Maybe a cold shower that would leave a numbness for which he would be eternally grateful…

      With an abrupt explosion of movement, David toed off his boots and socks, ripped his jeans down his legs and pulled off his shirt. Before he could change his mind, he waded naked into the stream.

      It took his breath away.

      It laid gooseflesh along his spine.

      It chattered his teeth.

      It was…perfect.

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