Double Identity. Annette Broadrick
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Название: Double Identity

Автор: Annette Broadrick

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472036971


СКАЧАТЬ and without pretense and he enjoyed her company.

      They didn’t talk much on the way back to San Antonio. He slipped a CD into the console, one with quiet instrumentals that continued their pleasant mood.

      She gave him directions to her apartment building and he found it with no problem. After he opened the front door, he took her hand and didn’t release it as they walked up the stairs to the second floor and down the hallway to her apartment. She paused in front of the door and turned to him.

      “This has been a magical evening for me,” Carina said. “Thank you for inviting me.”

      “I’m glad to hear it because I’d like to see you again soon.”

      She smiled. “How soon?”

      “Tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that,” he said with a grin.

      “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, is it? Seeing me will slow you down in your hunt for that perfect companion.”

      He winced. “I’m really not that bad. I’d appreciate it if you’d give me a chance to redeem myself.”

      Somehow they had moved closer to each other, so close he could lean over and kiss her. Because kissing her seemed so natural, he lowered his head as she raised hers.

      He cupped her face in his hands and explored her delectable mouth. She stiffened when he first touched her and he started to pull away and apologize when she relaxed and flowed into his arms.

      Jude had no idea how long they stood there. He continued to kiss her and caress her face and shoulders. He knew she could feel the effect she had on him. By the time he finally let her go, he was having trouble breathing and his heart was pumping like an overworked engine.

      “I’m sor—” he began. She placed her fingers over his mouth.

      “I’m not,” she said. “It was a perfect ending for the evening.” She stepped back and smiled at him.

      He cleared his throat, but still sounded a little hoarse when he said, “You’d better go inside.”

      Her smile was mischievous. “Yes, that’s probably a good idea.”

      He offered her a rueful look and gave a tiny shrug. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” he asked, brushing his knuckles beneath her chin in a soft caress.

      She took a deep breath and exhaled, and for a moment she looked a little uncertain. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath until she nodded and said, “Okay, I’d like that,” and went inside, carefully closing the door between them.


      John, Hal and Ruth were in the living room when Jude walked into the house from the garage.

      “How was your date?” Ruth asked.

      “It’s a start. What’s going on with y’all?”

      John laughed. “Oh, boy. That Texas twang has definitely gotten thicker since we got here, Crenshaw.”

      Hal said, “I’ve got a couple of names for you to keep a watch out for—Ross Davies and Patrick Sullivan.”

      Jude sank into one of the easy chairs. “Who are they?”

      “Two of the agents working here who have acquired offshore numbered accounts. They covered their tracks—but not so well that Schilling in Financial couldn’t pick them up. And both accounts have very healthy balances.”

      “Do we know where the deposits came from?”

      “No, but we’re working on it.”


      Ruth spoke up, “After following them for weeks, we finally saw them meeting with Al Patterson.”

      John said, “If you can get close enough to the family, maybe you’ll be able to find out something about them.”

      “Did you get any information from Carina we don’t already have?” Ruth asked.

      “Not yet. But I’m working on it.”

      Hal said, “If you don’t impress her, I can always step in for that part of the assignment, Crenshaw.”

      Jude looked at the cocky agent and made a rude hand gesture, causing the other three to laugh.

      “So what’s it like to be dating a suspect?” Hal asked more seriously.

      “Weird, but this whole setup has been weird. I’ve gone out with more women in the past six months than I have my entire lifetime.”

      “Ohh,” Ruth said, “Poor baby.”

      Jude grinned. “Yeah, I know, but when I’m called on to sacrifice myself for the country’s security, I’m right there.”

      Ruth stood and said, “Well, it’s getting a little too deep in here for me, so I’ll see you guys in the morning.” She looked at Hal. “What time do you want to leave?”

      “Nine is early enough, I think.”

      “Well, good night all,” Ruth said, and left the room.

      Jude looked at John. “Any sign of anyone on the property?”

      “Nope. Our cover seems to be working here in the neighborhood.”

      Jude rolled his eyes. “Hal and Ruth are married, you’re her brother and you’re all old friends visiting me. Some cover.”

      “It works,” Hal said. “Unfortunately, Ruth isn’t interested in playing house once we’re inside the house.”

      “Who are you kidding, Pennington? If Littlefield ever gave you the green light you’d take off running in the opposite direction.”

      Hal laughed. “True. Very true. I’m not interested in dating any woman who’s trained to maim a male in so many ways. I’ll keep looking, if it’s all the same to everybody.”

      Jude stretched and yawned. “I’m going to bed now. I’ve got to figure out a way to see Carina tomorrow and all the days after that.”

      “Like I say, you’ve got the toughest assignment of all,” Hal pointed out.

      Jude would never admit to anyone that he was nervous about getting Carina to go out with him again. Once she had time to think about it, she might decide not to get involved.

      Too much was riding on his being the kind of man she might want to date. Any slip could be enough to turn her off.

      He thought about his two older brothers and how they would chortle if they knew he was worrying about his sex appeal. He’d always been competitive with them, determined to show them that anything they could do, he could do.

      Except get married, of course. He’d leave all that to them.

      Jude СКАЧАТЬ