The Christmas Proposition. Cindy Kirk
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Название: The Christmas Proposition

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408978733


СКАЧАТЬ pride filled Lexi’s voice.

      “I still can’t believe you fell in love with a man who didn’t know his own name.” Mary Karen handed July a sheet of cheese sticks to put in the oven.

      “I didn’t need to know his name or that he loved football to recognize he was someone special.” Lexi’s eyes turned dreamy. “Or to fall hard for him.”

      “Two weddings in less than a year.” July closed the oven door and straightened. Her speculative gaze settled on Mary Karen and Rachel. “You realize good things come in threes. That means one of you is next.”

      Rachel held up both hands, palms out, and shook her head.

      Mary Karen laughed uproariously. “I have three little boys to raise,” she said when she could finally speak. “I don’t need a fourth.”

      July chuckled, then fixed her gaze on Rachel. “Come on, Rach. Can’t I interest you in a husband?”

      “No husband for me.” This was a discussion Rachel had had with her friends many times. Whenever they brought up the subject, she usually just laughed it off … or changed the subject. “But I will take a glass of wine.”

      Mary Karen lifted a half-empty bottle of merlot from the counter just as the doorbell rang. She paused, the bottle hovering over the glass. A frown furrowed her brows. “I wonder who that could be?”

      “I’ll go see.” Rachel pulled off the bulky mitt and tossed it on the counter. “Just don’t let anyone near my wine.”

      Rachel hurried past the living room full of cheering men and the family room where the kids sat watching a video. She waved at Mickie, wondering who else was coming. Although now that she thought about it, upon arrival Travis had mentioned something to her about inviting a guy he’d met skiing today. Pasting a smile of welcome on her face, Rachel opened the door.

      She froze. Her breath caught in her throat. Standing on the porch was the last person she expected to see tonight. “Derek. Hello. It’s … uh … good to see you.”

      Rachel couldn’t stop the pleasure that sluiced through her at the sight of the man who’d consumed her thoughts the past five days. She told herself she was so happy because she’d been worried about him and was relieved to see him looking so … fabulous. Instead of being clouded with pain, his eyes were a clear blue. A slight bruising at his left temple seemed to be the only residual from the accident last week.

      Yes, she was very happy he’d recovered so completely. Last weekend she’d picked up the phone five or six times to find out how he was doing. But each time she’d clicked off without placing the call, worried that after her fan-girl ramblings, he’d misinterpret the reason for the follow-up.

      “This is a pleasant surprise.” Derek’s gaze slowly surveyed her from head to toe.

      Rachel shivered. She reassured herself that the response had nothing to do with the heat in his eyes. It was simply because of the frigid temperatures. As if to further substantiate her explanation, the wind gusted, dusting his hair with white flakes and almost pulling the door from her hands.

      “Come in, please.” Rachel stepped back and motioned him inside. “It’s freezing out there.”

      The second he was in the house, Rachel shut the door behind him. “I’ve wondered how you were doing.”

      “All you needed to do was call,” he said in a teasing tone, his gaze never leaving her face. “You had my number.”

      Rachel wiped her sweaty palms against her jeans, battling unexpected butterflies. She smiled sweetly. “And you had mine.”

      “Touché.” He chuckled and rocked back on his heels. “Well, it appears that despite our mutual lack of effort, our paths were meant to cross again.”

      “Looks that way.” Suddenly Rachel was glad she’d chosen to wear her favorite blue sweater tonight, the one that matched her eyes. It gave her extra confidence to see the appreciation in Derek’s gaze.

      “Travis Fisher invited me.” Derek glanced around as if expecting the man to materialize. Instead, a loud roar sounded from the living room. “Does he live here?”

      Rachel could barely hear the question over the cheering in the other room.

      “No, but you’re at the right place,” she said once the noise died down. Rachel gestured toward the living room. “Travis and the other guys are in there. Before you join them, let me take your coat.”

      Derek shrugged out of his jacket and handed it over, his hand brushing hers. His eyes darkened for a second as if he’d felt the same spark that shot up her arm.

      Static electricity, she told herself. Simple static electricity.

      “Is this your house?” His expression gave nothing away. It was almost as if they were polite strangers, which was what they were … right?

      She clutched his coat tight against her. Still warm from the heat of his body, it retained the spicy scent of his cologne. “The house belongs to a friend of mine, Mary Karen Vaughn. She and Travis go way back.”

      “Do they live here together?”

      Rachel couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, my goodness, no.”

      Everyone knew Mary Karen and Travis were tight. But living under the same roof with three small boys was a Travis impossibility.

      “Derek, my man.”

      Travis’s deep voice sounded behind her. “Glad you could make it. Looks like you and Rachel are getting acquainted.”

      Derek smiled, relieved to see the man who’d invited him. And even more relieved to know Travis and Rachel weren’t involved. “Actually, Rachel and I crossed paths last weekend at the Pitching and Catching Workshop.”

      “Really?” Travis turned to Rachel with a questioning glance. “I didn’t know you liked base— Oof.”

      A small boy who looked to be about five years old slammed into Travis’s side. A second boy who was the spitting image of the first—with the same mop of blond curls—immediately appeared. If not for the devilish gleam in their eyes, the two might have been mistaken for little angels.

      “Mom needs your help,” the one who’d done the initial body slam said to Travis.

      The second boy shoved his twin hard, almost knocking him off his feet. “She told me to ask him.”

      “Enough.” Derek stared in amazement as Travis grabbed both boys by the shoulder with firm hands and turned them around to face him.

      “These two hellions are Connor and Caleb Vaughn.” Travis’s gaze shifted and his lips curved up in a smile. “That beautiful creature headed our way is their mother—and our hostess for the evening—Mary Karen.”

      The young woman looked more like a college student than a mother. Her blond hair was a little lighter than Rachel’s and eyes weren’t quite as blue. While her smile was warm and friendly, her eyes had a decidedly curious gleam. She held out her hand.

      “Welcome. I’m СКАЧАТЬ