Wagon Train Proposal. Renee Ryan
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Название: Wagon Train Proposal

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474033480


СКАЧАТЬ situation wasn’t entirely her fault. In truth, it wasn’t even a little bit her fault. She’d merely pointed out what should have been obvious. By discouraging him from pursuing her sister, Rachel had saved everyone—including Tristan himself—a whole lot of trouble, possibly even heartache.

      But that wasn’t the point.

      Rachel drew in a tight breath, forced her feet to move quickly over the sodden grass.

      Why, why had Grayson told Tristan about Emma and then suggested a match between them? Now, Tristan had a glimpse of what might have been. No other woman could hope to rival Emma’s serene beauty and soft, caring nature, especially not Rachel.

      Not that she was interested in becoming Tristan’s wife. No matter how connected she felt to his three motherless little girls, Rachel would not serve as Emma’s stand-in. Not nearly as beautiful as her sister, Rachel had spent most of her life falling short in most people’s eyes. She’d always been considered second-best, the other sister.

      No more.

      When Rachel eventually married, she would be first in her future husband’s heart, or not at all. And...and...

      She was stalling.

      With a clipped stride, she closed the distance between them. If only Tristan weren’t so tall. If only she didn’t have to crane her neck to look into his eyes, eyes full of intensity.

       Get on with it, Rachel.

      She took another step toward him, just one, and immediately regretted the move. The smell of spicy bergamot mixed with leather and something indescribably male washed over her.

      “I...I’ve come to...” Her words trailed off. She immediately firmed her chin and blurted out the rest in a rush. “I’ve come to apologize.”

      A winged eyebrow rose.

      Better, she supposed, than a verbal response. Tristan’s gravelly Irish brogue was entirely too attractive. Once he started talking, Rachel could very possibly lose the remaining scraps of her nerve.

      She’d made a mistake, approaching him like this without a plan in mind.

      Every instinct told her to forget this conversation, to leave at once and never broach the subject again.

      But Rachel Hewitt was made of sterner stuff.

      “I...that is, I quite possibly, maybe...” She swallowed. “That is—” she swallowed again “—I spoke in haste when we first met.”

      Silence met her words, followed by a slow, thoughtful scowl. Then came a long, tense moment when Tristan’s gaze roamed Rachel’s face.

      His inspection was altogether too thorough, too disconcerting.

      She forgot to be uncomfortable, forgot her nervousness and jammed her fists on her hips. “You could make this easier for me.”

      “I could,” he drawled, that Irish brogue as appealing as she’d feared. “But I find I’m quite charmed at the moment. It’s so rare to see you tongue-tied.”

      Her mouth fell open. “You’re enjoying my discomfort?”

      “On the contrary, I’m attempting to lighten the mood.” A slow, attractive grin slid across his lips. “I suspect, Miss Hewitt, apologies do not come easy for you.”

      “You have no idea,” she muttered, her shoulders stiffening.

      “It’s a trait that I must regretfully admit—” he leaned in close, so close their noses nearly touched “—we share.”

      She couldn’t help it. She laughed. The man wasn’t supposed to make her laugh, while also—mildly—insulting her. “I’m trying to do the right thing here, be the bigger person and all that.”

      “I’m well aware.”

      “I...” She trailed off, blew out a puff of air and tried again. “I can’t seem to find the proper words.”

      “I’m sorry is always a good place to start.”

      Wasn’t he oh-so-helpful? Rachel would be annoyed with the man if he wasn’t also oh-so-right.

      She puffed out another breath. “I’m sorry, Sheriff McCullough, I may have—”


      “Excuse me?”

      “Considering our history, you should probably call me Tristan.”

      Oh. Oh. “I’m sorry...Tristan.”

      He smiled.

      Unfair. The man was far too handsome when he looked at her like that. Her heart took an extra beat. “When I warned you to stay away from my sister, I may have spoken a bit more harshly than the situation warranted.”

      There went that eyebrow again, traveling the same path as before. “May have?”

      Rachel sighed. Of course he would latch on to that part of her awkward little speech.

      “I spoke too harshly,” she amended, eliminating the qualifier this time around. “I could have used more grace with my delivery and less disapproval in my tone.”

      “You were attempting to protect your sister. Your loyalty does you credit.”

      The unexpected compliment sent a bolt of pleasure straight through her, catching her completely off guard.

      This was the point in the conversation where she was supposed to say farewell and walk away. But no. She had to keep talking, had to make a point of being painfully, brutally honest. “I am not sorry for warning you away from Emma, you understand, only for my delivery of the message.”

      As soon as she said the words, she regretted them. Let your conversation be always full of grace. Why did she seem to forget her manners around this man?

      He chuckled softly, shaking his head in wry amusement. “You really are bad at apologies.”

      She didn’t disagree. “What I meant to say—”

      “I know what you meant.”

      “I’m not sure you do.”

      He chuckled again.

      She considered walking away. But, again, she held her ground. “My sister has spent most of her life caring for everyone else. For once, I wanted to ensure she made a choice with only herself in mind. She deserves a chance at love. Everyone deserves a chance at love.”

      “Yes, they do.” For a brief moment, his gaze turned unreadable, distant, as if he was somewhere else. Lost in the past perhaps? A split second later his smile returned, lightning quick and even more devastating than before. “Let me save us both some time and accept your apology.”

      She sighed. “I didn’t mean to overstep, Tristan. It was unconsciously СКАЧАТЬ