Her Only Hero. Marta Perry
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Название: Her Only Hero

Автор: Marta Perry

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408965306


СКАЧАТЬ get you nowhere, lady. It just so happens one of my high-school buddies recently took over his father’s plastering business. I’ll call him.”

      “He’ll probably be booked solid. They all are.” It had taken her weeks to find someone, and Ryan proposed to do it with a single call.

      “Trust me, he’ll fit you in. I know too much about him for him to say no to me.”

      Hope flickered in spite of her doubts. “That would be wonderful.”

      “Looks like it’s a good thing I stopped by today, although I didn’t have plasterers in mind.”

      “Why did you come, then?”

      “I thought you’d want to know.” His smile broadened. “I got the call. I’ve been assigned to the arson squad on a probationary basis.”

      “Ryan, congratulations. That’s wonderful.”

      “Yeah, it is. I didn’t realize how much I wanted this until it came through. I’m going to be working with Garrett North. He’s tough, but he’s the best.”

      He was as enthusiastic as a kid with a new toy, and she couldn’t help smiling with him.

      “I take it you’ve told your family. How are they taking it?”

      He waggled his hand. “So-so. Not as bad as I thought, actually.”

      “That’s good. I’m really happy for you.”

      “Well, there’s something you should know before you get too happy.” The sudden serious turn of his expression made her nerves tighten in response.

      “What is it?” Something told her she wouldn’t like his answer.

      “I’ve been assigned to my first investigation. It’s here.” He gestured. “Your fire wasn’t an accident. It was arson.”

      Chapter Four

      Laura could only stare at Ryan, her mind slowly processing his words. The fire here. Arson.

      She finally found the words. “Someone deliberately set the fire? That’s impossible.” She couldn’t believe it. He had to be wrong about this.

      “I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to hear news like that. Nobody does.”

      She was shaking her head, as if that would change his opinion. Groping for another explanation.

      “You said yourself that the construction debris was a hazard on the back porch. Remember? It must have been an accident.”

      It must have been, because the alternative was too frightening to think about.

      “Look, let’s sit down and talk about this.” He touched her arm, nodding toward the stairs. “You’re having a lot of stuff thrown at you lately. I’m sorry to add to it.”

      He sounded like Bradley Potter with his list of bad news. She shook off the thought. Unlike Bradley, Ryan was just leveling with her. She ought to appreciate that, even if she thought he was wrong.

      She let him pilot her to the stairwell, and they sat on the worn wooden treads. Deep burgundy stair carpeting, she thought automatically. She’d already picked it out.

      But she couldn’t waste time daydreaming about something that was already done. She had to face this new problem rationally.

      “What makes you and this other investigator think it was arson?” She didn’t even like saying the word, with its implication of malice.

      “We know an accelerant was spread around the porch.” He said the words slowly, as if to be sure she understood. “It leaves traces.”

      “An accelerant.”

      “Probably paint thinner.” He glanced toward the open paint cans in the front room. “Do you have any around?”

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