Her Holiday Family. Winnie Griggs
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Название: Her Holiday Family

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781472073204


СКАЧАТЬ Molly over. The three-year-old was definitely a sound sleeper. Simon crossed the foyer to the staircase, noting that Mrs. Pierce had returned to the parlor and had her head bent over her sewing. She was as composed as if nothing had just happened. If Fern’s tone had upset her there was no sign of it.

      Simon quickly carried the little girl up the stairs and placed her in her bed. Then he left Fern to tend to her while he headed back downstairs to see the widow.

      He had some fence-mending to do on Fern’s behalf.

      Eileen stabbed the needle through the fabric, trying to keep her hands from trembling.

      She had gotten used to being something of a social outcast in Turnabout these past two years. But to have that same distrust and dislike focused on her from the eyes of this newcomer, a child no less, was altogether unnerving. It had stung more than she cared to admit.

      And all the more so because she’d let her guard down with Molly. She would need to remember these people were just temporary guests in her home. Getting attached to any of them was not to be allowed.

      As for Mr. Tucker, she hadn’t been able to tell what he thought. He’d wrested an apology from Fern, but other than that, he’d shown no sign of what he was thinking.

      She tried to tell herself it didn’t matter, but knew that to be a lie.

      She looked up when she heard a tap at the parlor door frame. Mr. Tucker stood there watching her. Had he just walked up or had he been there awhile? It bothered her that he might have been watching her without her realizing it.

      “May I come in for a moment?” he asked.

      Was he here to take her to task as Fern had? Well, she was prepared now; she would not be caught unawares a second time.

      Placing her sewing in her lap, Eileen nodded permission.

      He smiled diffidently as he moved farther into the room. “I wanted to apologize on Fern’s behalf. I’m sorry if she seemed rude—she was just worried about Molly.”

      Some of her tension eased at his obvious sincerity. But it seemed to her that Fern should do her own apologizing. “I was not harming the child.” Had she managed to keep the hurt from her voice?

      “Of course not. In fact, I appreciate the attention you were giving her. Molly seemed quite comfortable there with you.”

      And she had been surprisingly comfortable holding the child. It was the first time she’d been in that position, and it had left her aching more than ever from the knowledge that she would never have a child of her own. “Molly was insistent that she be rocked before she could sleep— humoring her was a simple enough thing. As for Fern, she should know better than to take such a tone with an adult. It appears your Miss Fredrick was not big on teaching the children manners.”

      “It’s been a rough day for them, and they’re only children.” He’d frowned at her words, but his tone remained calm. “One can’t expect them to react with the control of an adult.”

      “I disagree.” Her teachers had gone to great lengths to school her on the correct behavior for a young lady of breeding. It was only when she had proven that she could conduct herself with proper decorum that she had been allowed to dine with adults or join them in the parlor, and then only on special occasions.

      “Still and all,” he said, interrupting her thoughts, “it was very good of you to comfort Molly.”

      Eileen deliberately pushed away thoughts of the little girl’s snuggling presence in her lap. She might not have the makings of a good mother, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have maternal longings. “One does what is needed.”

      To her relief, the doorbell sounded, putting an end to their current discussion. She rose from her seat, setting the sewing aside. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to see who is at the door. And I’m sure you have matters of your own to see to, as well.”

      He stepped back as she exited the parlor, but rather than following her pointed hint, he trailed along behind her. Was he just curious? Or was he expecting someone?

      When she opened the door, Regina Barr and her housekeeper, Mrs. Peavy, stood there holding cloth-covered baskets. It seemed the Ladies Auxiliary had put their promises into action.

      She greeted them, then stepped aside. “Please come in.”

      “The Ladies Auxiliary worked out a schedule for meals and I made sure we were first up,” Regina said with a smile. “I wanted to get this food to you early so it would be ready whenever the children got hungry.”

      “Thank you, that was most considerate.” What time did the children normally eat? She supposed it would be up to her to set the schedule now.

      Mr. Tucker stepped forward. “Good afternoon, ladies.” He reached for the baskets. “Let me help you with those.”

      “Oh, hello. I’m Reggie Barr, one of Eileen’s neighbors.” Regina waved to her companion. “And this is my friend, Mrs. Peavy.”

      Mr. Tucker gave a short bow, then reached for her basket, but she resisted with a smile. “These aren’t heavy.” She waved a hand toward the open door. “But if you’ll help my son Jack with the rest, I’d be most obliged.”

      Eileen glanced outside to see Jack standing at the foot of the porch with a small wagon containing two large hampers.

      As Mr. Tucker stepped outside, Eileen turned to the women. “You can set your baskets down on the dining room table.”

      But Regina shook her head. “Nonsense, we can carry these to the kitchen for you.”

      Mr. Tucker returned with the two hampers, and Jack was right behind him with a smaller basket. Eileen didn’t have any choice but to lead the small procession to the kitchen. At least that room was not expected to be lavishly furnished, so perhaps they’d see nothing amiss.

      As they walked, Regina described the contents of the baskets. “We have a sliced ham, some squash, butter beans, fresh-baked bread and two pecan pies.” She grinned. “I figured with ten kids and three adults to feed, you’d be needing a goodly quantity.”

      “That will make a fine meal,” Eileen said. Actually, it sounded a veritable feast. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had ham.

      “Tomorrow,” Regina continued, “Hortense Peters promises to deliver a basket of fresh eggs in the morning along with a generous length of summer sausage. And Eunice is going to bring over a roast with some vegetables that should be enough to take care of your noon and evening meals.”

      Eileen nodded. Eunice Ortolon might be a gossipy busybody but there was no denying she was a great cook. “I’m certain the children will be quite grateful for your generosity.” It seemed as long as the children were under her roof she would be eating well. An unexpected benefit.

      Mr. Tucker set his things down, brushing closely past her. Had he done that on purpose?

      He made a short bow in Regina’s direction. “Absolutely, ma’am. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful we are to have fallen СКАЧАТЬ