Her Only Hero. Marta Perry
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Название: Her Only Hero

Автор: Marta Perry

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408965306


СКАЧАТЬ didn’t cover a cochlear implant.

      As if he felt all the things she didn’t say, Ryan put his hand over hers where it rested on the board. “I hope it works out.”

      “Thank you.” She cleared her throat. “I appreciate that. And really, I can finish up the door. I’m sure you have other things to do with your evening.”

      “I’m free as a bird.” He pounded another nail in place. “And anyway, as far as I can see, it’s finished.”

      He stood back, smiling at her. He was right. The door was secured.

      He’d shaken off her protests and done exactly what he’d said he would. And he’d gotten more information from her than she’d confided in anyone in months.

      She raised her eyebrows at him, dusting her hands off. “Do you always get your own way?”

      His smile broadened into a grin. “If you remember my family, you ought to know that I grew up fighting a bunch of siblings to get what I wanted. I’ve had a lot of practice.”

      “I remember that you used to charm the teachers into letting you get away with murder.”

      Now why had she said that? The man would think she was flirting with him.

      “Lies, spread by my brothers, no doubt.” His smile assumed an angelic aspect. “I was always a serious student.”

      “Somehow I find that difficult to believe.” And she also found it difficult to believe that she was standing here smiling at him, after everything that had happened this day.

      “Why is it no one will take me seriously?” He dropped the hammer into a duffel bag and picked up the flashlight.

      “Maybe because you don’t take yourself seriously.”

      “Ouch, that hurt. A woman who sees right through me. I’d better watch out.” He hefted the bag. “Anything else I can fix while I’m here?”

      “Everything’s fine.” Well, it wasn’t, but he ought to know what she meant. “I guess we’d better go out the front door, since you’ve nailed up the back.”

      He nodded, and then he unexpectedly clasped her hand in his. His face was very serious in the dim light. “I wish you and your daughter the best.”

      “Thank you.”

      Ryan’s words had been the kind of simple statement anybody might make. They shouldn’t make her throat go so tight.

      She turned away quickly, feeling him behind her as she headed for the door to the living room. Ryan Flanagan had a way of slipping through her carefully prepared defenses as if they weren’t even there.

      So it was a good thing she wouldn’t be seeing any more of him.

      “Listen, Ryan, are you sure Laura McKay isn’t going to mind our breaking into her house this way?”

      Ryan’s brother Gabe paused, leaning on the shovel he’d been using to scrape soot and crumbled plaster from the ground floor of Laura’s building. Max, the yellow lab who was Gabe’s seizure-alert dog, sniffed at a pile of rubble, tail waving.

      “Why would she? We’re only trying to help.”

      Ryan suspected Laura wouldn’t see it that way, given her strong streak of independence. But no matter how much she might insist she didn’t need help, she was wrong. By the time she got home from the hospital with Mandy, he hoped they’d have much of the fire clean-up done.

      A handful of Flanagans had offered to come along today along with several other firefighters. His cousin Brendan had used his clout as pastor to round up some more volunteers from the congregation.

      All told, probably twenty or thirty people hustled around Laura’s property, sweeping, mopping, carting away fire rubbish. Now if he could just persuade Laura to accept the help they offered, everything would be fine.

      Well, he’d cross that bridge when he got to it. He clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Come on, put your back into it. They’ll be home from the hospital soon.”

      Gabe shrugged and went back to shoveling.

      Their mother looked up from the broom she was wielding. “I’m sure Laura will be happy to see us.” Siobhan Flanagan smiled. “And I’ll be glad to see her. I remember her from church school, years ago. Laura was always such a sweet, shy little thing.”

      “She’s changed since then, Mom.”

      “Well, of course people change. Being the single mother of a deaf child would make someone grow up in a hurry, I’d think. Poor child.”

      He wasn’t sure whether her sympathy was for Laura or Mandy, but it didn’t really matter. Mom had enough love to go around for any number of people.

      If it came to pitting Laura’s stubborn independence against his mother’s determination to help, he wouldn’t want to guess at a winner.

      Even as he thought it, the front door swung open, letting in a shaft of May sunshine. Laura stood there, clasping Mandy protectively against her.

      For a moment she didn’t move. She just stood, looking around the room as if unable to believe what she was seeing. Then she turned toward him with what looked like an accusation in her dark eyes.

      She probably intended to come straight for him, but his mother got to her first. “Laura, it’s so good to see you.” She swept Laura into a quick hug. “I’m Siobhan Flanagan. You remember me, don’t you?”

      “Mrs. Flanagan.” Laura took a step back. “Yes, of course I do.” She darted a glance toward Ryan. “You’re Ryan’s mother.”

      It sounded as if she wanted to follow that up with, Why are you here?

      “We’re helping with the clean-up.” His mother wasn’t deterred by any reserve on Laura’s part. She waved toward the workers. “You remember Gabe, my oldest boy.”

      “Mom, I’m not a boy,” Gabe protested automatically. He lifted his hand toward Laura. “Hi, Laura.”

      “And that’s Brendan, my nephew. He’s pastor of our church now, you know.”

      Laura nodded in Brendan’s direction, not committing herself to any knowledge of his pastorship of Grace Church. “It’s very nice of you to want to help out, but really, I can take care of this myself.”

      Ryan had warned his mother that Laura would respond that way, and he waited to see how she’d handle it.

      She did it with a smile and a gentle touch on Mandy’s hair. The little girl gave her a shy smile in return, and Laura put her down.

      “You wouldn’t turn us away when we’re having so much fun, now would you? That wouldn’t be kind.”

      Laura opened her mouth and closed it again. Clearly she didn’t want to be accused of being unkind by turning away kindness from others. He tried to hide his expression.

      “No, СКАЧАТЬ