Kissed by a Carrington. Linda Hudson-Smith
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Название: Kissed by a Carrington

Автор: Linda Hudson-Smith

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408921647


СКАЧАТЬ this in private. Excuse us for a minute. We’ll be right back.”

      Houston laughed at the look on Dallas’s face. His brothers were whipped and neither of them cared who knew it. His father had also lost his mind over a woman. No man loved his wife more than Beaumont loved Angelica.

      Houston was starting to get it, but he knew he had a ways to go before personally meeting up with a storybook ending. Some people did live fairy-tale romances. He had seen the magic with his own two eyes, growing up around it for twenty-eight years. After thirty-two years of marriage, his mother and father were still crazy in love. As Kelly’s image came into his mind, he closed his eyes and let himself indulge in a bit of romantic thinking.

       Chapter 4

      Houston stood in the driveway of Austin’s home to wait for Kelly. She had already called from the front gates, which Austin had opened via the telephone. The cameras installed above the massive black wrought-iron gates, designed with a huge C in the center, allowed the residents to view approaching visitors. The electronic security equipment at the ranch was extensive. Unlike Houston’s posh housing community, Austin didn’t have private gate guards.

      As Kelly got out of the car, Houston walked over to greet her. She looked beautiful dressed in a casual, lightweight khaki-colored pantsuit and an indigo silk shell. Brown low-heel sandals and shoulder-strap purse completed the look.

      Houston gently kissed Kelly on the cheek. “Glad you made it. Any problems with the directions I gave you?”

      “None, but my GPS tracking system comes in handy. How are you?” She liked how relaxed he looked clad in perfectly pressed blue denim jeans and a crisp white shirt, open at the collar. He wore no socks and his casual navy leather shoes were fashionable.

      Houston slid his hand under Kelly’s elbow. “All the family has arrived. Ready to officially meet the rest of the Carrington crew?”

      Kelly nodded. “I’d like that. If they’re anything like the great things you and Austin have said about them, I’m sure I’ll be comfortable.”

      Houston put his arm around her shoulder. “You will be. No doubt in my mind.”

      He knew his family would treat Kelly respectfully and make her feel welcome simply because they were kind, loving and generous people, yet he really had nothing to compare this experience to. His brothers had made a big deal out of the invitation he’d extended to Kelly because he hadn’t ever brought any woman to family functions.

      When it came to physical needs, his got met, but long-term relations never developed. It was a mutual agreement.

      Walking alongside Houston, Kelly suddenly felt nervous about meeting the family, yet she expected to be shown kindness. According to Houston, he belonged to the most wonderful family in the world. She found herself groping for his hand just before they entered the house. She let go seconds after receiving comfort.

      Houston had a huge grin on his face. “Carringtons, I’d like you to meet Kelly Charleston.” He then introduced her to each of his family members by name.

      Kelly smiled beautifully. “It’s nice to meet all of you. It may take me a minute to remember each name, but I’ll eventually get it right.”

      “We’re sure of that,” Ashleigh said. “Come on in and have a seat, Kelly. We recall seeing you at the auction, though Austin was the only one you met.”

      Austin extended his hand to Kelly. “Good to see you again. Welcome to our home. Ashleigh and I are honored.”

      Kelly wasn’t sure about the nature of Ashleigh’s remark, but it hadn’t sounded mean-spirited. She was Austin’s wife—and she’d probably been a bit curious about her famous husband privately meeting the woman with the winning lunch bid. “I remember seeing everyone that evening. I’m glad we’re meeting officially. Houston talks a lot about you and has put you on very high pedestals,” Kelly joked.

      “Probably way too high for us not to break something on the way down,” Angelica said softly, smiling warmly. “Houston tends to exaggerate about how wonderful his parents and brothers are, but never over the deep love he feels for his family.”

      A closer look at Angelica let Kelly see how elegant this woman was. Petite in stature and weight, she looked as if she took really good care of herself. Although she only wore casual designer attire Kelly saw that she had exquisite taste.

      “Would you like something to drink, Kelly?” Beaumont’s brown eyes twinkled with merriment. The kindness of his soul had a way of shining through his entire being. An impressive-looking man, Mr. Carrington was as handsome as his three six-foot-plus sons. He stood every bit as tall.

      Kelly nodded. “A diet cola would be nice. Thank you.”

      “One diet cola coming right up,” Beaumont responded in kind.

      “You can sit here if you’d like, Kelly.” Patting the seat cushion, Lanier moved over to make space for Kelly to sit next to her. Dallas was on the other side of Lanier.

      Without hesitation, Kelly took the offered seat, thanking Lanier as she sat down. The kind gestures were endearing and felt personal. She felt warmly welcomed by the entire group. Dallas hadn’t said anything to her directly, but his kind, friendly smiles appeared to show approval.

      Beaumont stepped back into the large family room, immediately drawing the attention of everyone present. “Okay, Carrington crew and guests, the food is ready. The patios tables are set. You folks can head on outdoors. Kelly, your cola is inside the cooler by the outdoor bar. I didn’t bring it in to you since we’re heading outside.”

      “That’s fine. Thank you, sir.” Kelly got up from the sofa.

      Houston nudged Kelly with his shoulder. “I’m hungry. What about you?”

      She enjoyed his playful gesture. “I could use a bite or two. I hear your dad cooked dinner. That’s so unusual. I can’t imagine my father or mother lifting a single finger to do anything domestic. Maybe that’s ‘cause they didn’t have to. We had servants, of course,” she announced, heavy on the sarcasm.

      Houston unwittingly squeezed her hand. Then he wished he hadn’t. “My father does the majority of the cooking. He loves to grill. Most meats and a variety of vegetables are grilled at their house. The man is insane over barbecuing.”

      Houston thought it best not to feed whatever disdain Kelly might carry for her parents. He had a hundred questions to ask about her family, but he was content to wait on her to tell him what she wanted him to know.

      Kelly stopped in her tracks and turned to face Houston. “You’re so blessed and lucky. If I had a family like yours, I’d live on a cloud. I don’t even know why my parents bothered to have me. I was probably an accident. No siblings ever arrived after me.”

      Houston jumped out in front of Kelly. “Stop it. Don’t ever look at yourself as an accident. From what little I know, I think you’re a good person, a beautiful spirit and a brilliant physician. Our whole team is totally taken with you. I saw that for myself. One thing I love about you is that you don’t seem to define yourself by your prestigious M.D. label. You’re the best damn accident I’ve ever run in to.”

      Kelly wished she didn’t СКАЧАТЬ