Claiming the Doctor's Heart. Renee Ryan
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Название: Claiming the Doctor's Heart

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472072290



      Never again would she be a convenient addition to a man’s life. If she married, it would be to a man who loved her for her, not because she exemplified his ideal of the perfect wife.

      Hence her desire to focus on her own future and to switch careers before it was too late. Before she woke up and found herself staring down forty instead of thirty, with nothing to show for her life but a VP position at some bank.

      And that was enough deep thinking for one night.

      “You know what would make this movie even better?” she whispered to Connor, popping a very plain, very bland piece of popcorn into her mouth.

      Angling closer, his eyes still on the screen, he lowered his voice to match hers. “What’s that?”


      Chuckling softly, he turned to look at her. His expression was relaxed, approachable, the man behind the successful doctor and stressed-out single dad. “I’ve always argued that the FDA missed two important food groups.”

      Smiling like that, almost playfully, made Olivia think of the days when he’d been more boy than man and the center of a few teenage dreams. He’d grown more attractive through the years. He was so good-looking now, so masculine, so close. “Wha—what did they miss?”

      “Chocolate and coffee. Both deserve their own category. For obvious reasons.”

      “I like the way you think, Dr. Mitchell.”

      He chuckled. “And I like—”

      “Shhhhhh,” Molly ordered. “Here comes the best part.”

      The best part consisted of an archery tournament where the female heroine outshone all the men. The kid had excellent taste.

      After the movie, Connor sent the girls off to brush their teeth and get ready for bed while Olivia gathered up the empty bowls.

      “Can you hang around until I get the twins in bed?”

      She lifted a questioning gaze. “Because?”

      “We need to discuss your hours, job duties and payment.”

      “Sure, I can stay a little longer. Why don’t I take the puppy for a walk and you can join us outside when you’re done getting the girls settled in for the night?”

      “It’s a plan.” With a final smile in her direction, he followed after his daughters.

      When Olivia snapped the leash on Samson’s collar, he only struggled a little. Vast improvement.

      Outside, she breathed in the fresh Colorado air. The scent of pine was heavy tonight. The light breeze lifting the hair off her face carried a slight chill. A refreshing change from the Florida heat and oppressive humidity.

      With the sound of clicking bugs and croaking frogs in her ears, she guided the puppy along a grassy pathway bordering a small pond. The sky overhead was dotted with sparkling diamonds against the inky fabric of the night. “Beautiful,” she whispered.

      The back door creaked on its hinges mere seconds before Connor came up behind her.

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