Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community. Sergey Solovyov
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СКАЧАТЬ self-name contains the root of the RAS, which was repeatedly used in toponymy of the places of settlement of the Sardons-Sardians. We can say this is one of the historical peoples who populated vast spaces in Europe at the end of the Bronze Age.

      What does the root RAS-RUS mean in Indo-European languages?

      Rasa (literally rāsa, “sap of plants”; figuratively “best, strongest” is a Sanskrit theological concept used in the traditions of Krishna-bhakti, in particular in Gaudiya Vaishnavism. As we will see later, this concept best fits the meaning of RAS -Rus in ancient times, as a concept of nobility, nobles in Indo-European communities.

      Giant in German is Riese, Hüne. That is, the value is HIGH. In Russkoye – ROSLY, ROSTOK. As you can see, the meaning of this in the Indo-European languages is identical, in the meaning of high, noble, best.

      “In a little time, the great-grandchildren Afetov Scythian and Zardan separated from their brothers and from their kind from the Western countries, and touched the midday countries, and took possession of Eksinopont, and they live there for many years, and from these sons and grandsons were born and multiplied greatly, and nicknamed by the name of his great-grandfather Scythian Scythia the Great. And there was between them strife and civil strife and sedition, a lot and cramped for the sake of a place. " (“The Legend of Slaven and Ruse, Published according to the Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles. T. 31. L., 1977)

      Here is the most important opus about Sardons, referred to as a kindred people to the Scythians. The Sardons settled as far as Narbonne Gaul, and their city was called Ruscino, now the region of Roussillon. The self-names of the Lydians were Sardones, and the Shardens are known from the Egyptian papyri.

      I.e. As you can see, the Zardons-Sardons were known in Russia as early as the 17th century, judging by the “Legend of Slaven and Rousse”, thereby confirming its authenticity.

      Etruscans as part of the Sardons

      Since, as Herodotus argued, the Etruscans are immigrants from Lydia, a region in Asia Minor, – Tyrrhenians or Tyrsenes, forced to leave their homeland due to catastrophic crop failure and hunger. According to Herodotus, this happened almost simultaneously with the Trojan War. Gellanicus from the island of Lesbos mentioned the legend of the Pelasgians, who arrived in Italy and became known as Tyrrhenians. The Lydians, or Meons, were a disappeared people who spoke the Lydian language of the Luwian subgroup of the Anatolian group (or branch) of Indo-European languages. They were called Lydians by the Assyrians and Greeks, and the self-name was “meons”, another the self-name was “sfardeny”. Arrian called them Sfardens, or more likely, Shardens in his book about Alexander the Great. According to Xanthus of Lydia, the first king of the Meons was Atius, who had two sons: Lid and Torreb. They were divided into Lydians and Torrebians. The Lydians were excellent horsemen, and only military cunning allowed the dogs to defeat the Lydian horsemen in battle. They are referred to as residents of Lemnos and Crete, and Troas. One of the four main regions of Thessaly in historical time was called Pelasgiotida (Strabo. Geography IX 5, 3 (p. 430). The Pelasgic plains stretched from Fer to Magnesia. By the way, the dynasty of Epirus was always associated with Troy through the marriage of Achilles’ son Neoptolemus with Andromache And in the family of the Epirus kings and kings of Macedonia, the name ALEXANDER was used, which was not used in the rest of Hellas, except Thessaly.

      Thus, the Pelasgians are associated in many respects with Troy, and therefore with Asia Minor.

      The Venets, the Etruscans’ neighbors in Italy, also came from Asia Minor, and they are mentioned by Quintus Curtius Rufus living there in the book about Alexander the Great.

      Roman writer Justin, processing the “World History” of Pompey Trogus, 1st century. BC, wrote:

      “After all, the Tusa peoples (populi), who own the coast of the Lower Sea, came from Lydia, and the Veneti, whom we now see living near the shores of the Upper Sea, were brought here by their leader Antenor, when Troy was taken and conquered.” Justin, XX.1.7—8.

      That is, Justin confirms the arrival of the Veneti from Asia Minor, and as you can see, the writing of the Veneti and Etruscans was identical. By tus he means the Etruscans; the Romans called the Etruscans tus. Tusci. The Etruscans expelled the ancestors of the Germans, actually the Tus, from Italy. In Rome, Etruscans were considered natural-born sorcerers and the cult was organized according to the Etruscan rite. Even the word CEREMONY has Etruscan roots, from the famous lukomons from CERE, the city of Etruria.

      The connection between the Etruscan language and the Italic dialects, in particular with the Sabine and Latin, is very interesting. There are many Latin and Sabine words of a clearly Etruscan character. Etruscan origin Roman male names in a: Sulla, Cinna, Catilina, Perperna (Etruscan name Porsenna). A connection can be made between Etruscan personal names and some of the names and terms of early Rome. The names of the three old Roman tribes – Ramna, Titia and Lucera (Ramnes, Tities, Luceres) correspond to the Etruscan generic names rumulna, titie, lucher. The names “Rome” (Roma) and “Romulus” (Romulus) find a close analogy in the Etruscan rumate, the Etruscan-Latin Ramennius, Ramnius, etc.

      And here the name Atiy, which is repeatedly found among the Indo-European Scythians in the form of Atey, and among the Romans Attius (the ancient Roman poet Lucius Akcius). During the historical period, the Lydians lived in the area of Lydia in western Anatolia. R. Beekes believed that during the Trojan War, the Lydians, known by Homer as the Meons, lived much further north, in the north-west of Anatolia, in the Masa region, the localization of which is still the subject of controversy. The self-name of the Etruscans was – Rasenna, Raśna. As you can see, among the Sardis, the toponym with the root RUS was not at all exceptional. Here we have both Ruscino and Rassenna. And the main thing is that this is not accidental, but in the general cultural and national context, because we see two parts of one people, the Sardis. In Serbia, there is the city of Ras, old Ras and Raska. And in Moesia there was also a city of Sardis, or Serdika. So the language of the Etruscans should be close to Lydian, the language of the Ruscino Sardons and the Venetians of the Adriatic, and practically the same language was spoken in the vast space from southern Gaul to Asia Minor. Sardis (in Lydian Sfarda, ancient Persian Sparda, ancient Greek αἱ Σάρδεις, in Ionic dialect Σάρδιες, short Greek Σάρδῑς), one of the great cities of the ancient world, best known as the capital of Lydia. It was located in Asia Minor on the gold-bearing river Paktol, at the foot of Mount Tmol, from where the entire valley of the Germ River opens. The common name for the Lydians was SARDA. SARDES reached not only Italy, but also settled in modern Roussillon. The self-name of the Lydians, according to Arrian, was precisely SFARDS (probably shards, because there are no hissing in Greek)

      That is, we see the migration of the Chardin Sardines to Gaul, Sardinia and Northern Italy. And, interestingly, some of these peoples used a similar name – Ras-Rus. In Sanskrit, this word means “best”. The common name for the Lydians was SARDA. SARDES reached not only Italy, but also settled in modern Roussillon. The ancient inhabitants of Roussillon were the Sardons; their main city was called Ruscino. Place names with the root Ras were also used by the Etruscans in the names of cities. Procopius of Kessarii mentions the city of Rusciana near Croton.


      Venets-Wends-Wends, according to Olaf Dalin, formerly called Huns

      The earliest mention of the Vends is in Homer. called the Aeneians or Aeneans, and their lord, the king of the city of Cephas in Thessaly is called Hunei, and here we see the Huns-Huns of antiquity.

      But from Kifa Guney with twenty and two ships

      He СКАЧАТЬ