Double Identity. Annette Broadrick
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Название: Double Identity

Автор: Annette Broadrick

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472036971


СКАЧАТЬ least you knew Dan loved you.”

      “Of course he did. That’s why he had a woman with him the night he was killed. I was such a fool to think he was in love with me and not the Patterson name. Al wouldn’t have hired him if I hadn’t been engaged to Dan and you know it.”

      “I guess you’re right. All men are slimeballs and we’re both better off without them,” Marisa said politely with no expression on her face.

      Carina laughed and Marisa joined in. After they polished off their pastries and got more coffee, Carina said, “This probably isn’t a great time to mention it, but I have a date with Jude Crenshaw Saturday evening.”

      Marisa stared at her, her cup of coffee halfway to her mouth. She set the mug back on the table.

      “You’re kidding me! He asked you out?”

      “Don’t sound so shocked. He asked me while we were dancing at the benefit last week.”

      “I guess I’m more shocked that you accepted him. You’ve known for days and you’re just now telling me about it? Boy, when you decide to start dating again, you don’t mess around! Jude Crenshaw. He’s one of the most talked-about bachelors in town! I can’t begin to imagine how many hearts he’s broken since he moved here.”

      Carina shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. He certainly won’t break mine. I’ve been thinking that I need to get back into some sort of social life. Since Dan died, I’ve hibernated in my apartment feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to move on and accept the fact that I have lousy taste in men. I figure Jude will be a good first step in letting people know I’m ready to start dating again.”

      “I know a couple of women who’ve dated him. They both had the same experience with him. He saw them a few times, they hit it off, he was a fun date, rarely if ever serious about anything and they were both really taken with him. And then, for no reason that either of them could fathom, he stopped calling them. Just like that.” Marisa snapped her fingers. “He gave no explanation to either one. The next thing either of them knew he was seeing someone else. He definitely believes in playing the field.”

      “Good. Then he’s perfect for me because that’s what I want to do. I admit I’m a little flattered that he even noticed me since I’m not his type. He seems to go for tall blondes. I haven’t gone out with that many men and I’ve never been serious about anyone but Dan. I’m sadly lacking in my dating skills.”

      “Not to mention lack of a sex life.”

      Carina grinned mischievously. “That, too. I may not put up much of a defense if Mr. Crenshaw insists on seducing me.”

      “Come to think of it,” Marisa said, sounding disgruntled, “Maybe I need to get a boyfriend on the side, then, since my sex life has all but disappeared.”

      They looked at each other for a moment and then burst into laughter.

      Carina changed the subject and they spent the rest of their time together discussing what had gone on at the board meeting of the symphony the night before. Carina had been on the board since she’d returned from New York after her father became ill.

      After a while, Marisa glanced at her watch. “Oops. Time to pick up the kiddos. Be sure to let me know how your date goes, okay?” They stood and walked toward the door of the small bakery.

      “I’ll do that, and say hi to the kids.”

      Marisa sighed. “Of course.” They paused once they were on the sidewalk. “You know, Carina, there are times when I don’t feel I even know Al any more. He’s certainly not the man I married.”

      Carina gently squeezed her hand. “Hang in there. I know you’ll make the best decision for all concerned.”

      Carina dressed for her dinner with Jude on Saturday wondering how the evening would go. Would he find her too boring for words?

      Carina sank down onto her bed and smoothed the hand-stitched coverlet her grandmother in Mexico had made for her several years ago. She closed her eyes and visualized Jude with his blond, expensively styled hair and those gorgeous blue eyes.

      He was much taller than she. Danny had only been a couple of inches taller when she wore high heels. Even in her highest heels, she had barely reached Jude’s shoulder.

      He’d been so gentle with her, almost as if he’d thought she might break. If he got to know her better, he’d quickly discover that she was far from fragile. She kept her body strong and supple with tai chi and yoga.

      Of course he was handsome. And rich. And something of a playboy. But did she care about his playing the field? She’d told Marisa the truth. She wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship.

      Carina glanced at her watch. Jude would be here soon and she didn’t want to keep him waiting. For all she knew, he might decide not to wait for her. He probably had a list of women’s names he could call at the last minute if he chose to leave. She smiled at the thought. I wonder if my name will be added to that list?

      Jude stopped his car in front of the gate to the grounds of the Patterson property, located in the Alamo Heights district of San Antonio. Some of these mansions had been in the same family for generations, so he wasn’t too surprised to discover that the Pattersons’ home was here. He pushed the button on the security box and a male voice immediately spoke. “Identification, please.”

      “Jude Crenshaw, here to see Carina Patterson.”

      There was a pause and then the double wrought-iron gates swung open. He drove through and followed the curving driveway up an incline to the front of the house.

      The Pattersons’ compound took up the entire block. Jude noted two other houses situated nearby. Guest houses, he presumed. The estate was almost large enough to hold a golf course!

      He parked in front of the antebellum-style home and got out. Before he reached the top of the three shallow steps to the veranda, one of the double doors swung open. The man who stood there looked more like a former cop than a butler.

      “Good evening, Mr. Crenshaw,” the man said. “Carina is in the music room. Follow the hallway past the stairs and enter the first door on your right.”

      The foyer was wide and ran the entire length of the house. The staircase rose in a graceful curve to the second floor. Jude glanced up, past the second-floor landing at the ceiling and saw a multi-beveled glass dome that let in light.

      When he reached the indicated door, Jude saw Carina seated at a piano, playing, her back him. He stood listening to her. Because her file had noted her passion for music, he’d immersed himself in classical music by attending concerts for the past several months. He was impressed by her skills, despite the fact that he much preferred country-and-western music.

      Now he was known as a patron of the arts.

      He doubted very much if his dad or his three brothers would believe that he’d actually come to appreciate the skill, practice and talent needed to play a musical instrument that wasn’t a guitar.

      One of the walls had floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over a lush garden, making a colorful backdrop to the grand piano and the musician. He waited until she finished the song and then clapped his hands in appreciation. Carina’s head swung around in СКАЧАТЬ