Fortune's Surprise Engagement. Nancy Thompson Robards
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Название: Fortune's Surprise Engagement

Автор: Nancy Thompson Robards

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474059619


СКАЧАТЬ did you get in?” Rachel asked.

      “A couples of hours ago. I came in early to take care of some business before the wedding.”

      All of the Mendoza men had been blessed by the tall, dark and handsome Latin gene, but Alejandro seemed to have gotten an extra helping of good looks. Olivia wondered how she’d failed to notice that before now. Of course, she’d only seen him on two other occasions: Rachel’s and Zoe’s weddings. She’d brought dates both times, so she hadn’t exactly been looking.

      “You came in from Miami, right?” Olivia asked. She did remember that much.

      He turned his sultry gaze on her.

      “I did.”

      “I didn’t realize you had business ties to Austin,” Sophie asked. “What do you do, Alejandro?”

      “I’m in the wine business,” he said. “I’m a wine sales rep, but I’m in town because I’m in the process of buying a small vineyard about twenty miles west of here.”

      Zoe’s mouth fell open. “Your very own vineyard? That’s so cool. Why hasn’t Joaquin mentioned it?”

      Alejandro shrugged. “Until last week, it was still up in the air, but everything finally fell into place. I’m going to meet with the owners tomorrow and do one last walk-through before we finalize the deal.”

      “Which winery?” Rachel asked.

      “It’s called Hummingbird Ridge.” He kept stealing glances at Olivia.

      “I’ve never known anyone who’s actually owned a winery,” Sophie mused. “I’d love to see it. Can you give us a tour?”

      Alejandro’s brows shot up as he considered the possibility. “I’m sure I can arrange a tasting for you. Is there time this week?”

      Everyone looked at Olivia as if she was the keeper of the schedule. There were events and outings scheduled for every day of wedding week—tours of Austin for those from out of town, rounds of golf, tennis matches, couples’ massages, luncheons, teas and dinners. But with a guest list close to five hundred people, the only activity they would all be doing as a group was watching the couples exchange their vows and celebrating at the reception afterward.

      “How many people could you accommodate?” Olivia asked him.

      “I’d say about two dozen,” he told her. “Of course, I’ll have to check with the winery and see how their availability looks. But this is their slow time of year when they don’t get many large groups. It shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe you can start organizing on your end and we can touch base and coordinate. Give me your number.”

      Out of the corner of her eye, Olivia saw Sophie elbow Zoe. The only reason she didn’t make a face at them was because she didn’t want to draw Alejandro’s attention to their antics.

      Olivia rattled off her cell number and Alejandro put it in his phone, calling her to make sure he’d input the right digits. When her phone rang, Olivia entered his name.

      “There,” she said. “We should be all set.”

      Mike reappeared with a tray full of hot-pink cocktails. True to the drink’s name, a pink-and-black fuzzy handcuff graced the stem of each frosted martini glass. A drink stirrer that seemed to be exploding silver tinsel decorated the top. The tray looked like a mini Fourth of July fireworks display.

      As the five women expressed their delight, Mike looked pleased, but Alejandro took a step back.

      “Why don’t you join us for a drink, Alejandro?” Rachel said.

      “Actually, he’s welcome to mine,” said Dana. “As much as I hate to leave this fabulous soiree, I have to go pick up my maid of honor from the airport. It’s a pretty long haul out there. I really shouldn’t drink and drive. I’m so eager to hug Monica. It’s been ages. And she’s bringing my wedding dress. She’s letting me borrow an antique dress that belonged to her grandmother. I’ve seen pictures, but I haven’t had a chance to try it on yet. I’m a little anxious about it. That’s one of the reasons I need to go. I hope you understand.”

      Their future sister-in-law’s early departure wasn’t a surprise. Monica had made her reservations nearly simultaneously with Olivia finalizing the plans for the bachelorette party. While they wanted her to stay, they understood. Monica was like family to Dana, who had lost her parents in an accident when she was twelve and had grown up in foster care. While the guardianship had been adequate, it hadn’t been warm enough to warrant keeping in touch or inviting them to the wedding.

      The redhead, whose style was more boho-vintage than traditional, would look perfect in an antique gown. She twirled a long strand of copper hair around her index finger and drew in an audible breath.

      “Wow. My maid of honor is arriving and I finally get to try on my dress. I guess that means this wedding is really happening.” She put a hand on her heart. “I can’t believe it’s finally here.”

      The look of love was so evident in Dana’s sparkling blue eyes that for the briefest moment, a pang of envy stabbed at Olivia’s insides. It was an odd feeling. If given the chance, she wouldn’t change places with her sisters. She cherished her independence. Even though the thought of tying herself to one man for the rest of her life made her feel claustrophobic, she was happy for her sisters. It was the happiness that she envied.

      “I know.” Sophie swooned. Feeling like an outsider, Olivia watched Rachel and Zoe coo right along with Dana and Sophie.

      Her little sister, Sophie, and Mason Montgomery had gotten engaged in February, and just last month her brother, Kieran, had asked Dana to be his wife. Her siblings were certainly falling like flies bitten by the love bug. Olivia was the only one who hadn’t succumbed. Even so, just because she didn’t believe in the institution of marriage, it didn’t mean she couldn’t be happy for them.

      That’s precisely why she’d decided to go all out for Sophie and Dana’s bachelorette party. Olivia couldn’t resist a good party, especially when the guests of honor were women she adored and it gave her a chance to get together with her sisters Zoe and Rachel. Who, other than herself, could she trust to make sure that every detail was perfect?

      “I’m so sorry you can’t stay,” said Sophie. “Why don’t you pick up Monica and bring her back here? She could join us for dinner. As far as we’re concerned, the more the merrier. Right?”

      The sisters nodded. But Dana’s left shoulder rose and fell. “As much as I’d love to, I can’t. Monica is bound to be exhausted. But we will definitely come for brunch tomorrow, if that’s still okay.”

      “We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Rachel said. “I’m sure you want a chance to catch up with Monica before everyone gets swept away by the festivities leading up to the wedding. It’s going to be a busy week. And I know you want to try on your dress. I wish we could be there for that.”

      Sophie reached out and squeezed Dana’s hand. “Of course, we completely understand. Monica needs to be rested up for the wedding. This really is the calm before the storm hits.”

      Something that sounded like a cross between a squeak and a squeal escaped from Sophie and she covered her mouth with both hands. She shook СКАЧАТЬ