Sizzling Desire. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Sizzling Desire

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474070096


СКАЧАТЬ been to in forever. It felt amazing to have a man touching her like this.

      But she needed to touch him, too. She wanted to make him feel the same kind of pleasure he was making her feel. So she put both hands on his thighs. As he continued to kiss her, she smoothed her hands up his legs, finally stroking his impressive shaft through his pants.

      He moaned into her mouth.

      “You have a condom?” she asked.

      “I do.”

      A guy like him—of course had a condom. She could imagine he had his pick of women wherever he went.

      And tonight he’d picked her.

      Without warning, he eased his body off hers and stood. Cool air kissed her naked skin. She wanted him against her, giving her warmth. When he began to unbutton his shirt, all she could do was watch him. Watch as he did a little striptease. He took off his shirt, revealing massive, hot muscles and gorgeous skin. He had a spattering of chest hair, the kind she would be happy to twirl her fingers through.

      And he wasn’t shy. Because when he tossed his shirt to the floor and she gave a little cheer, he gyrated his hips as though he were onstage performing for her. She laughed.

      “You want to see more?” he asked.

      “Oh, yeah...”

      He unfastened the button on his jeans, unzipped them and then began to drag them over his hips. He took his time, continuing the striptease. Lorraine whistled when his muscular thighs came into view. This man could grace the cover of any magazine. He was that hot. And the more he showed his playful side as well as his sexy side, the more she wanted him.

      Two could play at that game. She eased her hips up and slipped her underwear off, and as her chest was pressed against her leg she looked up at him and saw his eyes fastened to her body. He was waiting for her to sit back up and fully expose her nude body. So she gave him what he wanted, slowly sitting upright, then leaning back on her elbows. He got a small peek of her womanhood before she slowly crossed one leg over the other.

      “You’re killing me right now,” Hunter said.

      “You’re killing me.”

      Hunter kicked his legs free of his jeans, and then slipped his briefs down his thighs. His erection sprang free. Lorraine’s lips parted in awe. He was more impressive than she expected.

      “The condom,” she urged. “And hurry.” It wasn’t like her to be this bold, but if he didn’t make love to her soon she was going to die. She needed him that badly.

      He went to his side drawer and fished out a condom. As he took off the wrapper and began to put it on, Lorraine uncrossed her legs, exposing herself further. She heard his groan of delight as his eyes gobbled up the sight of her. Never had she felt more desired.

      Hunter stalked toward the bed, all serious now. He lowered his head and captured her lips in a deep kiss. He urged her backward onto the bed, holding his weight off her with his strong arms.

      He slipped a hand between their bodies and smoothed it over her belly. When he slid it up to her breast and he circled her nipple with a finger, Lorraine moaned into his mouth.

      His lips quickly left hers in search of the nipple he had just teased, and he drew it deeply into his mouth. Lorraine gasped as Hunter suckled sweetly, his lips pulling, his tongue trilling.

      This was heaven.

      Hunter moved his mouth to her other nipple, and as he did, his hands found her center again. She was ready for him.

      More than ready.

      He moved up her body and settled between her thighs. He guided his shaft slowly into her, making sure that he was in no way hurting her.

      Lorraine gasped, overwhelmed with emotions.

      “Are you okay?” he asked.

      “I’ve never been more okay,” she replied.

      He filled her, and her eyelids fluttered shut. The feel of his strong body pressed against hers, between her thighs, inside her... Heat spread through her body like molten lava.

      They started off slow, moving tentatively. Every time he burrowed deep inside her, Lorraine dug her fingers into his back.

      “You like that?” he asked.


      He moved faster, picking up the pace. Lorraine arched her hips to meet his thrusts. His deep groans filled the air, mixing with her soft moans. She buried her face in his neck. The scent of his cologne flirted with her senses, and she gripped him harder. This man was irresistible with his superfine body. And tonight, he was hers.

      She kissed his moist skin, then ran her tongue along his flesh. He tasted salty and sweet and delicious. He grunted, his body trembling against hers, making her heady with desire.

      She matched his quickening movements, sighing with each of his thrusts. Their bodies slid against each other’s as their coupling became hot and frenzied. Raw, carnal need consumed Lorraine with the ferocity of a raging fire.

      Hunter locked his arms behind her knees and thrust deep. Lorraine moaned long and hard. “Oh, God,” she uttered. “Again.”

      Hunter eased back, then once again burrowed himself deeply inside her. Lorraine gripped the bed sheets as heat pooled in her abdomen. Her limbs grew tauter, her climax near.

      “Hunter...” Lorraine rasped.

      He kissed her, his tongue delving into her mouth. The dual sensation of his lips pressed against hers and his shaft deep inside her sent prickles of pleasure all over her skin. Within seconds, the tension reached its peak and then began to unravel. Her limbs became like jelly as the heat spiraled from within her abdomen and out through the rest of her body. “Hunter... Oh, yes. Yes!”

      And as Lorraine rode the wave of pleasure, she was transported from her old life to a new one. In Hunter’s arms, she wiped the slate clean on her past and was initiated as a new woman.

       Chapter 4

      Lorraine’s eyelids fluttered as she stirred and turned onto her side. As she did, the sheet covering her body slipped down over her hip. Cool air kissed her naked skin. She frowned slightly. She wasn’t wearing her pajamas? Her thighs pressed together, and she felt another odd sensation: a dull ache. What the—

      Her eyes popped open, taking in the darkness. It wasn’t so dim that Lorraine couldn’t see the tall armoire, the white leather chair in the corner. This was not her bedroom. Her heart began to thud.

      It all came back to her, and dread filled her belly with the weight of a bowling ball. She remembered exactly where she was.

      The bar. The sexy stranger. The drinking.

      Her world being rocked.

      Oh, God. Had she really just had a one-night stand?

      As СКАЧАТЬ