Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community. Sergey Solovyov
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Читать онлайн книгу Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community - Sergey Solovyov страница 25

СКАЧАТЬ Locrians, the period of patience of the Argos had to last 1000 years, and the date of the capture of Mycenae by the Danes in 1468 BC is obtained., though rather the Argians bided their time. Date of foundation of Mycenae-from 1511—1468 BC e. And this dating is quite real, as it is confirmed by two sources – the Parian marble and the date of the expulsion of the Mycenaeans by the Argians.

      New migration 13—11 c. BC. Veneds and Sardons go to the West

      Thus, the Indo-European tribes settled by the beginning of the 17th century BC in the vastness of Eurasia, reaching both the Balkans and Denmark, as far as Hindustan and China from the Urals and the Ob. But in 12—11 thousand BC, everything changed again. What happened is unclear, but new waves of Indo-Europeans rushed to the West of Europe.

      History “Legends about Slovenia and Ruse”. “The Legend of Slovenia and Ruse and the City of Slovensk”, also known as the story “About the history of the hedgehog about the beginning of Rusky lands and the creation of Novagrad”, exists in more than 100 copies of the 17th and 18th centuries; the oldest dates back to 1630. Most of them belong to the second half of the 17th century, including the lists in the Chronicle of Patriarch Nikon, the Chronograph of 1679, and the Novgorod III Chronicle. Modern editions are usually based on a list from the Chronograph of 1679. Historians suggest that the Legend… was compiled by the founder of the Siberian chronicle, Metropolitan Cyprian (1626—1634)

      “Little by little, the great-grandchildren Afetov Scythian and Zardan separated from their brethren and from their kind from the Western countries, and touched the midday countries, and took possession of Eksinopont, and they live there for many years, and from these sons and grandchildren were born and multiplied greatly, and nicknamed after the great-grandfather of his Scythian Scythia the Great. And there was strife between them and civil strife and sedition are many and crowded for the sake of a place.”

      Here is the most important opus about Sardons, referred to as a kindred people to the Scythians. The Sardons settled as far as Narbonne Gaul, and their city was called Ruscino, now the region of Roussillon. The self-names of the Lydians were Sardones, and the Shardens are known from the Egyptian papyri.


      The Srdn-w Shardans are the people of the sea who briefly formed the personal guard of the Egyptian pharaohs. They are identified with the people, which around the 14—13th centuries. BC e. arrived in Sardinia and founded the culture of the Nuraghe builders there. In the same period, similar cultures arose in Corsica (Torre builders) and in the Balearic Islands (Talayot builders). They are first mentioned in 1350 BC in a letter from the prince Rib-Hatta to Pharaoh Akhenaten. Further, the shardens are mentioned in the troops of Ramses II, but already under Merneptah they invade Egypt, and were defeated only by the pharaoh Ramses III at the epic Battle of Sais. Sardons-Shardens are an Indo-European tribe, even rather a conglomerate of tribes. The Lydians also called themselves Sardis, or rather Shards (Arrian’s Greek spelling is sfarda, but there is no letter Ш in Greek). The capital of Lydia is Sardis. This people settled both Corsica and Sardinia, and even reached Gaul, settling its southern part. The toponyms remained in the form of Roussillon, formerly called Ruscino. In Corsica there is the city of Rusio, and the Settlement Rossignoli on the coast of the island. Chertkov A.D. he is one of the undeservedly forgotten and unmentioned Russian historians, whose contribution to historical science is underestimated. Chertkov’s works were very important for this book. Chertkov Thracian tribes who lived in Asia Minor. – 1st ed. – M.: In Univ. Typ., 1853. – 140, approx. 32 s.

      Chertkov “Pelazgo-Thracian tribes that inhabited Italy and from there moved to Rhetia, Vendelikia and further north, to the Maina River.” – 1st ed. – M.: In Univ. Typ., 1853. – 102, approx. 46 s.

