A Family for Christmas. Winnie Griggs
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Название: A Family for Christmas

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781472014412


СКАЧАТЬ struck Chance as a very sad statement. Didn’t she know how to dream? “Well, think about it now.”

      She was quiet for another moment. Then a slow, smile blossomed on her face. “I’d open a confectionery.”

      “What’s a confectionery?” Leo asked.

      She gave him an impish smile. “It’s like a candy store.”

      The boy’s eyes widened. “Oh, my goodness, wouldn’t that be a grand place to work?”

      Eve laughed and it totally transformed her face. She really was quite pretty when she allowed herself to relax. “That it would,” she said.

      “Why a confectionery?” Her answer had surprised him, but he was delighted by the unexpectedness of it.

      She took on a faraway look. “When I was a schoolgirl, my Sunday school teacher would invite some of her students into her home at Christmastime. We would make all sorts of wondrous treats. She taught us to make fudge and caramels and pralines and all manner of sweet things—just bowls and platters full of them.”

      “What did you do with all that candy?” Leo asked. “Did you get to eat it?”

      She gave him a conspiratorial smile. “Some. Because, of course, we’d have to taste it along the way, just to make certain it had turned out okay, you understand.”

      “Sounds perfectly reasonable to me,” Chance said. He found himself entranced by the softness in her now.

      She cut a quick look his way, as if to make certain he wasn’t making fun of her, then nodded and turned back to Leo.

      “But we packed up the majority of those treats very carefully and sent the packages off to several orphanages as Christmas treats.”

      Chance was enjoying this sweet, playful side of her. But before he could comment, she seemed to realize that she’d revealed more of herself than she’d intended.

      She straightened and dipped her spoon purposefully into her bowl. “Anyway, it turned out that I was very good at candy making. Miss Trosclair said I had a real knack for it.”

      Chance shook his head apologetically. “I’m afraid Turnabout doesn’t have a confectionary shop so we can’t offer you a job like that.”

      She nodded politely but that earlier softness was gone. “Having such a job would be nice, but as I said, I’ll take whatever I can find.” Then she gave him a pointed look. “I think it’s my turn to ask a few questions.”

      Turning the tables on him was she? Good for her. “Ask away.”

      “Something Daisy said when we walked in makes me think you’re not from here originally. So where are you from and how long have you lived in Turnabout?”

      Easy enough questions to answer. “I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And I’ve been here about a year and a half.”

      Her brows went up. “You traveled a far piece to get here—much farther than either me or Leo.”

      If only she knew. “True. But I consider Turnabout home now.”

      “And you came all this way on your own?”

      “Not exactly.” How much should he share with her? Better stick with just the bare minimum. “There were four of us who traveled together,” he continued. There was no point in mentioning that the catalyst had been an unorthodox marriage lottery they’d all participated in.

      Her eyes widened in surprise. “Four city folk from Philadelphia decided to come to Turnabout, Texas?”

      He grinned. “That we did.”


      Now her questions were getting a little more personal. “Business reasons.” Technically true. “Not to say we planned to go into business together—just travel together. Daisy’s husband, Everett, was one of my travel companions. Adam Barr, the town’s banker and lawyer, and Mitch Parker, the schoolteacher, were the other two. We’ve all found our own reasons to stay.” Though the four men had become friends after their arrival here, he’d never pried into what reasons they’d had for agreeing to the constraints that had been laid on them at the outset of their trip. Just as he’d never shared his own.

      “So you’ve all stayed and become part of the town. That says a lot for the place. It must be special.”

      He nodded. “I’ve seen evidence that Turnabout lives up to its name. It’s a good place for starting over and turning your life around.” At least it had been for him and the others who’d traveled here with him.

      But Chance had had enough of talking about himself. Figuring Eve probably needed time to think over the events of the day, he turned to Leo and kept up a steady stream of light, easy chatter with the boy through the rest of the meal. Leo seemed like a good kid. He also appeared to be more mature and guarded than most boys his age, but that was no doubt due to what he’d been through these past couple of years. If his story were true, this Belcher fellow deserved a flogging or worse.

      Leo was the first to finish his bowl and Chance immediately ordered seconds for him with just a quick hand signal, barely missing a beat in the conversation.

      When Eve finished her bowl he started to do the same, but she quickly let him know she’d had enough.

      At one point, Abigail came around to check on them. “How was everything?”

      “Delicious,” Eve answered.

      “I’ll let Daisy know you enjoyed it.”

      “And just where is Daisy?” Chance asked. “I haven’t seen her in a while.”

      Abigail began collecting their dishes. “Everett came by to check on her and insisted she get off her feet for a few minutes. Of course, Daisy rolled her eyes at him, but since the lunch rush is about over she agreed to let me see to things for a while.” She grinned. “Everett convinced her I needed the practice.”

      Remembering Eve’s earlier interest in the library, and guessing she wouldn’t broach the subject on her own, Chance decided to make it easier for her.

      “How’s the library business these days?” he asked casually.

      Abigail immediately became more animated. “Very good. I signed another subscriber yesterday and I’m planning to purchase several new titles right after Christmas.” She sighed dramatically. “I miss having Constance partnering with me, but she absolutely loves her new job assisting Mr. Flaherty at the apothecary shop.”

      Chance nodded. “Mr. Flaherty seems pleased with the job she’s doing.” He glanced Eve’s way, waiting for her to speak up. But when she didn’t jump into the conversational opening, he decided to be more direct. “Speaking of your library, Miss Pickering here is interested in taking a look at your selection of books.”

      He sensed her stiffening without even looking her way. Didn’t she know he was trying to help?

      But Abigail apparently noticed nothing amiss. “Of course.” The girl gave Eve a СКАЧАТЬ