Sizzling Desire. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Sizzling Desire

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474070096


СКАЧАТЬ As her phone started to ring, she grinned. “Great. Now you can leave.”

      “I’m just going to go and say good-night to my buddies,” Hunter said to Lorraine.

      As he walked away, Rosa, Trina and Amanda began oohing and awwing. Amanda bit down on her knuckle as she shamelessly checked Hunter out.

      “Oh. My. Word.” Trina’s eyes grew as wide as saucers. She fanned herself. “When... How?”

      “He kind of came to my rescue outside of the restroom when some jerk was bothering me.” Lorraine shrugged as though it was no big deal. Yet inwardly, her libido was doing jumping jacks. “The rest, as they say, is history.”

      “No, the rest is just beginning,” Rosa said, beaming. She jumped to her feet and threw her arms around Lorraine. “Have fun, girl!”

      “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Trina added.

      “In other words, do everything,” Amanda said, and laughed.

      “I’m entitled to do everything—I’m a married woman,” Trina pointed out.

      She was the only one of the group who was married now. Amanda and Rosa had never tied the knot.

      Lorraine rounded the table to Trina and Amanda. “Okay, you guys,” she said, extending her arms wide. They both got up, and she hugged them each in turn. “I love you both.” She faced Rosa. “I love you all. Thanks again for coming out with me tonight. This has been a lot of fun.”

      “And it’s about to get a lot better,” Amanda said, giving her a knowing look.

      Lorraine glanced in Hunter’s direction and saw the moment he turned from his friends and met her gaze. He smiled, and as her heart skipped a beat, reality hit her.

      She was leaving with this gorgeous man for a night that she knew would be incredible.

      She couldn’t wait.

       Chapter 3

      Lorraine’s anticipation built as the taxi approached Hunter’s place. They held hands, neither speaking. Her heart was racing. Was she really about to make love to this incredibly fine man?

      They kept their hands off each other until they were in the elevator, where Hunter pulled her into his arms and started to kiss her. Lorraine gripped his biceps, her body melting against his. The elevator dinged, and they separated—barely—as they exited. Hunter led her down the hallway, then stopped in front of unit 1211. He quickly whisked her inside.

      And then his mouth was on hers again, and delicious sensations exploded inside Lorraine’s body like mini fireworks going off on the Fourth of July. His lips moved slowly, his breathing heavy. He nibbled gently on her bottom lip before suckling her flesh.

      A breathy moan escaped her lips. She looped her arms around Hunter’s neck.

      “Oh, yeah,” Hunter whispered. Then, tightening his hand on the base of her back, he swept his tongue into her mouth with one broad stroke.

      Lorraine pressed her fingertips against Hunter’s skin. Her desire was making her weak in the knees, light-headed.

      He lifted her, and she fastened her legs around his body. Then he carried her down a hallway and through an open door.

      It was the bedroom.

      He took her straight to the bed, where he lowered their bodies down together, his on top of hers. He smoothed his hands up her side, his fingers flirting with her naked skin where her shirt had lifted. His touch was electric.

      Hunter looked down at her. The room was dark, but pale light from outside filtered in through the slats in the blinds.

      Lorraine smiled up at him and ran the tip of her heeled shoe down the length of his calf. Then she lifted her head to meet his lips and started kissing him again. She didn’t want to talk. She only wanted to feel.

      She pulled at the shirt tucked into his jeans until it was free, and then placed both palms on his naked back. His skin was warm, and those muscles... This man was the definition of fine. He shuddered a little as she ran her fingertips over his back in a circular motion, and Lorraine felt a surge of power. She lifted her hands higher and wrapped her legs tighter around him, reveling in feminine power.

      Hunter also slipped his fingers beneath her shirt, and she sighed as they tantalized her skin. He kissed her jawline, moving his lips toward her ear, where he grazed her earlobe with his teeth. When he gently suckled it, she inhaled a sharp breath.

      “You like that, do you?” Hunter asked.

      “Very much.”

      “Let me ease back,” he said softly. “I want to take your clothes off.”

      Had anyone ever said anything that turned her on more? She loosened her legs, and he stepped back. In the darkened room, she could still see the heat in his eyes as they roamed over her body. He then made quick work of unfastening her pants and shimmying them down her legs.

      But she still wore her sexy pumps. Hunter lifted one foot in his hands and undid the buckle on her shoe, then tossed it onto the floor. He did the same with the other shoe, and then proceeded to take her jeans completely off her body.

      For a moment, he stared down at her on the bed, then he lowered himself back over her, kissing her belly. The feel of his lips were so tender and sweet and made her body tingle with anticipation.

      Hunter pushed her shirt up. His hands brushed against her nipples through her bra.

      “Yes,” she rasped. She hardly recognized this wanton woman she’d become.

      He flicked the tip of his tongue over her stomach. “I love how you respond to me.”

      “I love how you’re making me feel.”

      Hunter pulled at her bra until her breasts were exposed. He tweaked her nipples while continuing to kiss her belly, and Lorraine arched her back as delicious heat spread through her body like molten lava.

      “Yes,” she rasped.

      Suddenly, Hunter slipped an arm beneath her and pulled her body against his. He was strong, sexy, virile. And every single touch of his was turning her on. He slipped his hand under her shirt and unfastened her bra, removing it from her body. Then he pulled her shirt over her head, and quickly discarded it in a heap on the floor.

      His gaze moved from her face and down the length of her body. He let out a low whistle. “Mary, Mary, Mary.”

      Hearing the fake name shocked her slightly, but then she stopped thinking when Hunter stroked her inner thigh. He was doing just the right amount of teasing, drawing out the sexual chemistry between them. As Hunter’s fingers went higher up her thigh, she let her legs fall apart. His mouth came down on hers as he stroked her most sensitive place through her underwear. She kissed him hungrily. His hands explored further, slipping beneath her panties to touch her sensitive flesh. He massaged and tantalized.

      His mouth worked over hers while his СКАЧАТЬ