      Chertkov “On the language of the Pelazgians who inhabited Italy, and its comparison with ancient Slovene”. – 1st ed. – M.: In Univ. Type., 1855. – 193 p.

      Talos (ancient Greek Τάλως, Τάλων) – in ancient Greek mythology, a bronze knight, given by Zeus to Europe to protect the island of Crete. The last of the “copper ash”, Zeus gave it to Europe. According to another version, the son of Adonis and Eurynome. It is also called Hephaistoteukton (ancient Greek ἦφαιστότευκτον “created by Hephaestus”), Zeus gave him to Europe as a guard. Apollonius of Rhodes calls Talos the last of the “copper ash-born”, in the Orphic Organautics he is called “three times copper giant.” The only place where he could be injured was the heel, where there was a vein filled with ichor (blood of the gods). Three times a day, he ran around the entire island, despite its size. It is called “three times copper giant” (according to others, a bull). He did not allow foreigners to enter the island, throwing stones at them, and if they did stick to the shore, he heated himself in fire and killed them in his arms. (Orphic Argonautics 1350—1352 // Losev A. F. Mythology of the Greeks and Romans. M., 1996. S. 157) According to Simonides and Sophocles, he burned the victim (according to Simonides Talos was from Sardinia), and killing, he laughed, which is why sardonic laughter is called. Or, since the Cretans founded Troy, and the Lydians were also Sards or Sardons, then some of the Cretans were Sardians, and hence Talos was thought of as a Sardon. So the tradition of the smile of death is much older than the words of the great Marcus Aurelius.

      Stari Ras (Serb. Stari Ras / Stari Ras) is a complex of medieval monuments located on the territory of Serbia. UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979. The tectonic region of Sardona (Glarnsky naryazh) is a mountainous region in the north-east of Switzerland, apparently, the name given by the ethnonym Sardov-Sardons.

      Roussillon (Cat. Rosselló, French Roussillon) is a historical province in southern France between the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Sea. The main city is Perpignan (now the department of East Pyrenees). In the Middle Ages, the county of Roussillon was located here, then – the Catalan comarca Roussillon. The ancient inhabitants of Roussillon were the Sardon tribe; their main city, Ruscino, was destroyed by the Normans. The name comes from the name of the fortified settlement Ruscino (Latin Ruscino, Rosceliona) near modern Perpignan, the former center of the region of civitas Ruscinonensis, which was part of 121 BC. e. in the ancient Roman province of Narbonne Gaul. In 462, the region, along with the rest of Septimania, was annexed to the Visigothic kingdom by King Theodoric II. Sordons or Sardons are a people who lived in the pre-Roman era in the extreme northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.

      The main cities of the Sordones were Ruscino (now Château-Roussillon, fr: Château-Roussillon near Perpignan) and Illyberis (now Elne, fr: Elne)

      But, the sardons-chardons left place names in the form of city names in the form of Alba. Albi is a city in southern France, near Toulouse, where this tribe settled. the city of Alba is in Sardinia and on the Apennine Peninsula in Liguria. Alba (Italian Alba) is the main city of the Langhe region on the border of Liguria and Piedmont, along the Tanaro River, in the Italian province of Cuneo. The famous Alba Longa, where the founding fathers of Rome came from.

      Olbia was probably also founded earlier by the Sardones. The Moesians were also a related tribe, as evidenced by the name of the city of Sarda, or the romanized name of Serdika, the present Sofia of Bulgaria. And in France, a treasure was discovered with a large number of tablets, with a letter resembling Etruscan and Lydian. The name Chardon is still used in France today. And, the southern part of Gaul was not inhabited at all by the Celts, but by the Sardinian Sardons, close to the Etruscans, and the rapid Romanization of the region in the future is connected with this. The Etruscans-Rasena, this is also part of the union of the Sardon tribes, and the Greeks called them who came from Lydia. Procopius in his war with the Goths mentions in central Italy, the fortress RUSSIANU.

      “Meanwhile, СКАЧАТЬ