Claiming the Doctor's Heart. Renee Ryan
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Название: Claiming the Doctor's Heart

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472072290


СКАЧАТЬ the best. Yet her response didn’t sit well with him. She’d worked hard making dinner for him and the girls, without being asked. The gesture had been a kind one, a thoughtful one. She should enjoy the spoils of her efforts. “Carlotta doesn’t eat with us because she prefers to dine with her husband in the evenings.”

      “I see.”

      Did she?

      Apparently not.

      He was going to have to be more specific. “Join us for dinner, Olivia.”

      He waited for her response. When she simply stared at him, he wondered if she had another commitment. His shoulders bunched at the thought, but again, he couldn’t explain the odd reaction. “Unless you have other plans?”

      “No.” She gave a short laugh. “No plans.”

      The knot forming between his shoulder blades released. “Then it’s settled.”

      They smiled at each other, neither moving, neither speaking. For a single heartbeat, Connor allowed himself to stare at her, to see her as a woman separate from his friend’s kid sister. Strangely drawn to her, he reached out, but then dropped his hand as old loyalties tugged and twisted inside him.

      The air between them grew thick with tension, and something else, something that went beyond words. A silent promise of things Connor had long ago forgotten to hope for?

      Stunned by the direction of his thoughts, he transferred his weight from one foot to the other.

      Olivia shifted to her left.

      They broke eye contact simultaneously.

      “I’ll put the drinks on the table,” she said, hurrying around him.

      The odd moment was gone. Nothing but a memory now, and Connor couldn’t have been more relieved.

      * * *

      Dinner turned out to be far more relaxed than Olivia had expected, especially given the earlier strain between her and Connor. The awkwardness between them made an odd sort of sense. Although they shared a history and their families had been friends for generations, they were veritable strangers.

      Determined to keep the mood light, Olivia told stories about her life in Florida. She skimmed over the part about her job loss and breakup with her boyfriend. Instead, she focused on what she did when she had a rare day off.

      “I lived in Atlantic Beach, a small town just east of Jacksonville. My house was one block from the beach, so I spent a lot of time there.”

      “We’ve never seen the ocean,” Megan said on a sigh. Molly agreed with a solemn head bob, then asked, “Can you surf?”

      Olivia laughed. “Very poorly, but I can boogie-board.”

      “What’s that?” the girls asked at the same time.

      “A much simpler way to catch a wave. You lie flat on a short, foam slab and ride along on your belly. It’s sort of like...” she searched for a Colorado equivalent. “...sledding.”



      “All right, girls, that’s enough questions for one night.” Picking up the near-empty casserole dish, Connor stood. “Time to clear the table and load the dishwasher.”

      Olivia hopped to her feet and reached for the dish in Connor’s hand. “Allow me.”

      “Absolutely not.” Connor held up a hand to ward off an argument. “You cooked. We clean.”

      “That’s the rule in the Mitchell household,” Molly told her, sounding very grown up.

      “Well, then, I guess that means I’m through for the day.”

      There was an awkward moment when everyone looked at everyone else.

      Then Megan hustled over to Olivia’s side. “You’re not leaving already, are you?”

      She smoothed a hand over the girl’s hair, affection swirling in her heart. “Not to worry, sweetie. I’ll be back first thing in the morning.”

      “But you can’t go yet. It’s Wednesday.”

      “What’s so special about Wednesday?” She aimed the question at Connor.

      “Movie night,” he explained, heading toward the sink, his hands full of more dirty dishes.

      “It’s my turn to pick the movie,” Molly declared. “And Daddy’s turn to make the snacks. He always goes with microwave popcorn. It’s a tradition.”

      Tradition. What a lovely word, one that told Olivia a lot about the man stacking dishes in the sink. She knew the kind of hours he worked, knew the challenges of his schedule even on a “slow” day. Yet he managed a weekly movie night with his daughters.

      Could Connor Mitchell get any more likable?

      “Well?” Molly demanded. “Are you watching the movie with us or not?”

      Tempting. But Olivia didn’t want to interject herself into valuable family time. “Maybe next week.”

      “Olivia.” Connor came back to the table, gathered up a handful of silverware. “You’re welcome to stay.”

      She studied his face, noted the sincerity in his eyes. “I don’t want to intrude—”

      “Stay,” he repeated. “Watch the movie with us. Afterward we can discuss your job duties.”

      They could do that now, before he settled in with the girls, but Olivia didn’t point that out. She actually wanted to spend more time with this family, wanted to get to know them on a deeper level.

      Dangerous territory.

      Or was it? How could she know how best to serve the girls beyond the day-to-day basics if she didn’t spend quality time with them?

      “All right.” She laughed when the girls cheered. “But you have to let me help with the snacks.”

      “Not going to happen.” Connor pointed her toward the family room. “It’s my job tonight.”

      Molly chose a full-length cartoon about a Scottish warrior princess. The snack was, as predicted, microwave popcorn.

      Sharing a bowl with Connor, Olivia realized she missed the simply enjoyment of a movie night with people she cared about. She hadn’t had a relaxing evening like this since...the night before she broke things off with Warner.

      He’d accused her of not wanting a traditional lifestyle. Olivia hadn’t disagreed with his accusation. Not because he was right. On the contrary, she desperately wanted marriage and a family of her own. What she didn’t want was marriage to a man who considered her a perfect match for his rigid requirements of a wife.

      Warner hadn’t loved Olivia. He hadn’t even wanted her in his life, not really. He’d only wanted СКАЧАТЬ