Her Valentine Hero. Gail Martin Gaymer
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Название: Her Valentine Hero

Автор: Gail Martin Gaymer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472010032



      Talk about a heart skip. She dragged air into her lungs. “What kind of proposition?”

      He motioned down the hallway. “I’ll wait for you near the door.” And he was gone.

      Proposition. The word piqued her interest. While the shower splashed against her skin, easing her aches, nothing eased her mind. She stood in the spray, sorting through her foolish reaction to Jonny. If she’d met him on the street as a stranger, her resistance would have vanished, but their past relationship ruined that.

      Her body humming with warmth and the apprehension of hearing Jonny’s proposition, she turned off the water, toweled down and donned her street clothes. She ran a comb through her hair and peered at her unadorned face in the mirror. Usually after exercising she didn’t bother with makeup, and even today, reality reminded her that Jonny had seen her looking worse than she did today, but the more she gazed at her drab face, the more the image of Jeannie Hunt’s turned-up nose filled her mind.

      Releasing a sigh, she drew out her makeup bag, brushed blush on her cheeks, dragged the mascara brush over her lashes, and guided lipstick over her mouth. She couldn’t fool him with cosmetics, but at least she felt better. She dropped her towel and damp clothes into her duffle bag, then slipped her makeup and comb into the little zipper compartment and strode toward the exit.

      Jonny smiled as she approached, and pushed open the outside door.

      “Did you wait long?”

      His eyes captured hers. “Seems like a lifetime.”

      The comment held a lilt of humor, but she sensed something deeper in his words. She walked beside him, her tight muscles sending messages to her brain that she’d overdone her exercise today, but she didn’t care. She kept pace with Jonny’s long legs, waiting to hear what he had to say.

      “Which is your car?”

      She pointed to her sport sedan, wondering if he’d forgotten about his proposition.

      “Nice. I like the copper color.” He strode beside her in silence.

      When they reached her car, she hit the unlock button and gave up wondering. “I thought you had something you wanted to propose.”

      He rested his back against the side of her car. “Right. I do.” He tucked his hands into his jacket pocket. “When we were talking about Rainie’s engagement party, I meant to ask if you’d like me to pick you up. No sense in both of us driving.”

      Proposition had held more promise than the offer of a ride. “You don’t have a date?”

      “Me? No.” His smile faded. “Unless you’ve already made plans.”

      “No plans. I thought I’d go alone.”

      His face darkened.

      Her pulse skipped. “But I don’t need to go alone. I’d be happy to have you pick me up if you don’t mind.”

      “I don’t mind at all.” He gazed at her a moment, and then extended his hand.

      She eyed it, realizing he was waiting for a shake. She slipped her hand in his, feeling the heat roll up her arm to her chest.

      He squeezed her fingers, gave a faint nod and released her hand. “I should have asked the other day, but I know you were dealing with little Jonny the pest, and I didn’t know if—”

      “I’m sorry, Jonny. I don’t mean to make such a big deal out of it, but those memories seem to stay in my mind.” Along with the other dark ones she couldn’t get rid of, either.

      “It’s okay, Neely. Maybe in time.”

      In time. Maybe. She studied his classic good looks, his dark hair with those crystal-blue eyes. Maybe one day she’d even remember to call him Jon.

      Chapter Three


      Joey’s squeal made Neely smile before she climbed from her sedan. She opened her arms as he leaped forward, and held him against her, his legs kicking in delight. The feel of her nephew’s cheek against hers, the tightness of the two-year-old’s arms, warmed her inside and out. “Where’s your mama?”

      “In.” He swung his chunky arm toward the house, and she balanced his weight on her hip as she trudged to the screen door and pulled it open. “Ashley?”

      Her sister darted into the kitchen, and when she saw Joey, surprise lit her face. “Was he outside?”

      “Looks like it.” She gave the toddler a bounce, and set him on the floor.

      Ashley knelt in front of him and shook her head. “Joey. You can’t go outside without Mama. You know that.”

      He pointed to the heavens. “Birdies.”

      She gave Neely a helpless look. “Yes, birdies, but ask Mama to go out with you, okay?”

      Joey studied her a moment, as if he wanted to digest her request.

      She shifted his chin so he faced her. “Do you want a time out?”

      His head swung back and forth like a flag in the wind.

      “Then you ask Mama so we can go outside together. Okay?”

      “’kay.” His decisive response rang with agreement. Apparently the time out did the trick.

      Neely glowed, seeing again the intelligence of her nephew. His speech and abilities seemed ahead of his age. He had his daddy’s smarts and his mama’s loving ways.

      Ashley shook her head, her expression wearing the look of defeat as Joey ran into the next room. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with him. He’s already a handful at two.”

      Neely chuckled “The terrible twos. But he’s verging on three. Hopefully it won’t be long.” She wrapped her arm around her sister’s shoulder, and guided her through the doorway where Joey had settled on the living room floor with a pile of blocks and miniature cars. “How are you?”

      Ashley sank onto the sofa and motioned her to an easy chair. Moisture shone in her eyes and twisted Neely’s heart. Almost two years had passed since Ashley’s husband died for his country in the Middle East, but the pain of losing a soul mate couldn’t be marked by years. The sorrow lasted a lifetime.

      Her sister brushed away her tears. “Sorry, it still hits hard once in a while, especially days when Joey’s antics are involved. I wish Adam could have known him, even for a little while.”

      Neely rose and settled beside her sister, grasping her hand. “Ash, he knew Joey. He knew him from the photos and all that you shared in your letters.” Her words sounded empty. “You want more than that. I understand. But they’ll meet one day, and what a glorious reunion they’ll have.”

      Ashley rested her head on Neely’s shoulder. “In heaven, you mean.”

      She could only nod, struggling to swallow the lump in her throat.