Kissed by a Carrington. Linda Hudson-Smith
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Название: Kissed by a Carrington

Автор: Linda Hudson-Smith

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408921647


СКАЧАТЬ upbringing was largely left up to the hired help paid handsomely to live in.”

      Feeling her pain, Houston pulled Kelly in closer to him and gave her a tender hug. “You sound so sad. I’m sorry for whatever you’ve been through, but please give yourself a break.”

      “Much like you triplets, I grew up in a very wealthy, prominent family, but ours is nothing like the totally amazing group of folks I’ve met this evening.”

      Houston nodded, giving her a compassionate smile. “The Carringtons thrive on being together and loving each other unconditionally. An unbreakable bond exists, an endless circle of loyalty and constant togetherness. If one of us has a problem or a need, the entire family rallies around to own it and deal with it collectively.”

      “Mama Tilley and Papa Joseph Rose are like parents to me. I stay in constant touch with them. My mother and father are successful heart surgeons and they’re partners in a thriving practice. By design, I see very little of them, socially or otherwise. They’re receiving an award for their lifetime medical service to the Houston communities they serve, but I’m not sure if I’ll attend the event.”

      Smoldering sparks of anger flared in Kelley’s sable eyes. Then the flames died down as quickly as they’d appeared. This wasn’t Houston’s problem. It was hers—and she’d deal with it privately, like she always did. “I’m sorry. Talking about my parents gets me riled up, but I don’t want to take it out on you. Forgive me, please.”

      Houston kissed Kelly’s forehead. “Lighten up, lady. No forgiveness necessary. Let’s just have a good time. No problems allowed at the Carrington dinners. Okay?”

      “Your wish is my command, Urban Cowboy.”

      Loving how sexy she made the name sound, Houston smiled broadly. “Looks like I’ve got a new nickname. I’m the only one who’s ever called me that. I like it coming from you. It sounds hot and seductive,” he teased.

      “That’s ‘cause it totally befits the sexy man behind it. You’re one of the hottest cowboys I’ve ever met.” Kelly giggled. “In fact, you’re the only cowboy I’ve met.”

      “That’s not true. You’ve met three others. Dad, Austin and Dallas are true-blue Texas cowboys. You can see firsthand what I’m talking about later. That is, if you’re interested in taking a walking tour around Austin’s ranch.”

      Kelly smiled sweetly. “I look forward to it. I guess I’ve met more cowboys than I’d confessed to. This is also the first real ranch I’ve visited.” She paused for a moment. “I just made another false statement. I went to a ranch in Wyoming with my college friends on spring break one year.”

      “How’d you like it?”

      Kelly shrugged. “Everyone thought they wanted to experience life on a dude ranch. That is, until after we got there and the staff made us get up at 5:00 a.m. We were under the impression it’d be all fun and games. It was hardly that, yet it was an adventure I’ll almost never forget.”

      Houston laughed. “Five is about the time most ranchers come to life, if not earlier. I’ve known my father to start working as early as four in the morning.”

      Kelly frowned. “I must admit my girlfriends and I found a way to dodge some of the required duties occurring right after the early wake-up calls. We got up but later snuck away from the group and climbed up into the hayloft and went back to sleep. We didn’t come up with that idea until a couple of days after the torturous schedule began.”

      Houston threw his head back and laughed. “Charming story. I like it.”

      The laughter vibrating from somewhere deep in Houston’s belly held Kelly spellbound. The sound of his joy was captivating. It was a true but simple story, but he seemed to enjoy it like it was a bestseller. He had mentioned how uncomplicated he liked his life. Was it this easy to please someone, knowingly or unknowingly? Kelly hadn’t even been trying to please him. She wasn’t sure she knew how to please a man.

      The family had waited for Houston and Kelly to make an appearance. Their conversation had kept them rooted to one spot longer than planned. He felt guilty for holding up dinner. When he apologized, he was told by the family not to sweat it.

      The host passed the blessing. Making it short and sweet, Austin held on to Ashleigh’s hand all the while. It was actually a ritual for the entire family to join hands during prayer. Austin knew everyone was ready to get into what had been dipped up from the pots and pans. The huge redwood table was laden with goodies.

      Kelly was amazed by the amount of food prepared. “The dinner menu is something else, Houston. I can’t recall ever seeing this much food.”

      “The Carringtons know how to put out a big Texas spread. Like I said earlier, just about every meat entrée is grilled. Steak, brisket, beef ribs, shrimp and chicken are slow-cooked. ‘Meat eaters’ would best describe the Carrington men’s voracious appetites.”

      Baked potatoes, fresh asparagus and corn on the cob, both white and yellow, were also roasted on the grill. The baked beans had been prepared in the oven and Ashleigh had baked the yeast rolls and chocolate cake, according to Houston. The creamy red potato salad, a Texas favorite, was one of Angelica’s specialties.

      Once everyone began eating, the room quieted down considerably. Pass me this, that or the other were the only remarks uttered. The guys began shoveling in food as soon as it landed on their plates. Loss of appetite probably never occurred among the triplets, Kelly considered. These guys knew exactly how to put it away, all in record time.

      The Carrington family was magical to Kelly. Looking around the table, from one to the other, she saw how tuned in they were, as if they knew each other’s every thought and next move. Their laughter carried contagious joy. She was sure problems existed, just like in any other family, but she had a pretty good idea they weren’t exposed or discussed outside their inner circle. It seemed the Carringtons coveted their private lives.

      Whatever was in the Carrington mix, Kelly suddenly wanted to be right in the thick of it. Was this fun, animated group of people what real families were made of?

      Sensitive to Kelly’s mood, Houston brought his mouth close to her ear. “Are you okay, Kelly-Kel? It seems as if you’re somewhere in outer space,” he whispered huskily.

      Kelly loved the nickname Houston had dubbed her with. He had made it sound endearing and sweet. “I was just thinking about you and your family.”

      Houston frowned slightly. “Good or bad thoughts?”

      Kelly cast him a dazzling smile. “I’m not telling. A woman has to keep some secrets locked away in her heart.”

      Intrigued by Kelly’s uniqueness and her charming personality, Houston loved the interesting comments she tossed at him. He smiled back at her, unable to help himself. If only he could let himself go with her, he’d probably be a lot better off than constantly fighting to keep himself at a safe distance.

      Fleetingly, Houston wished he’d dated one person consistently so he’d know for sure what it was like and what he should expect. He operated from a blind spot, but he now realized he’d put himself at a terrible disadvantage.

      Kelly wished she could resist the charming Houston, yet she was happy to be at Austin and Ashleigh’s home with him. Being in the company of the entire Carrington family was an awesome experience.

      The СКАЧАТЬ