Secret Desire. Gwynne Forster
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Название: Secret Desire

Автор: Gwynne Forster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472018878


СКАЧАТЬ She greeted Mrs. Joshua Armstrong, resplendent in a long, red hostess gown—a throwback to the thirties, Kate thought—and took a look around her. She wished she’d stayed home. Axel Strange was the only person she knew in that huge room filled with Portsmouth’s moneyed class. Having found her way to an opposite corner of the room, she refused the smoked oysters, wines, and liquors that the waiter offered her and opted for a glass of club soda; after all, she didn’t have a designated driver.

      “I looked all over for him,” an attractive fortyish woman who stood nearby said to her female companion.

      “I asked Mrs. Armstrong if he’d showed up, and she said he was out on the back porch, probably asleep, since he hates parties,” the woman replied.

      “Asleep? In that case I wasted my time coming here. I’ve been dying to meet that man. Girl, if I ever get my hands on that hunk, he can look out.”

      The snicker that followed would have discouraged most women. “Honey, what have you got that the rest of us don’t have? Luke Hickson is as elusive as quicksilver. Getting that man is about as easy as grabbing a handful of air.”

      Kate didn’t wait to hear more.

      Suddenly alert, Luke cocked his ear at the sound of footsteps, though he didn’t open his eyes. And then, tongues of fire leaped through him like a roaring furnace, and he braced himself. Waiting. Delicate fingers covered his eyes, barely touching his flesh. He didn’t breathe, couldn’t breathe, as he awaited the next move. His breath nearly exploded from his lungs as soft, half-parted lips caressed his own, twin butterflies sipping nectar. When he flicked his tongue against them, asking entrance, he heard a quick gasp, then rapid steps—heaven flying from his grasp. The screen door slammed, and he sprang out of the chair and went after her. She could lie if she wanted to, but he knew the wearer of that perfume. Gone was his reticence, his resolve to leave her alone. She’d whetted his appetite and kicked his libido into high gear, and he knew he wouldn’t rest until he’d caressed every centimeter of her naked flesh and lost himself in her.

      He found her in conversation with Axel Strange. “Hello, Kate. Imagine finding you in here.” He nodded to Axel. “Evening, Lieutenant.”

      Her smile shone with innocence, but that meant little to him. “You wouldn’t have been a track star at some earlier time, would you?” he asked her.

      “What does that mean?” Axel asked, his face clouded with unfriendliness. “Haven’t you noticed the lady and I are in a conversation?”

      Luke lifted his shoulder in a careless shrug and pinned Kate with a stare that he didn’t intend her to decipher. “You’ve been deep in this conversation for every bit of twenty seconds.” He winked at her. “Right, Kate? By the way, madame, that’s great perfume you’re wearing. I’d recognize it anywhere.”

      He had the pleasure of seeing her blanch and lower her eyes. “What’s the matter, Kate? Having trouble getting your tongue to work?” A grin formed on his mouth, and, to his surprise, he enjoyed her discomfort.

      “You’re in a creative mood tonight, Captain. Very imaginative,” she said, though he could tell from the lack of strength in her voice that her heart wasn’t in her little act.

      He folded his arms across his chest. “Indeed, I am. Thanks to you.” Then, to emphasize his point, he rimmed his top lip with his tongue and watched her eyes take on a smoldering haze that betrayed her awareness of him. An answering passion slammed into him. He had to get out of there. “Watch yourself, Kate, and stay out of mischief. Good night.”

      At home later that night, he sat at his desk shuffling through his mail. Frustrated and piqued that Kate had used Axel as cover for her daring act, he crushed a sheet of paper in his fist and tossed it into the wastebasket. He itched to get his hands on her—even talking to her would be better than nothing—but damned if he’d call her after that cute trick she pulled, kissing him so sweetly and then running away and staging that scene with Strange. All right, so she’d kissed him on an impulse. Why couldn’t she admit it?

      An airmail letter with a French stamp. Now what could that be? He read it a second time—an invitation to speak at the INTERPOL conference in Nairobi on ways of identifying drug couriers. His interception of a courier had effectively busted a drug ring, and he’d known the operation had gained international attention, but an invitation from INTERPOL! A detective thought twice before he turned his back on that august international crime-fighting organization. He replied, accepting the invitation, and was about to seal the envelope when he stopped, leaned back in his chair and gazed at the ceiling. What would happen to Kate and Randy if he was out of the country for ten days? And why did he care so much? All of a sudden, he could feel her lips on him, his mouth tasted of her, and the scent of her perfume came back to him fresh and strong, dancing around his nostrils and heating his blood. He let out an expletive and reached for the phone.

      She should have known Axel would be a problem, though if he realized she’d used him to mislead Luke, he didn’t voice the sentiment.

      “I’ll see you home,” he announced when she told him she had to leave.

      Not if I can avoid it, she told herself. “Thanks, Lieutenant, but I’m driving. Good night.”

      He let her know he had the tenacity of a Brahman bull—not that it surprised her. She didn’t consider him naive or insensitive, but he behaved as if he were, and she’d like to know what he was up to.

      “Then I’ll tail you. You’re in my care, and I’ll see you home.”

      Like a petulant child’s, his voice began to rise. Rather than let herself be enmeshed in a scene, she said nothing, thanked her hostess and left. Besides, she didn’t enjoy hurting anyone, and Axel didn’t deserve unkindness even though he had a penchant for annoying her.

      He followed her as she’d known he would, but he wasn’t going into her house. When she reached home, she got out of her car and walked back to him.

      “Thanks, Axel. I’m going in through the garage. Good night.”

      The muscles of his jaw worked, and his face took on a harsh veneer. She started back to her car, but he grabbed her arm.

      “Be careful, Axel. I don’t like to be touched.”

      His nostrils flared. “Do you tell Hickson that?”

      She knocked his hand off her arm and looked him in the eye. “Captain Hickson has never grabbed my arm.”

      “Have you let him touch you?”

      It was none of his business, but she couldn’t resist needling him. “He hasn’t tried to touch me, as you put it.”

      His face contorted, and she stepped back, not sure she could trust his self-control. “You want me to believe that? The guy’s the biggest womanizer in Portsmouth.”

      If Luke was, she hadn’t seen any evidence of it. She took several steps toward her car. “That’s probably all in your imagination. You can believe what you like.”

      “When can I see you again?”

      Better get it straight right now, she thought. “You and I are just friends, Lieutenant, and that’s all we can ever be.”

      All she could think of as she looked at his teeth, bared in a snarl, was the eternally angry bulldog owned by the СКАЧАТЬ