Her Valentine Hero. Gail Martin Gaymer
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Название: Her Valentine Hero

Автор: Gail Martin Gaymer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472010032



      Rainie nodded. “I’m so glad you like the choice. Do you think the bridesmaids will?”

      Neely ran her hand down the bodice of the silky fabric. “What’s not to like? I think it will flatter most figures.”

      “I thought so, too.”

      She turned toward Rainie. “Why didn’t you tell me what a great-looking guy Jonny turned out to be?” Another sensation trilled along her skin, like a wisp of hair she tried to brush from her face but could never find.

      Her eyes widened. “He’s my brother. Why would I tell you about his looks? I don’t think about it.” She drew back. “Anyway you always called him a pest and ignored him, so why would I mention him?”

      Jonny had said the same, and she still didn’t have an answer that made sense. Rather than trying to sort it out, she eyed herself in the mirror again. “I can take the gown off, can’t I? We both love the style.” She turned her back to Rainie, and motioned her to unzip the dress.

      When she stepped out of it, Rainie hung it on the hanger and then faced her. “The bridesmaid dresses are just like yours except they’ll be a deeper shade of spring green.”

      “Sounds pretty.” Neely stepped into her jeans and pulled them up.

      Rainie eyed her a moment. “You still didn’t answer my question about Jon. When did you see—”

      Neely waved her words away. “On the high school track.” As she dressed, she gave her a short summary, anxious to change the topic.

      “And you had dinner?” Rainie’s eyebrows touched her hairline. “That’s interesting.”

      Her expression roused Neely’s curiosity. “Why?”

      “I think you’re the first girl he’s taken to dinner in a long time.”

      She waited for more, but Rainie just looked at her. “Doesn’t he date?”

      “A guy that good-looking would, but he never seemed to get serious about any of them until a year or so ago, and then I expected to hear wedding bells.”

      Her chest constricted, picturing Jonny with a wife.

      “He dated Jeannie longer than anyone else.”

      Neely drew air into her depleted lungs. “Jeannie? Anyone I’d know?”

      “I suppose you do. Jeannie Hunt.”

      “Jeannie Hunt?” The question shot out of her like a bark. “The cutesy little cheerleader from the tenth grade?”

      “The same.”

      That knocked the wind out of her. Now that she thought about it, Jonny hadn’t told her anything about himself when they’d talked. She faced the mirror again, eyeing her dark hair, a face that could be lost in a crowd, and a figure that she hid beneath loose fitting apparel like her jogging pants. Jeannie had been a petite blond with curves in the right places and a face that could have been on a Barbie doll. She spun around again. “What happened between them?”

      Rainie shrugged. “I don’t know. He stopped talking about her, and when I asked, he just blew it off.” Rainie slid the curtain aside, and stepped into the alteration room as if the subject had ended.

      Neely’s mind was stuck with the image of Jonny and the Barbie doll.

      Rainie spun around. “Before we leave, would you like a peek at my wedding dress?”

      Though her thoughts lingered on other things, she couldn’t ignore Rainie’s excitement. “I’d love to see it.”

      Rainie darted away, and as she vanished through the doorway, Neely kept fixating on Jonny. He’d grown into a hunk—a really nice hunk—but what did that have to do with her? No way could she turn her relationship with him into a romance no matter how good-looking or sweet he’d become.

      When Rainie returned, Neely slammed the door on her pondering. Seeing her friend’s glinting eyes made her focus on the moment. A saleswoman appeared behind her, carrying the wedding dress.

      Neely’s heart stood still. The soft white gown floated in the woman’s arms, organza flanges and tulle swirls of fabric skirt sweeping into a cathedral train. “You’ll be the most beautiful bride in the world.”

      Tears flooded Rainie’s eyes, and she wrapped her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “One day I’ll be your matron of honor, and then it will be your turn to be the most beautiful bride in the world.”

      The idea warmed her, and she closed her eyes, envisioning her father—healthy and happy—walking her down the aisle. Ahead of her, she gazed at the groom, his eyes tethered to hers, and her heart stopped. She drew in an urgent breath.

      “Neely, what’s wrong?”

      She gathered her wits. “Nothing. I only hope my dad is still alive to see that day.”

      “Oh, sweetie.” Rainie folder her into an embrace, but Neely struggled to clear her mind of the vision she had seen beside the altar. It was Jonny’s spectacular blue eyes that drew her down the aisle.

      * * *

      Jon peddled faster, his thoughts keeping up with the bike’s speed. Exercise provided therapeutic release to his struggling emotions. He’d always prayed Neely would come back in his life now that age and success were on his side. But he never expected the Lord to answer his far-fetched request.

      He gripped the metallic bar, and in a moment eyed his pulse rate. Excellent. He upped the resistance and dug in to the pedals giving the bike another five minutes to deepen the burn. The old motto, no pain no gain, flashed through his thoughts but not nearly as often as Neely’s image. Since he’d talked with her, his emotions roller-coastered through his chest until he wanted to rip up the tracks.

      With her back in Ferndale his hope rose again. Maybe her return was part of God’s plan. Knowing Erik was out of the picture cheered him, too. Now he needed to spend time with her so she could know Jon Turner the man, not Jonny Turner the boy who hung out in the shadows and tripped her up with his attempts to watch her every move. He ran errands for her and Rainie just to spend time with Neely.

      In his early twenties, he finally understood what about her mesmerized him. First, she was pretty, like sunshine on dew. He cringed at the poetic thought, but that’s what she was like—fresh and open to newness. Even when she put him down, her smile softened the blow, and it felt more playful than serious. And sometimes he had deserved it.

      But it wasn’t her good looks that interested him. Lots of girls were pretty. Neely showed a depth of spirit that captured him. He admired her determination and her self-reliance. Most of all her generosity. She’d demonstrated the same trait by leaving her life in Indianapolis to come home to her family who needed her.

      Slowing the pedals, he let his muscles cool as his mind reverted back to his plan. Somehow he had to get her back into his life. If she bought a gym membership, he could see her here. If not, maybe the church could be their connection. Or maybe a charitable activity. Even as a teenager, Neely involved herself in more charity events than he could count. The idea sent his pulse surging far beyond СКАЧАТЬ