Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager. Michelle Celmer
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СКАЧАТЬ set his putter into his golf bag. “I’m seeing Cara tonight.”

      Lance whistled low and long. “Is there an inkling of hope for you two?”

      Kevin glanced at Lance. “Not even a chance.”

      Lance blinked. “You’re saying that you’re over her?”

      Kevin gritted his teeth. Damn right, he was over her. No matter that seeing her yesterday had reminded him of good times they’d shared or that he looked forward to seeing her again tonight. “Yeah, I’m over her.”

      “But you’re taking her out tonight, right?”

      “Yeah, I’m taking her out.”

      “Hey, just tell me to butt out, buddy. But I saw the look on your face yesterday when she called. You were hopping mad. And anger means you still care. And it also means that you’re up to something. I know you, Kevin.”

      “I’m having one last fling with my wife before I sign the divorce papers,” Kevin said in his own defense. “There’s no crime in that.”

      “Unless you have an ulterior motive.”

      Kevin shrugged. “She’ll be here for a couple of weeks.” Thanks to his blackmail.

      After stowing their bags on the back end of the golf cart, he and Lance settled in the seats, Kevin taking the driver’s side.

      “So you plan on dating her, and then what?” Lance wouldn’t give up.

      Kevin stared at him thoughtfully and exhaled. Every one of his friends knew how much Cara had hurt him when she’d left. Though Kevin wouldn’t openly admit his plan to anyone, it wouldn’t be hard for any one of his friends to put two and two together.

      “You’re going to win her back and dump her, aren’t you?” Lance said, his face twisting in disbelief. When Kevin didn’t deny it, Lance shook his head. “Oh, man. Kev, if you have a second chance with someone special, take it. Don’t blow it, the way I almost did with Kate.”

      Kevin tossed Lance’s words back at him. “This is the part where I say, butt out, buddy.”

      He didn’t need a lecture. Ever since Lance had married Kate, he seemed to want everyone else to follow suit. Only Kevin wasn’t shopping for happily-ever-after anymore. He just wanted a little payback for all the heartache and humiliation Cara had caused him.

      “Okay, fine,” Lance said. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

      Later that day, Kevin went to the office to look over some contracts before sending them to his legal department. He wanted a clear head when he picked up Cara. One of the things he’d learned over the past four years was to surround himself with employees he trusted, and delegate the work. He found that freed up more of his time for pleasurable endeavors, which lately amounted to a round of golf or a game of pool with his buddies.

      Anticipation stirred his blood. Cara posed a greater challenge than beating Darius in pool or Lance at golf. And, hell, he had to face facts—he was looking forward to spending his nights with her again.

      Just like old times, a voice in his head said.

      Kevin left the office at five, drove to his apartment, showered, shaved and checked on the arrangements he’d made for his first date with Cara.

      He arrived at her hotel room a little early and knocked on the door.

      “Just a minute,” she called from inside.

      Kevin smiled just hearing the lilt of her sassy voice.

      She opened the door wide and whispered, out of breath, “You’re early.”

      She fixed a silver hoop earring to her lobe, looking a little flustered but beautiful all the same in a black silky dress that showed off her long, shapely dancer’s legs. Her hair curled past her shoulders and was held up on one side by a crystal clip.

      “You look gorgeous, Cara.” He stepped into the room.

      Cara looked him up and down, surprise registering on her face. And before she could comment on his attire, he shook his head and added, “It’s a shame you’re going to have to take off all your clothes.”

      Chapter Three

      Dressed in jeans and wearing leather boots Kevin had provided, Cara sat upon Dream Catcher, the five-year-old mare who had been born at TCC’s stables when Cara had been living with Kevin. Though she had grown up with horses on her parents’ estate, Cara had forgotten how much she loved riding. She and Kevin had taken an occasional ride in their early years of marriage, before he’d been too obsessed with work to take the time.

      The day Dream Catcher was born, Cara had rushed to the stables and the moment she’d seen the feisty little filly, she’d fallen a little bit in love. To sit upon the sweet mare and ride off into the hills of Maverick County with Kevin seemed almost like a dream.

      The Texas sun lowered on the horizon and cast hues of orange-gold over the valley as they rode in silence. There was a quiet settle to the land, a peace like nothing Cara had experienced for a long time. She’d been so caught up in the fast pace of Dallas that she’d forgotten what it was like to be with nature. Kevin seemed to understand that, setting the slow pace and enjoying the scenery. There was an odd sense of comfort being here with him. She could almost forget his blackmail and his manipulation.


      She slid a glance his way and let go a little sigh. Looking just as comfortable atop a horse as he was cutting a deal in his downtown office, Kevin acclimated well. Dressed in solid Wranglers, a blue plaid shirt and black Stetson, her husband dressed down very nicely.

      “You’re staring at me,” he said with a grin.

      “Oh, you’d like to think so.” Caught, Cara averted her gaze, hiding her own grin.

      “I know so. See anything you like?”

      Cara sobered at his question. “I don’t know, Kevin. Do I?”

      Kevin clucked his jaw a few times. “You need to lighten up, Cara. Enjoy the scenery.”

      “And you think you’re part of that scenery?”

      “Me?” he said, lowering the brim of his hat. “No, ma’am. I wouldn’t presume.”

      Cara chuckled. Okay, maybe she should just lighten up. She didn’t like Kevin’s blackmail, but she could enjoy the ride. If for no other reason than that she was atop Dream Catcher on a glorious, latesummer evening.

      “I see a whole lot I like,” Kevin said quietly, after a minute.

      Cara sensed his gaze on her, and a burning heat crawled up her neck. She didn’t dare look at him. A lump formed in her throat. She didn’t trust herself to respond.

      They rode in silence until the dirt path led them to a rise. “Wait here,” Kevin said mysteriously, and clicked his mare into a trot. He rode on about ten yards to the peak of the rise, then turned toward her. “Okay, СКАЧАТЬ