There Comes A Season. Carol Steward
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Название: There Comes A Season

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472064301


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      “Andrea was nothing like you.”

      “I can see that. So?”

      Bryan remained silent, staring blankly at the wall. Laura waited. He picked up his son, then turned to her. “Until a week before I met you, I knew nothing of Jacob. Had no idea I was even going to be a father.”

      Laura gasped.

      “She left me right after she found out she was pregnant, by my estimation. A year later her lawyer called and told me she’d died, and that I was a father.”

      Laura shook her head. “How could she…not tell you?” How could Andrea look into Jacob’s beautiful brown eyes, touch his smooth olive skin, hold his long fingers and not think of his father, Laura thought.

      Jacob grinned, and her tears broke loose with a reluctant laugh. “Good grief, he even smiles just like you, first one side, then a whole smile. He’s a spitting image of you.” Laura’s teary gaze met Bryan’s in a silent shared understanding. “What your wife did was terrible, Bryan, but it’s past. Jacob needs you.”

      Bryan looked at his son as Jacob closed his eyes and rested his head on Bryan’s shoulder. He picked up the thermal blanket, walked down the hall, and returned emptyhanded.

      When he came back, he again tried to explain the unexplainable. “I need time to work through this. It was so sudden. One day I was giving a 110 percent to my job, and the next, I’m trying to figure out how a baby thinks.

      “My career is ready to take off, that’ll mean more traveling, longer hours. It’s all hitting at once. He deserves more than I have to give him.”

      “In a blink of the eye, Jacob will be ready for footballs, computers and girls. Where will you be? Still in the office, climbing that corporate ladder. For what? A son who doesn’t even know you?”

      Bryan wondered how she could read his mind and verbalize his fears after knowing him only three months. Already she’d made a difference in his son’s life. In his too, if he’d admit it.

      “Don’t let whatever happened between you and your wife ruin what you and Jacob can have.”

      “I don’t even know what happened between us, Laura. One day she was here, the next she was gone! And a year later, her son is creating total havoc in my life.”

      “He’s not just her son!” The words ripped impatiently out of her mouth.

      Bryan turned away. Laura had no idea what she’d just said. Had no idea how many times he’d hashed over dates, events and documents in the last few days, struggling to overcome doubts that he was Jacob’s biological father. He needed time and distance from the baby to come to terms with Andrea’s betrayal.

      “Isn’t there anything I can do to convince you, Bryan?”

      He shook his head. “The decision’s been made. Cass and her husband will be able to give him everything I can’t.”

      “Everything you won’t, you mean!” Laura stood and paced the floor. “Tell me that you don’t love the idea of raising that little boy, Bryan—of coaching his football team, of sharing an ice-cream cone…”

      “Stop it, Laura. This isn’t your problem.”

      As if he’d totally worn her out, she clipped each word. “Put the past behind you.”

      Thinking of the many times he’d seen that dreamy look appear in her clear blue eyes when talking of her husband, Bryan realized she was as guilty as he. “Is that how you manage?” He turned and faced her, his voice thick with sarcasm. How different his life would be now if his wife had ever felt for him what Laura had for Todd.

      She looked as if he’d slapped her. “I do the best I can, but I couldn’t have made it through the past few months without God.”

      “I think I burned those bridges behind me a long time ago.”

      She lifted her chin, meeting his gaze straight on. Two deep breaths, and her anger was replaced with a serene confidence. “He doesn’t keep score, Bryan. He knows your needs and is just waiting for the invitation to help.”

      “Sometimes, it’s just not that easy…”

      Jacob started crying, yet Bryan hesitated. Laura looked down the hall, then back to him. He could see the panic in her eyes, almost feel her heart racing, trying desperately to scheme a way to mend his rotting soul.

      “There’s a Sunday morning singles’ class I’ve been attending. I was reluctant at first, but it’s been very helpful. If you’re interested…let me know.”

      She turned and walked out the door.

      “Don’t hold your breath,” Bryan grumbled.

       Chapter Eight

      “Why do we have to go to another football game?” Carrie complained.

      “It’s not T.J.’s game, Carrie. It’s the Broncos’. At Mile High Stadium, like on T.V.” Laura poked the needle through the canvas and pulled the floss taught, then crossed the square to complete the stitch.

      “It’s still football.”

      Laura took a deep breath and counted to ten. After the way she’d lectured Bryan the week before, she figured she owed it to him to try his advice on parenting. “If you want to stay here, that’s fine. You could go to Lisa’s house while the boys and I are gone. I’m not making that decision for you. Just let me know your answer so I can let Bryan know how many tickets we’ll need.”

      Her daughter straightened her back, the whiny attitude replaced with interest. “Bryan’s going with us?”

      “T.J.’s entire football team is going. They needed a parent to go along, and Bryan was nice enough to ask us.”

      She’d been ready to say no after their discussion on Thanksgiving day. But he’d come in the door the following Monday morning and admitted that she’d hit a nerve.

      While he hadn’t agreed to go to church with her, he seemed curious. For his and Jacob’s sake, she vowed to do anything she could to convince Bryan to keep his son.

      At the game a week later, Bryan absentmindedly handed a granola bar to one of the boys. He watched Kevin and Laura come down the steps with refreshments. Kevin leaned provocatively close, and she blushed in response to whatever he’d whispered in her ear.

      Laura handed the tray of snacks to Carrie, who was sitting next to Bryan. As she stepped over several boys, tiptoeing through their gear, Laura lost her balance. Bryan jumped up, but it was Kevin who grabbed her around the waist and helped her regain her footing. Bryan’s glare brought a raised eyebrow and mischievous smile from his friend.

      This day couldn’t end a minute too soon. It had been pathetic. The Broncos won, T.J. and the rest of the team had had a great time, Chad was enthralled with everything, and even Carrie appeared to have enjoyed herself. None of that СКАЧАТЬ