Secret Desire. Gwynne Forster
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Название: Secret Desire

Автор: Gwynne Forster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472018878



      She walked back to him, fists clenched and the print of her nails scoring her palms. “Why do you think I’m limited to a choice of you or him? You need to downsize your ego. Good night.” Of all the arrogance! She got in her car, slammed the door and drove into the garage. The guy needed a reality check.

      She gave silent thanks when Madge announced that Randy was asleep, pleaded a headache, and left without her usual small talk. Kate went to the refrigerator for a glass of ginger ale, but as she leaned against the kitchen counter sipping the drink, she hardly tasted it. What had gotten into her? She hadn’t meant to do more than greet Luke and spend a few minutes with the one person at the party whose company she would enjoy. But she’d looked at him, his head back, eyes closed, and his face peaceful and sweet. She’d glanced at his long legs stretched out in front of him and at the silky lashes that hid his gray eyes. It had taken less than a second, but she’d seen him there asleep and open to her whims, and her mouth found his. First came a flash of heat, and then alarm shot through her when his lips moved beneath hers, and his tongue asked for entrance into her mouth. Unused to being aggressive with men, she’d fled.

      The phone rang and she raced to prevent it from waking Randy, hoping she wouldn’t hear Axel Strange’s voice on the other end.


      “I assume you knew I’d call.”

      She sat down and breathed deeply, steadying her nerves. “Why would I know that?”

      “Hang it all, Kate,” he said in obvious exasperation, “you wore that perfume the first time I saw you, and you’ve had it on every time I’ve seen you since then. Why did you kiss me?”

      The sudden acceleration of her heartbeat frightened her. “Wh…what do…Luke, do you think I’m the only woman who wears that perfume?”

      “You were the only one wearing it at Martha Armstrong’s house tonight. Unless you want me at your front door minutes from now, answer me. Why’d you do it?”

      “Luke, I’m…tired. Please say good night.”

      “If you’re tired, it’s because you had to tussle with Axel. You’ll learn not to play with him. But that’s what you did. You used him, and he’ll make you pay. Why did you kiss me?”

      She wasn’t a child that he could back into a corner. “You were there, and I…I wanted to.”

      She couldn’t hear his breathing accelerate. “Next time, warn me.”

      Flustered because she hadn’t thought he’d find her out, she rubbed her left side with her free hand. “There won’t be a next time.”

      His laugh came through the wire harsh and knowing. “Oh, yes, there will. You started it because you know how much I want you, and you’re going to find out how I act when a woman wants me, and what it’s like to kiss me. Count on it.”

      “Luke, please. I apologize. Let’s—”

      He interrupted. “You what? Don’t hand me any apology, lady. You want me as much as I want you, and from now on you’ll be the one who puts up the off-limits sign. I hadn’t planned it, I didn’t think it wise, and I fought it—”

      “There’s no reason for us to get involved. We can just be friends.”

      His laugh had the sound of an angry growl. “I tasted you. I want more, and I’m going to have more, with your full and joyful cooperation. I finish what I start.”

      “You didn’t start it.”

      “That’s because you ran. But you can slow down. I’m through punishing myself.”

      Her fingers rubbed her sides, and she paced back and forth. “Luke, I’ve walked that road and, except for Randy, most of what I got was unhappiness. Before we married, my husband said I was the flower of his life, but as soon as he had to tend that flower, he let it wither to nothing. He promised everything wonderful and delivered ten years of misery. What I want is irrelevant. All I need now is peace for Randy and me.”

      “That was some other man, not this one. You ought to know that if you kiss a man the way you kissed me, he’s going after you unless he’s got dead nerves and two peg legs.”

      She pulled the front bodice of her dress away from her dampened flesh, picked up a magazine that lay on the bed, and fanned rapidly. “Luke, I…You were out there alone with your eyes closed, quiet. In the dark, you seemed so vulnerable, and…helpless. I—”

      “That was in your mind, baby. I heard your footsteps coming toward me and smelled that perfume before you opened the screen door. I knew who was kissing me, and I wanted it. Otherwise, it never would have happened.”

      Abruptly he changed the subject. “I’m going to Africa in a couple of weeks, and I’m concerned about leaving you and Randy here alone, at the mercy of whoever’s pestering you. I’ll work out a plan, and I want you to follow it and see that Randy does.”

      “Luke, I don’t want any more pampering. I’ve had my fill of it.”

      “I know you’re capable of taking care of yourself, but we’re dealing with real crime here, and a determined criminal. If you’re not going to do as I say, tell me right now and I’ll cancel the trip.”

      “You wouldn’t do that!”

      “It’s my duty. Look…I…Have lunch or dinner with me tomorrow. If you’re busy then, let’s make it breakfast. I want to see you.”

      He moved like a cyclone, and she could see herself getting caught in the whirling cone of his determination. “You put a twenty-four-hour watch on the store, and Officer Cowan patrols the store regularly, so I don’t see what else I need.”

      “We’ll discuss whatever else you need when we’re together tomorrow. Suppose we make a day of it. I’ll be over for breakfast. What time?”

      “Should I have a notebook handy?”

      “For what?”

      “I wouldn’t want to forget what you have to say about what you think I need.”

      “Trust me, sweetheart, I’ll see that you don’t.”

      She knew she should end it right there. He excited her as no man ever had, and she knew she’d find all that she longed for with him, but she had a premonition that getting involved with him could bring her more pain than Nathan Middleton had ever caused her.

      She ignored her inner voice. “By nine o’clock Randy’s starving,” she said, feeling spineless.

      “Then I’ll be there at nine…if it’s all right with you, that is.”

      He had a quality of grace, a gentlemanly demeanor, even when, like now, he was overbearing. But she didn’t care that he’d pushed her a little hard; she wanted to see him every bit as much as he wanted to see her.

      She swallowed, and had to clear her throat. “It’s fine with me.”

      “You sure?”

      “If you’re asking СКАЧАТЬ