Wagon Train Proposal. Renee Ryan
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Название: Wagon Train Proposal

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474033480


СКАЧАТЬ liked the way her name sounded wrapped inside his Irish brogue, liked it perhaps a bit too much. She sighed again. When had she become the sighing sort? “I’m also sorry you won’t be bringing home a mother for your daughters. My intention wasn’t to make matters worse for you, or them.”

      “I know that, as well.” Looking up at the sky, he lifted the brim of his hat off his head then shoved it back in place.

      The gesture was so thoroughly...him.

      “What will you do now?” she asked.

      It wasn’t really her concern. And yet, Rachel felt as though his daughters’ care was her concern. She couldn’t explain why, precisely, except that she’d insinuated herself into the matter and now she was invested in the outcome.

      “I’ll come up with another solution.” He rolled a shoulder. “Eventually.”

      Let it go, she told herself. Walk away.

      She pressed on. “Who watches your daughters now?”

      “My neighbor, Bertha Quincy. She’s exceptional. But she’s due to give birth to her own child in a few months and won’t have the time or, I predict, the inclination to care for my girls.”

      Rachel’s heart filled with distress. This widowed father was about to find himself in a very difficult situation, with no easy answer in sight, save one.

      “You could always find someone else on the wagon train to marry.” She made a vague gesture toward the bulk of the activity behind her. “There are several available women besides my sister.”

       Including me.

      He was already shaking his head before she finished speaking. “As much as I’d like to find a mother for my daughters, I have to think of their welfare and safety first. I need to know the woman I bring into my home. Moreover, I need to trust her completely.”

      Did he not hear the contradiction in his own words? “You were willing to consider Emma, sight unseen.”

      “Your brother is my closest neighbor and friend. I trust Grayson’s judgment unequivocally.”

      Rachel wondered why Grayson hadn’t considered her as a possible candidate for Tristan’s wife. Had her brother thought her too young? Or was it because Emma was the more beautiful of the two Hewitt sisters?

      A spurt of bitterness tried to take root. Rachel shoved it aside. Her days of living in Emma’s beautiful shadow were over. She was unique and special in her own way, a treasured child of God, worthy of her own happy ending. One day.

      Some day.

      Tristan looked as though he had something else to say, when the trail boss, Sam Weston, trotted over.

      “Sheriff McCullough.” Ignoring Rachel completely, the tall, lanky man reached up and tugged on his thick, bushy brown mustache. The gesture implied distress. “Mr. Stillwell and I have a matter of grave importance we need to discuss with you.”

      Tristan looked to Rachel before answering.

      “There’s just one more thing I wish to say,” she informed him. “It’ll only take a moment.”

      He turned to Mr. Weston. “I’ll be with you shortly.”

      The trail boss started to argue, but something in Tristan’s piercing gaze must have made him reconsider. He shrugged and went back the way he came.

      Once they were alone again, Rachel spoke quickly, before she lost her nerve. “When we arrive in Oregon City, if you ever find yourself in need of someone to watch your daughters, I’d be happy to do so.”

      He looked at her oddly and started to speak but was cut off by another person calling out his name.

      The sheriff was a popular man this morning.

      “I’ll let you know.” A short nod in her general direction and he was gone.

      Rachel stared after him a full ten seconds, wondering why she suddenly felt more alone than ever before.

      Thankfully, Johnny Littleton waddled into view. The one-year-old was just learning to walk. A triumph, considering he’d faced death twice already on the crossing. He was nearly killed the day before the wagon train left Missouri when a bunch of young rabble-rousers had taken it in their minds to shoot off their guns in a crowd of people. It was a blessing the baby wasn’t killed, only nicked. But then he’d taken ill during the measles epidemic and the concern for his life had been far worse.

      Rachel scooped the child off the ground and cuddled him close. She’d discovered recently that if her hands were idle for too long, an odd sense of loneliness crept over her. Perhaps that explained the emptiness she struggled to contain now.

      No, no. She would not give in to self-pity. Squaring her shoulders, she reminded herself she was a Hewitt, born and bred. Strength of character was in her blood, as well as the fortitude to face any challenge with unwavering courage. Even an uncertain future, in an unknown land.

      Attitude adjusted, she shifted the baby in her arms. “Come on, Johnny, let’s find your mother.”

      * * *

      Tristan headed over to the spot near the river where the trail boss stood in conversation with James Stillwell and Ben Hewitt. By their pinched expressions, he had a good idea what they wanted to discuss with him.

      Another robbery had occurred.

      He wondered what had been stolen this time. With his mind sorting through possible scenarios, he joined the other men. Just as he pulled to a stop, he caught sight of Rachel out of the corner of his eye. She was holding the Littleton boy, whispering something in the child’s ear. She lifted her head slightly, then pressed a kiss on the light brown hair.

      The little boy giggled.

      Laughing with him, she set the child on the ground and took his hand. Johnny wobbled through several unsteady steps, then plopped down on his bottom. Incredibly patient, Rachel helped him stand and encouraged him to try again.

      Watching the two together, something warm moved through Tristan. Rachel looked good leading the infant back toward his family’s wagon. She was the picture of a young, unflappable mother.

      Had he set his sights on the wrong Hewitt sister? Was the answer to the problem of his daughters’ care right in front of him? His own needs hardly mattered. He’d had his chance at love, had been blessed with a wife he’d adored with all his heart and considered his best friend. When it came to finding a woman to marry this second time around, the girls were his primary focus, his only focus, his—

      “We’ve had another robbery, Sheriff.”

      The words dragged his attention back to the problem at hand. Tristan wasn’t with the wagon train in an official capacity, only as a representative of Oregon City. The nine-man committee was technically the law, while the money missing from the safe fell in Stillwell’s jurisdiction.

      Nevertheless, the thief was heading to Oregon City, and that made him Tristan’s problem. “What’d he take this time?”

      Ben СКАЧАТЬ