Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager / The Oilman’s Baby Bargain: Texan’s Wedding-Night Wager. Michelle Celmer
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СКАЧАТЬ thighs, where the material of her dress gathered. She refused to squirm under his direct scrutiny. But she wished he’d sit down.

      “Are you getting remarried?”

      His blunt question surprised her. She shook her head. “No.”

      He nodded, folding his arms across his rigid body.

      “It’s just time, Kevin. We need to move on. I’m planning to expand my business and I need to get a large bank loan.”

      “You don’t want my name on anything legal, right?” His eyes narrowed on her.

      “You’re a businessman,” she responded with patience, wondering what happened to the Kevin Novak she’d married. This man seemed so different, so dark and contemptuous. She’d never seen this side of Kevin before. “You know how it works.”

      “Yeah, I know how it works.” His cutting, derisive tone sobered the moment even more.

      Kevin finally took a seat behind his desk. He braced his elbows on the chair arms and steepled his fingers. “Don’t you find it strange that we’re sitting here in my office, speaking formalities?”


      The corner of Kevin’s mouth lifted in a wry smile. “Yeah, strange. Considering how we started out. Hot and heavy from the moment we laid eyes on each other.”

      Cara recalled her college sorority sister’s birthday bash, with balloons and loud music and alcohol flowing. She’d taken one look at Kevin and fallen in love instantly. They’d spent the entire night flirting shamelessly. Cara had never been so aware of her own sensuality until that day. She and Kevin had blown off the party. They’d had a party of their own that night.

      Heat crawled up her neck at the erotic memory. “That’s the past, Kevin.”

      Kevin let her comment drop. He leaned back in his seat and stared into her eyes. “I understand your dance studios are doing very well.”

      Cara’s heart sped up at his implication. She straightened in her seat and leaned forward a bit. “I’m not here for your money, Kevin.” She glanced around the elaborate surroundings. Exquisite Southwest artwork adorned the walls of his very tastefully decorated office. “Though I see you’ve become a huge success. That was always most important to you.”

      Cara made her point and leaned back in her seat, content to put a name on the mistress who’d stolen her marriage from her. “I’m only here for your signature.”

      “And you’ll get it,” Kevin said.

      Oh, boy. That was easy, Cara thought, sighing silently with relief.

      “Under one condition. I want something from you, Cara.”

      So Kevin had terms. She’d be willing to hear him out. She wanted nothing more than to get this whole ordeal over and done with. “I’m willing to do anything, within reason.”

      Kevin grinned a little too widely. “Considering you abandoned me and our marriage, I think my request is quite reasonable.”

      Cara went numb. She didn’t like the look on her husband’s face. “You forced my hand, Kevin. I hung on to our marriage for years, hoping. But you gave me no option—”

      “And I’m giving you no option now. If you want your precious divorce,” he said, “you’ll have to agree to my terms.”

      Chapter Two

      Kevin watched Cara’s sudden panic when his request finally sank in. Momentarily silenced, Cara blinked rapidly, giving him a chance to really look his wife over.

      He hadn’t realized what four years of separation had done to him. He’d never met a woman he admired more than Cara, or thought more beautiful or talented. Cara had it all. He’d always thought so, and everything he’d done, he’d done for her. He’d wanted to prove to her and her wealthy family that she’d married well. That he could give her all the things she deserved.

      God, how he’d loved her.

      Kevin inhaled sharply and Cara’s head snapped up. “You can’t be serious, Kevin.”

      “I’m not joking.”

      Cara stood abruptly and stared straight into his eyes. “No, I don’t suppose you have a sense of humor anymore.”

      He caught a slight whiff of her exotic scent, the same fragrance she’d worn when they’d been truly man and wife. Memories of hot, erotic nights flooded his senses. Of her silky smooth skin against his flesh, her breath against his cheek, her soft, sensual body tucked under his.

      He wanted her again. He’d given her no other choice but to accept his demand. He wouldn’t let Cara have the last laugh. “On the contrary, babe. I have a great sense of humor, when something is funny. This, however, isn’t funny.”

      “It’s ridiculous! You want me to live with you for a week? Why, Kevin?”

      Kevin arched his brows, but remained silent.

      Her blue eyes sparked like raging fire when she caught on. She shook slightly and pointed her finger. “This is blackmail.”

      “You owe me for walking out.”

      Indignant, Cara raised her voice. “You walked out on us!

      Kevin’s gut tightened. “No, Cara,” he said with quiet calm. “I worked hard to give us a good start.”

      Cara shook her head so hard her blond curls whipped across her face. “No, no, no. I won’t let you get away with that. I wanted you. I wanted a family. Children. You only wanted to amass a fortune. You were never there for me, Kevin.”

      He shrugged. He’d heard this all before and he’d never agreed with her take on their marriage. He’d asked for one thing from Cara—patience. He’d wanted to give her the world. “So your solution was to run away?”

      Cara backed up a step and lowered her voice. “I couldn’t do it anymore. I needed more from you.”

      “And leaving Somerset solved the problem for you.” Kevin snapped his fingers. “Just like that, you were gone.”

      A sharp, stinging pain sliced through his gut. Kevin didn’t think Cara had the power to hurt him anymore, but seeing her again brought back all the bitter memories. They’d argued the night before Cara had left and had gone to bed angry with each other, but that was nothing compared to the memory of finding that Cara had slipped out of the house before dawn, leaving only a note in her wake.

      “It wasn’t as easy as you make it seem.” Cara’s pretty mouth turned down. She filled her lungs with a fortifying breath and opened her slim attaché case, pulling out the divorce papers. “If you’ll forget this nonsense and just sign the papers, you and I…”

      “Will be done?”

      Cara closed her eyes. “Yes. Please, Kevin. This is difficult enough.”

      She got that right. СКАЧАТЬ