A Family for Christmas. Winnie Griggs
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Название: A Family for Christmas

Автор: Winnie Griggs

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы


isbn: 9781472014412


СКАЧАТЬ two years anyway.”

      Sheriff Gleason shook his head. “Even so, I can’t just let you out on your own until we get this matter straightened out.”

      Eve laid a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “I’ll take responsibility for him.”

      The lawman gave her a look that was both sympathetic and uncompromising. “No offense, Miss Pickering, but I don’t know you. I don’t know what kind of caretaker you’d make for a boy who might just get it in his head to run off again.”

      Eve turned to Leo. “Will you give me your solemn word that you won’t run away again as long as you are in my care?”

      The boy stared at her for several moments and she could see the internal struggle in his face. Finally he nodded. “Yes, ma’am, so long as I’m in your care, I won’t run away.” He glanced back at the sheriff. “But I ain’t going back to Mr. Belcher’s.”

      She turned back to the sheriff with satisfaction. “There. Leo won’t be any trouble for me to take care of while you work on getting this whole disagreeable situation put to rights.”

      Sheriff Gleason, however, didn’t appear to be convinced. “Miss Pickering, until we get to the bottom of this, we don’t really know how good his word is, do we?”

      She could understand the sheriff’s attitude. After all, it was his job to be suspicious and cautious. But deep in her heart she believed every bit of Leo’s story and she couldn’t bear the thought of him having to spend time locked up in jail, especially given what he’d already been through.

      How could she convince the man to see things as she did? Dear Jesus, please help me find a way.

      Aware the sheriff was waiting for her to speak, Eve took a deep breath, still not certain what she would say. But she knew she had to—

      “How about I help Miss Pickering keep an eye on the boy?”

      Eve turned and stared at Mr. Dawson. Had he just volunteered to help her save Leo? Maybe she had misjudged him after all.

      * * *

      Chance was as surprised by his offer as the rest of the people in the room seemed to be. He’d uttered the words without thought, spurred entirely by the urge to wipe the worry lines from Miss Pickering’s face.

      He was always a pushover for a damsel in distress. This wasn’t the first time that weakness had gotten him in trouble.

      But now that he’d blurted out his rash offer, he couldn’t very well take it back.

      The distressed damsel and Sheriff Gleason spoke up at almost the same time.

      “Mr. Dawson, that’s very kind, but I assure you—”

      “Are you offering to take responsibility for seeing the boy doesn’t run off?”

      Chance decided to ignore Miss Pickering’s protest and respond to the sheriff’s question instead. “Miss Pickering seems to think the boy’s word can be trusted and I’m willing to bank on that.” He gave Leo a pointed look. “At least until Leo gives me reason to think otherwise.”

      The sheriff eyed him doubtfully. “That’s all well and good, but how do you plan to keep a close eye on him?”

      That was a good question. But an idea was starting to form in the back of his mind. It was a bit unorthodox, but if he could pull it off, it would make him appear a hero with minimal effort on his part. And it might have the bonus of making for an interesting few days.

      “I have an idea that might simplify matters for everyone. But I need to check on something before I explain.” He turned to Miss Pickering. “Can you wait about thirty minutes before we eat?”

      “Of course. But what—”

      He didn’t give her an opportunity to finish her question. “I’ll explain when I return.” He turned to the sheriff. “If it isn’t an inconvenience, perhaps our visitors could wait here in your office? I won’t be long.”

      Sheriff Gleason took his cue and gave Miss Pickering a short bow. “Of course. You and Leo are welcome to make yourselves at home.”

      But Miss Pickering was not to be denied her opportunity to protest. She had resumed her prim schoolmarm look and raised a hand. “Gentlemen, while I appreciate your attempt to assist Leo and me in this matter, don’t you think I should have some say in whatever it is you’re planning?”

      Sheriff Gleason gave her a stern look. “Frankly, Miss Pickering, unless Chance here has a real good solution in mind, I don’t see how I can keep from locking the boy up, at least for as long as it takes me to get to the bottom of this matter.”

      Chance tried one of his more persuasive smiles on her. “What do you say? Can you trust me to find a solution that’ll make everyone happy? Or at least reserve judgment until you hear what I have in mind?”

      She didn’t seem particularly won over, but gave a slow nod. “I suppose that’s a fair request.”

      So much for charming her. “Good girl.”

      He saw the startled look at his familiar address, but she didn’t chide him again. Instead she turned to the sheriff. “Perhaps we can make good use of the time we’ll spend waiting for Mr. Dawson to carry out his mysterious errand. We can get started on whatever inquiries need to be made to clear up this matter with Leo.” She clasped her hands together. “After all, the sooner started, the sooner finished.”

      “Good idea.” Sheriff Gleason moved around to the other side of his desk. “I’ll draft a telegram and send it off today.”

      “Speaking of telegrams,” Chance said to Eve, “isn’t there someone in Tyler you need to notify about your postponed arrival?” He found it interesting that she seemed to have given so little thought to this sudden change in her own plans.

      Miss Pickering’s eyes widened and she placed a hand to her cheek. “Oh, my goodness. How could I have forgotten about Mrs. O’Connell? I imagine she’ll be worried when I don’t get off the train. I must send her a telegram immediately.”

      At least that had gotten her mind off quizzing him. “Well then, it looks like you folks won’t have much time to miss me. I’ll meet you back here in about a half hour.”

      Chance smiled as he exited the sheriff’s office, headed for the boardinghouse. He’d succeeded in getting Miss Pickering to trust him, at least for the time being, and also in finding something to focus her attention on while he was gone. There was some hope that he could make a dent in her reserve yet. He grinned, relishing the thought of how much fun it would be to do that.

      He’d have to get Dotty on board for his plan to work, but he didn’t foresee any problem with that. Knowing she would be key to helping Turnabout’s newest visitors be more comfortable would be all the incentive she needed.

      Then his smile faded. Before talking to Dotty, there was one more thing he needed to do.

      He’d put it off long enough. It was time to read the letter.

      Chance turned his steps toward his own place. As soon as he was inside, he tore the envelope СКАЧАТЬ