Her Holiday Family. Winnie Griggs
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Название: Her Holiday Family

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781472073204


СКАЧАТЬ in her comments. “And don’t you worry. We have folks lined up to take care of your meals for as many days as you need us to.”

      Eileen was getting hungry just smelling the tempting aromas coming from the hampers. She hadn’t eaten such fine fare in some time—meat was a rare treat indeed.

      Regina sent a subtle signal to Mrs. Peavy, and the older woman made her exit, taking Jack with her. Then she turned to Mr. Tucker. “Thank you so much for your assistance getting these inside. I’ll just help Eileen get everything put away before I go.”

      This time Mr. Tucker took the not-very-subtle hint. “If you’ll excuse me, then, I’ll leave you ladies to it. I think I’ll check in on Molly to make sure she stays put this time.” He gave Regina another of those warm smiles. “Thanks again for the food, ma’am.”

      Once he’d gone, Eileen turned to Regina. “It’s really not necessary for you to stay and help me. You’ve done enough already.” She really wasn’t comfortable having people poking around in her cupboards and closets.

      Regina opened one of the hampers. “I don’t mind. And there’s something else I wanted to say.”

      Eileen steeled herself. Was Regina, like Miss Ortolon, concerned with her suitability to house young children? Was this to be some sort of advice or condition set down for her?

      But there was no hint of censure in Regina’s expression. “Daisy and I discussed how children can be hard on dishes, and it didn’t seem right that you should bear the brunt of that. So she sent over some of the plates from her restaurant that have seen a bit too much wear and that she was ready to take out of service. I hope you don’t mind. They have some small chips and cracks but are still serviceable.”

      Regina seemed to sense her hesitation. “If you’d rather not use them, that’s okay, too. But Daisy wanted me to assure you that either way she doesn’t need them back—she was ready to replace them anyway.”

      Had these women suspected her true circumstances and decided to offer her charity? That was a lowering thought, but Eileen couldn’t afford to turn down the offer. She hadn’t given much thought to place settings, but she’d be hard-pressed to set a table for the ten children, much less the full complement of thirteen now residing here.

      First towels, now dishes. Was she forgetting anything else?

      At least Regina had worded the offer in a way that left Eileen with some of her dignity intact. She nodded matter-of-factly. “I had not considered the added wear and tear these children could have on my things. I will have to thank Daisy when next I see her.”

      Regina touched her arm lightly. “I know you were put on the spot earlier. And given all that’s occurred the past couple of years, it was mighty generous of you to open your home to these folks. If you need any help at all in the coming days, you know where I live. Don’t hesitate to fetch me.”

      Eileen was surprised by the genuine warmness of the gesture. Was this the start of a thawing of the community toward her? Or would the friendly overtures disappear as soon as her houseguests departed?

      * * *

      Once Regina took her leave, Eileen made quick work of unloading the various baskets and hampers. Dovie joined her just as she emptied the last one.

      “Goodness, but isn’t this all a welcome sight. I don’t mind saying I’m not a bit sorry we won’t need to rustle up supper from scratch for all these folks.”

      Eileen folded her hands in front of her. “I’ll admit I don’t know how much children eat, but there seems to be enough here to feed us all.”

      Dovie peered inside the various bowls and pots. “I agree—this should be more than enough. There might even be some ham left over to serve with breakfast in the morning. I’ll get the stove stoked. We can set these things on the warming rack so it’ll all be heated through when we’re ready for it.”

      Eileen glanced up toward the ceiling. “How much longer do you think the children will nap?”

      “I imagine some of them are awake already, if they slept at all. It’s been an emotional day for them and different children will react differently to that.”

      Emotional—Eileen didn’t like the sounds of that. Orderly and obedient—that’s how children should behave.

      But Dovie was still speaking. “As to your question, Mr. Tucker instructed them to stay in their rooms for at least an hour.” She grinned. “I imagine it was as much to give you a reprieve as to let the children rest.”

      Eileen relaxed, pleased that he might have indeed been thinking of her feelings. And it seemed there was an expectation that the children were at least able to quietly amuse themselves. Good. “That being the case, I don’t suppose they’ll have the energy for much activity the rest of the day.”

      Dovie shook her head sympathetically. “You really don’t know much about children, do you, dear?”

      Eileen didn’t like the condescending tone. “I remember my own childhood quite well.”

      The older woman gave her a long, considering look, and it was all Eileen could do not to fidget under that gaze.

      “Don’t you remember how hard it was to sit still for long periods?” Dovie finally asked. “You can’t expect them to stay in their rooms all afternoon. An hour or two, yes, but no more. Children need activity to keep them from getting restless.”

      Eileen disagreed. It was merely a matter of training and discipline. Most of her childhood, at least that part after her father’s death when she was five, had been spent with boarding school teachers in quiet, educational pursuits. Those teachers had believed in the adage that children should be seen and not heard, and they had vigorously drilled their students on matters of etiquette, deportment and other matters of social acceptance.

      But if indeed these children had not been trained properly, she would have to find other solutions. If she hadn’t had to sell her pianoforte or stereopticon she could have entertained them in a decorous, proper style. She’d also sold most of her books and her husband’s finely carved chess set. There was nothing even remotely appropriate for entertaining company of any age left in her home.

      Dovie startled her by patting her hand. “Don’t worry,” the woman said. “Children are easily entertained. Just leave it to me.”

      “And so I shall. In the meantime, I should take care of organizing our meal.”

      Just as Dovie had predicted, thirty minutes later there were sounds of stirring from the upstairs rooms. When Eileen stepped into the hallway a few minutes later, she saw Dovie leading the entire group of children into the parlor. Curious as to what the woman was planning, Eileen followed, as well.

      Dovie knelt down next to the low table in front of the sofa and signaled the children to gather around. “I want to show you a game my mother used to play with me.” She untied the cloth and spread it open with all the flair of a pirate revealing his treasure. The children all pressed closer to get better looks.

      Eileen couldn’t resist taking a step forward herself. Peering over the children’s heads, she identified a thimble, coin, needle, spoon, button, pumpkin seed, pecan, twig, two rocks, a hairpin, hat pin, chalk, a bit of ribbon, a candle stub, a feather and a spool.

      “Now, СКАЧАТЬ