Fortune's Surprise Engagement. Nancy Thompson Robards
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Название: Fortune's Surprise Engagement

Автор: Nancy Thompson Robards

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474059619


СКАЧАТЬ they’re still together,” Sophie said.

      Olivia shrugged. “Why are they still together? They don’t love each other. Even if they did, what about the general state of society? Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce and the other fifty percent—like our parents—make each other so miserable that divorce probably seems like a preferable option. And that’s why I can see no reason to yearn for a doomed institution. On that note, why don’t we go get something to eat?”

      Her sisters sat stock still, silently staring at her. Rachel looked irritated. Zoe looked shell-shocked and Sophie looked like she was about to burst into tears.

      Uh-oh. Obviously she’d gone too far.

      “Look, you asked.” She softened her tone. “That’s why I didn’t want to get into it.”

      All three were still frozen in their seats. The only thing that moved was the tears meandering down Sophie’s cheeks.


      “Okay. I’m sorry. I understand that y’all are newlyweds—even you, Rach. So your relationships are still shiny and new—”

      Now Sophie was shaking her head.

      Sometimes it was as if she was the only one in her family who didn’t have their head in the clouds. Maybe being the one with a clear head and common sense was her burden. If so, she could deal with it more easily than she could deal with a broken heart. She was a realist when it came to love—it never lasted. Her parents were living proof. Why should she fool herself into believing it would turn out otherwise for herself? Nope. She would save herself the heartache and focus on her career, which was in her control.

      “I’m really sorry,” Olivia said. “I didn’t mean it the way it came out.”

      “Yes, you did.” Sophie’s voice broke and she stood up abruptly. “I’m tired and I want to go to bed.”

      “No, Soph. Come on. We need to get something to eat. I’ve made us a reservation at the Driskill Grill. I’m sure they can seat us early. Come on—”

      “No.” Sophie took off.

      Her sister had barely cleared the bar when Zoe said, “I’ll go check on her.”

      “I’ll come with you,” Olivia offered.

      “No,” Zoe and Rachel said in unison.

      “Stay here,” Zoe said.

      “Bring her back,” Olivia said. “It’s Saturday night. It’s her bachelorette party. We’re supposed to have dinner. And then right after dinner, we’re supposed to have fun.”

      “And clearly not a minute sooner,” Rachel said under her breath, but Olivia heard her loud and clear.

      “That wasn’t very nice,” she said.

      Rachel shrugged. “Look, Olivia, I know you mean well, but why did you do that?”


      “Your down-with-marriage campaign was harsh. Even you have to admit it wasn’t your best moment.”

      She covered her eyes with both palms. “I know. I already said I’m sorry. These Fuzzy Handcuffs are stronger than I realized. I think I’m a little drunk.”

      “Ya think?”

      As if right on cue, Mike delivered another round of five Fuzzy Handcuffs.

      “Who ordered these?” Olivia asked.

      “I thought you wanted another round when you signaled me a few minutes ago.”

      “No, I need water.”

      “Oh, sorry,” he said. “Well, these are on the house. I’ll bring you some water.”

      Rachel stood.

      “Where are you going?” Olivia asked.

      “I’m going to go check on Sophie and Zoe.”

      “I’ll go with you.”

      “No, stay here and drink some water.”

      “Will you please bring them back so we can go to dinner? I think we’re all hungry. That’s probably why the drinks hit us so hard.”

      Rachel sighed. “I’ll try. I’ll text you and let you know what Sophie is up for. Okay?”

      As her sister walked away, Olivia sat down on the love seat. She’d already said too much tonight. The best thing she could do was give her sisters some space.

      Fifteen minutes later, Rachel texted:

      Sophie’s asleep. Zoe is on the phone with Joaquin and frankly, I’m exhausted. I think it would be best if we call it a night and start fresh with the brunch tomorrow morning.

      I’m sorry I ruined the night. I feel so bad.

      Not your fault. I think the reality of the wedding is finally hitting Sophie. She’ll be fine tomorrow.

      Olivia wasn’t mad; she was frustrated. This wasn’t the way tonight was supposed to turn out—her sister in tears and the evening going up in flames.

      Okay, maybe she was a little bit irritated. Why had they pushed her? Why had she been so weak as to give in? Sophie’d get over it. They’d be fine, but she needed to stay away until they all cooled off.

      Olivia texted her again:

      I’ll be up after I get something to eat. Want me to bring you something?

      Thanks, but no. I’m going to talk to Matteo and then I’ll call it a night. Are you okay? Do you just want to come up to the suite and order room service?

      It dawned on Olivia that her married sisters missed their husbands. Melancholy pushed at Olivia’s heart. As she looked up from her phone, thinking about how to answer, she caught Alejandro Mendoza looking at her. This time she didn’t look away.

      She had plenty of drinks in front of her and a reservation for dinner for four that was about to become dinner for two. Olivia texted: I’m fine.

      And she was about to get a whole lot better.

      * * *

      Alejandro couldn’t hear what the Fortune Robinson sisters were talking about on the other side of the bar, but one minute they’d been toasting, raising their Fuzzy Handcuffs high, and the next it looked like they were arguing.

      He shouldn’t have been watching them. They were out for a girls’ night, which appeared innocent enough, but what man in his right mind could’ve kept his eyes off such a collection of beauties? They were like magnets. He couldn’t help but steal glances their way. His brothers were lucky men. Sophie would soon be married. What about Olivia? No doubt he’d meet the fortunate dude who’d claimed her heart at the wedding.

      They’d СКАЧАТЬ